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What was your first and/or favourite vinyl record?


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Just for fun, what was your first bit of vinyl or your favourite/best?


For me my first bit of vinyl is a pretty sentimental object and is both.


We never had a record player in my house when I was growing up so it always fascinated me when I went round peoples houses who had one, I always had to go and look at the bits of vinyl wondering how it all worked.

Obviously the principle is simple to me now, but as a kid It was just amazing to watch the records go round and have music come out.
When I was a boy I used to be looked after by an old lady in the village as my parents did insane/unsociable hours often away from home. Lovely old lady, she was essentially the grandmother I never had.

She had thousands upon thousands of records across all genres but in particular a lot of stuff from musicals (she used to be a performer herself in her younger days), and I just used to sit there playing them all pretty much all the time.
But one always stood out for me and that was (don't laugh... :ninja: ) Michael Balls' Love Changes Everything from the Aspects of Love musical (yeah, I know its a bit of a campy tune :oops: ). For some reason that record just stuck and I used to play it all the time.
Even though I didn't have a record player she gave me the record to keep.

Some time after that unfortunately she died, and not having any family of her own she had bequeathed all her stuff to charity except, unbeknownst to me, her entire record collection and record player.



I've still got most of her records now. Plus another several thousand of my own :lol::good:


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My first bit of vinyl was a 45,Gary Glitter,Do you want to be in my gang.


I played it constantly on an old tube radio with a flip down turn table,unfortunately my Mum accidentally broke it while dusting,well that's what she says :hmm:


And looking back on it i think it was a lucky escape not being in Gary's gang :lol:

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Was given a copy of Telstar but the first vinyl I bought was possibly A Horse with No Name.

The first album was probably one of those crappy Top of the Pops compilation ones, but I distinctly recall buying ELO's A New World Record. I still have all my vinyls somewhere.

Edited by Scully
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Well kept vinyl still sounds good.


We never had a TV when I was young but my Dad spent a bundle on a Dynatron stereo system around 1960/61 and joined the World Record Club. Dynatron were one of the top models in those days. Television House (still going) in Pickering brought 3 systems to our house and Dad listened to them all to see which he preferred. The Dynatron was the only one with "separates". The others being stereo systems in a big sideboard like radiogram thing. These two boxes on legs stood either side of the fireplace. One contained the deck and speakers and the other was just speakers. Compared to the old portable we had this was a revelation in terms of sound and output.


My first 45 would have been A Walk in the Sky by The Flowerpot Men or Silence is Golden by the Tremeloes


My first LP was a birthday present from Mum and Dad in May 1962, Beethoven 6th, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, conductor Bruno Walter. This still remains the definitive version for me.


The first LP I purchased myself for my own mono record player (recovered burglar damaged stock - Television House £5 half price)was The Shadows Greatest Hits on 21/12/70 I note from the cover. I still have both these though unplayed for years. I might buy a deck!


My other great purchase around this time was a small portable Philips reel to reel tape recorder, again from the burgled stock. I think that was a tenner. I still have it but it no longer plays. On to the tiny 3in reels went by open mike recording all the borrowed LP's of the day. It also took the next size of reel - 4 or 5 inch so that improved things.


There was something about LP's and the covers in particular, much more interesting. Led Zep 3, Stones Sticky Fingers etc and the great artwork. Tarkus by ELP is framed in all its double fold glory and hangs on my stairs.

Edited by Katzenjammer
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  On 01/09/2015 at 05:17, Duckandswing said:

This thread makes me feel young. Thanks guys.


This will make you feel even younger ( or me much older)


My first vinyl 45 was Buddy Holly's 'It doesn't matter any more'. Anyone remember that first time round in the fifties ? Hopefully a few or does that make me the oldest on here.


Never had a record player so had to borrow one to play it !!

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