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Your best film or films?


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Seeing as there is a lot of Hot Fuzz in another thread,

I thought I would ask….


whats your favourite film or films and why??

I would have to say Hot fuzz or Titanic

Hot fuzz because I love the setting, story and cast, and titanic because I love the history and story and conspiracies behind it!

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17 minutes ago, Zoli 12 guage said:

unfortunately you've fallen at the first fence as this was the book and the film was called "Kes"

i'm going to say it's the first "alien" film for me.

Alien gave me nightmares...never watched all of them.....sorry im a wus

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Jurassic Park is top. As for a top 5, it's sort of TARDIS-like - it includes a lot more than 5 films.

Dr Strangelove would be in there, as would Gladiator (extended edition). Tinker, Tailer, Soldier, Spy. Last of the Mohicans, Jaws, Midway maybe? Plus a few I've forgotten...All depends when you happen to ask me!

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5 minutes ago, Penelope said:

Not my 'best', but watched this the other night. Very entertaining and a true story to boot!!


Good one, I will be watching this shortly.

Fav films ? in no order

Cool hand Luke

Nuts in May

One flew over the Cuckoos nest

Shawshank redemption

The shooter

Life of Brian


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8 hours ago, Miserableolgit said:

Battle of Britain [1969]

My pal and I went to the filming at Hawkinge aerodrome and were offered jobs as extras at £2 per day. However, we were told to come back the next day with our hairs cut. That was too much of a sacrifice for two twenty one year olds so didn’t return. We did watch a lot of the filming and I remember watching who I now know as Ian McShane (Lovejoy) as he was as short as me. Also saw Kenneth More and was taken by the bright blue eyes of Susanna York when she walked towards the camera in one scene. There were other famous actors, Michael Caine etc. it was interesting to see the ‘effects’ of a burning plane made from plywood.


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I haven't really watched that many films as I start getting bored half way through but me and my wife went to see the first Jaws at the cinema and we really enjoyed it , a few years later we went to see Titanic and again very enjoyable , haven't been to the ( flicks ) cinema since the first showing of Titanic.     MM

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53 minutes ago, PeterHenry said:

I agree with 'Lawrence of Arabia' and 'Dr Strangelove' as contenders.

I'd also add 'Ice Cold in Alex' and 'The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp'

excellent classic film....once again it is a film with a true story

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My selection are both documentaries and most probably because I saw them filmed in IMAX which really added to the atmosphere.

Ghosts of the Abyss (2003) Using Russian deep submersibles and mini cameras on umbilical cables to penetrate the wreck. Some amazing footage.

Everest (1998) filmed in 1996 at the time when another group of climbers became trapped near the summit by a blizzard. Eight died. Some memorable moments.

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