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What A Rubbish Harvest!


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Is it just me but this year seems to be a spectacular disappointment. Pigeons seem thin on the ground generally, but even when I find some it's usually just a clump of a few dozen birds with no real flightlines and they just clear off never to be seen again when they are disturbed.


Had the same again yesterday but with maybe a 1000 or so over several fields, and again no real flightlines they were just there in several mobs but once disturbed they just vanished and I never even got a shot.


Even those reliable spots that always produce seem to have dried up this year and the birds that do come for a look are very wary. It just seems hopeless.


Anyone else finding the same?

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we have more birds around here than we have had in many a year...............i always shoot a little bag quite regular now..........although we have quite a few birds about they are not playing ball as they should do...............at the moment !..............but i am looking forward to a busy autumn........

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I have access to 4 good farms and a lot of bits and pieces on top but all I seem to be doing is endless driving followed by setting up in very marginal circumstances just to try and get a shot. The only positive thing is the new quad I have bought which is proving to be awesome for getting around, I can see it making life much more easy.

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The rape and barley stubbles in my area are not getting much pigeon attention, but the "fodder" peas are attracting the birds in good numbers.

The peas have all been sprayed in the last week, so will be harvested (weather permitting) in the next week.

Hopefully , the wheat harvest will be more attractive to the pigeons.

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Generally, as above with two exceptions when there were a very good number on some rape but as couple of shots and I could see they moved 1/2 mile ( onto land I cannot shoot on) and that was that for that afternoon other than a few now and again.


As for the one day when they seemed fixated with the layout I had and decoyed perfectly well I had to stop very quickly >>> Linky to previous thread <<<

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keep your eye on OSR stubble for volunteer rape poking through, especially if it was sprayed off as opposed to swaffing ( if you still have stubbles ) pigeons will graze on them all day , I have a few small patches that have just come through , and birds are starting to take a bit of notice .

Edited by stevo
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If it wasn't for one area that is giving some reasonable shooting things would be quiet , I have got the shooting both sides of the river where they both grow Rape , Barley and Wheat and on one side I shot well over 100 last week ( with the help from Lakeside1000 one day ) and on the other side I haven't took my gun out of the case this year.


Today I just took the dogs down there to look at some fresh wheat stubbles and there were pigeons flying about , enough to pass the time away but it is getting less likely to get a decent bag.


In one small area there was a combine cutting wheat being fed by two tractors and trailers , two tractors working on two rape stubble fields , one tractor sub soiling on a wheat stubble field, and if that wasn't enough there was a digger on tracks cutting the reeds from the dykes.

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It has been a pretty good start to the harvest for me, with bags totalling around 500 this month. I have high hopes for the next month or two.

  On 17/08/2015 at 20:11, stevo said:

keep your eye on OSR stubble for volunteer rape poking through, especially if it was sprayed off as opposed to swaffing ( if you still have stubbles ) pigeons will graze on them all day , I have a few small patches that have just come through , and birds are starting to take a bit of notice .

I have never shot any pigeons from those situations.

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The wheat harvest has yet to begin here to early to say it's a good or bad harvest.

I agree with motty about high hopes for the next couple of months, theres potential for some big bags in parts of yorkshire.


Lots of young birds about and pigeons still at it like rabbits.

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  On 17/08/2015 at 19:34, sitsinhedges said:

Is it just me but this year seems to be a spectacular disappointment. Pigeons seem thin on the ground generally, but even when I find some it's usually just a clump of a few dozen birds with no real flightlines and they just clear off never to be seen again when they are disturbed.


Had the same again yesterday but with maybe a 1000 or so over several fields, and again no real flightlines they were just there in several mobs but once disturbed they just vanished and I never even got a shot.


Even those reliable spots that always produce seem to have dried up this year and the birds that do come for a look are very wary. It just seems hopeless.


Anyone else finding the same?

It's been like that here for several years. All the PW members thought I was just being a miserable old moaning *** but now more and more of you are suffering too. Add to that the overshooting near London and it's no wonder we struggle - the birds soon become decoy aware etc.

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Same here over harvest, getting 5-10 for as many hours most times. Really poor. Went out Sunday on some rape that's been plouged in for 2 weeks a lot of birds about but nothing really decoyed. Finished up on 21. But definetly more getting about now the days are getting shorter and a bit cooler bring on autum/winter

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  On 18/08/2015 at 16:37, shotgun eddy said:

Same here over harvest, getting 5-10 for as many hours most times. Really poor. Went out Sunday on some rape that's been plouged in for 2 weeks a lot of birds about but nothing really decoyed. Finished up on 21. But definetly more getting about now the days are getting shorter and a bit cooler bring on autum/winter

Not sure I follow.

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  On 18/08/2015 at 17:21, JDog said:

I have never shot pigeons over freshly germinated rape whether volunteer or drilled and I have often wondered why as the shoots should be pretty tender.

May be down to location

All our osr is in but for a small amount of spring drilled ,most barley is in only wheat left.

Today pigeons where feeding on germinating rape, not in huge numbers but 100 ish per field


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Had a good 76 on early barley stubble, bettered by a friend 2 days later with 105, 100 on a wet day on rape stubble and that's all ive had time to do this year!! Usually shoot every weekend :-( There is a field I can't get on near work and I have never seen pigeons flight like it, I'm working next to it at the moment and it is constant, the potential bag is scary! If any one travels the A14 it is just before Newmarket, after the 2 BP garages, but I can shoot the peas next to it so fingers crossed for some dry weather.

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Farms now have to grow at least three different crops. Result of this is that in East Anglia there are masses of bean fields waiting for the combine. Pigeons seem to have got there before the farmer.

This source of food for the pigs has not been there on this scale before.

Has that changed things?

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Been **** here,most of my permissions haven't even started harvesting their first crops yet (with the exception of one who started yesterday, but the combine keeps breaking down)

Weather has been rain rain rain, and this week more rain forecast all week too.

Only thing harvested so far has been silage, so all my shooting get has been over standing crops :(

Best bag this year was 83 birds fora morning, but most mornings are between 10 and 50 odd birds.

As stated by others, they seem to ****** off quick and then it's hope odd ones decoy in, so I put corvid decoys pattern to one side, and with about a 35-50 metre gap, a pigeon decoy set up the other side.

That way I get a chance at both

The days of 800+ seem to be well and truly over :(

Edited by Redditch
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i had a few decent days earlier in the month , on one field i had a few 50/60 bird days and 111 , 123 , 150 , by last sunday they were very wary and i had a very hard won 32.

it was all on a field of winter barley that was ready just a little bit earlier than anything else in the area , the first few days were shot while it was still standing but the better days were had on the stubble , i should have had many more birds really , but , my shooting has been a bit off since i had a neck injury earlier in the year, their is still a few birds in the area and strangely i had a few land in the middle of my crow decoys on friday morning.

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