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Great to be Back

pigeon controller

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Its great to be back in the UK , while I've been away DB had to cover with some help from the Coventry lads. So Friday saw us setting out looking for stubbles or laid wheat , I had a number of phone calls when I was away and we went to check them out first only to find other shooters out enjoying the summer sport. We found some barley with a few laid areas with birds flighting in but watching it for a good twenty minutes they went to a further field. We phoned the farmer and he said that the field that they are going on has been cut . We asked if we could drive round and shoot the stubble, he said that we could shoot but the land owner has banned all none farming vehicles from the farm so we would have to yomp it . We decided to travel light, so we went with rucksack with hide,cartridges, flask, pigeon bags and carried guns and hide poles. When we arrived at the field we set the hide at the side of the flightline and shot birds flighting in, these we used as decoys for the day. We shot till 18.00 and proceded to carry the lot back to the Disco and laid the birds out for the photo, the total for the day was one hundred and eighteen so it was a great return.


Saturday saw us driving about looking for birds again we drove past three of our farms and again they had shooters set up. As we drove down to look at some pea and rape stubble we found Bunny Blaster scanning the pea stubble pulling alongside he informed me that it had a shooter set up on it . So we carried on to some barley stubble . Our paths crossed again as we saw a red car in the field , we passed the time of day and carried on saying to ourselves "where are all these shooters when it freezing cold on a January morning on the rape" We looked at a couple of laid wheat fields but the flightlines were very patchey. We picked up on a flightline through a area of woodland and along a river valley which we thought they may be using as a drinking area and came upon a wheat stubble with about fifty birds on it feeding hard . We clapped them off and they just circled and went straight back in so we set up and started the shoot it was now 14.00 and we had constant sport till we packed up at 18.00. when we picked up we had shot one hundred and sixty one birds. As I said before its great to be back.






Edited by pigeon controller
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