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Violence in London again


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46 minutes ago, ditchman said:

Lets face it ...the politicle system due to the action of small high profile action groups ...has lost control of our country

it will get worse and worse and worse.....and then there will be a blood bath....due to a very viscous kick back..........

Totally agree if those arrested even get to court it'll not be much in the way of sentence.Theres just no deterrent.

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2 hours ago, countryman said:

Not much on the news about this , GB news we’re reporting on it today, only 8 arrests, look how many had clubs hitting the Police vans, if you or I did this we would be locked up and  criminal convictions on our records for ever more. Disgusting how our country has become.

Mail on line….https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12914013/Eritrean-protesters-attacked-Met-police-vans-sticks-lawless-scenes-outside-South-London-theatre-community-tensions-boiled-four-cops-hurt-eight-people-arrested.html

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21 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

We need civil service reform first.  If not this lefty/woke body will continue to effectively block everything they don't like as they are still doing with both Brexit and immigration.

But the UN seems to be able to send asylum seekers to Rwanda...https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12911401/asylum-seekers-Rwanda-Britain-migrants.html

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How many hours or days will it be before all the do-gooders start moaning about how violent the police were in the way they treated these poor demonstrators? And how long before the whole Libour party gets itself energized into bemoaning the government for not being so incisive with the treatment meted out by the police during the insurrection?  Many questions still to ask but lets not all get ahead of the sympathisers who do sod all to support the Government ((who dont make it hard to find fault with  them because of their lack of leadership and insisting that the laws and the rules by which we all live - are not being dealt with all across the board).  Maybe we should all go the one of the countries all these objectors come from and start kicking up hell over there - bet it wont last long before we are all in jail on minimum rations.


Edited by Pushkin
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3 hours ago, Yellow Bear said:

We need civil service reform first.  If not this lefty/woke body will continue to effectively block everything they don't like as they are still doing with both Brexit and immigration.

Agreed, but all that would take would be a political party with the vision and drive to bring them to heal.

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They come to this country are welcomed with open arms then riot and this is only done because of woke idiots gov civil service past and present allowing it to flourish. If this happened in their own countries jail or worse would happen       here? warm bed and food and allowed to carry on and not a word from politicians of any party why?

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