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Lucky to be alive


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You woz lucky there mate and so am I it seems - was passenger in mates Disco 5 coming up M5 just past Frankley services at 70 when a new Mini pulled along side and pointed to rear of Disco - mate backed off and bang - rear off side let go - did a bit of a wobble but it ran virtually straight and we got to hard shoulder - looking at yours I have now said a prayer.



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A very close call there Dave. Good to know you and dog walked away with only bumps and bruises.


Pavman, I'd probably be looking to change my tyres now if I was in your shoes. That or drive around like a geriatric for the time being (I'm sure there's a line there for someone).

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Good effort! You haven't crashed a car til you've got it on its roof in a ditch! :yes: Glad you're ok though! I did something very similar a few years back in my little runaround but on black ice and ended up with a bit of whiplash and a nasty bruise to my shin.


This is it after it had been righted, got a bit of a shock with the amount of damage just about my head :yes:


When the medic came and had checked me out he asked where i was off to and when i said the rifle range he asked if i wanted a lift the rest of the way! :yes: But the spoil sport copper wouldn't let me 'abandon' the wreck :yes:




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Had a bit of a spin on xmas eve with 3 kids the turkey and ham and all the xmas drink in hte freelander. Lost control in the snow spun 180 degrees and headed backwards along a hedgerow just missing several concrete fence posts. Although not in the smae league of crashes when your kids are with you your main concern is them.


So I have an idea of how you felt as you went spinning through the air, and everytthing does seem to happen in slow motion. Glad your dog is ok, buy better tyres the next time :yes:

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