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Winter of discontent.


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Lots of strikes are planned across services I thought it would be interesting to compare pay rises in the different services compared to that of MP's. I cant find anything more recent. 

Since 2010 to 2018

Police have had the largest real wage drop—around £4,300 in eight years. Newly qualified teachers now earn around £2,500 less, followed by newly qualified nurses whose wages have dropped by £1,900. MPs' salaries have effectively risen in line with inflation.  Using our inflation calculation they got a slight pay reduction of £50, though if you do the calculation slightly differently it comes out as a marginal pay rise.


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37 minutes ago, matone said:

The media are the government in this country ,they have much to be held to account for imho.

Yep.  Totally true.  They are just a load of gremlins stirring the pot for their own adjenda and ultimately costing the country a fortune.  In wartime they would be considered to be saboteurs and fifth columnists.  Vermin in other words

Edited by Minky
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Hello, I understand where you coming from oowee but don't forget there's many millions of hard working citizens in UK who do not have the clout to strike for more pay, holding the country to ransom is not the way to go at this time, I thought we were in a recession 🤔

1 minute ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, I understand where you coming from oowee but don't forget there's many millions of hard working citizens in UK who do not have the clout to strike for more pay, holding the country to ransom is not the way to go at this time, I thought we were in a recession 🤔

Do we want another 1978/79 winter of discontent ??

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15 minutes ago, button said:

I'm quite astounded at the demands been made in respect of pay rises, I work for a very profitable PLC and have never got pay rises like they are asking for, I think double digit requests are just not reasonable 

indeed provided you are happy to see your standard of living decline, as your pay now buys less. Is your profitable PLC CEO also thinking like you for their remuneration?

Challenging times ahead with a lot of pain yet to come for many as household income falls due to high information and outgoing rise significantly.


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41 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, I understand where you coming from oowee but don't forget there's many millions of hard working citizens in UK who do not have the clout to strike for more pay, holding the country to ransom is not the way to go at this time, I thought we were in a recession 🤔

Do we want another 1978/79 winter of discontent ??


31 minutes ago, button said:

I'm quite astounded at the demands been made in respect of pay rises, I work for a very profitable PLC and have never got pay rises like they are asking for, I think double digit requests are just not reasonable 

Seems to me for all public workers we decide what they are worth then there should be some sort of inflation based pay rise. That was in place for some of the services but then the awards were not made. We can't currently fill the places in some of the services (partly due to training) and some of that is down to pay rates. 

Many of the sectors have had pay freezes for years making the gap bigger than it would otherwise be. 

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49 minutes ago, rbrowning2 said:

indeed provided you are happy to see your standard of living decline, as your pay now buys less. Is your profitable PLC CEO also thinking like you for their remuneration?

Challenging times ahead with a lot of pain yet to come for many as household income falls due to high information and outgoing rise significantly.


Nobody wants to see their standard of living decline, but who pays for these pay rises?

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when i was starting my "responsible" married life....when i went to the mortgage broker i had to take 10 payslips proving that the house i wanted to buy was not more than 2.5 x my annual income......if it wasnt i could get 100% mortgage..........

to do that now...a normal person would need to be earning at least £100,000 /year....................so really i cant moan at anyone going on strike...the rich get richer  (which i havt a problem with...)...but the poor get poorer.......

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I wonder if its time for people to pay a small fee to see the doctor like they do the dentist

I went in for some stitches the other day and was talking with some of the staff and they said they keep seeing so many people day after day week after week with such minor minor issues - would this stop them ? I know it may stop someone really ill who needs help but the alternative of collapse is no better

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1 minute ago, jall25 said:

I wonder if its time for people to pay a small fee to see the doctor like they do the dentist

I went in for some stitches the other day and was talking with some of the staff and they said they keep seeing so many people day after day week after week with such minor minor issues - would this stop them ? I know it may stop someone really ill who needs help but the alternative of collapse is no better

It's funny but when people have to pay, they normally don't need it anymore, I'm for charging for missed appointments also

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I have it in my simple mind that double digit wage awards are only valid if world events carry on as they are. If Russia stops destroying Ukraine and grain shipments and gas flows and even coal for the time being return to normal then they have set a precedent. If .gov and other employers HAVE to relent, I think it should be for a limited period only to accommodate inflation reduction if that occurs.

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42 minutes ago, jall25 said:

I wonder if its time for people to pay a small fee to see the doctor like they do the dentist

I went in for some stitches the other day and was talking with some of the staff and they said they keep seeing so many people day after day week after week with such minor minor issues - would this stop them ? I know it may stop someone really ill who needs help but the alternative of collapse is no better


39 minutes ago, button said:

It's funny but when people have to pay, they normally don't need it anymore, I'm for charging for missed appointments also

A big problem is too many users for too small a service provision. We are desperately short of care home staff and as a result we have patients blocking hospital beds as theater is nowhere to move them too. This in turn is leading to deaths with critically ill patients unable to be admitted. If bed blockers cannot be moved on we need another alternative for those that cannot pay. Or we pay more for workers.

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6 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

We no longer have a functioning Govt, they have lost control of absolutely everything.

Absolutely how I see it… for ages they had lost control of their own party in Westminster … now they have lost control of almost everything!! 

Their position is no longer tenable … a GE MUST be called! 

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1 hour ago, oowee said:


A big problem is too many users for too small a service provision. We are desperately short of care home staff and as a result we have patients blocking hospital beds as theater is nowhere to move them too. This in turn is leading to deaths with critically ill patients unable to be admitted. If bed blockers cannot be moved on we need another alternative for those that cannot pay. Or we pay more for workers.

Everyone clapped for the NHS … because clapping was free 🤣


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There is to many free hand outs in this country for example Heating allowance apart from this year how many people on here actually use it to heat their homes another is  Buss passes i have one and never used it but it must have cost to provide me with it. Here in Wales free prescriptions if had to pay you wouldn't have so many   in the Doctors with nonsense ailments a lot of it should be means tested  

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