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Predictions for EU result


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I think the referendum will not be a binding decision and would ignored if out wins. As I understand things a referendum is only an opinion rather than a legally binding vote.


I think remain will get a comfortable majority - but I think Cameron would have a lot more clout if he'd got an out vote to go back to EU with and say "The game's up - give us a better voice or we pull out"

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Unfortunately, I think that the majority of sheeple either don't know really what they're voting for, or can't be bothered to find out, and they will vote remain simply because they're scared of what might happen if they vote leave and they will probably swing it to remain.


In 1975 we were not asked if we want to join but if we want to remain. It was 67% remain but that was for a common market and not a European Parliament so it will be interesting to see how the vote compares.


I did think at last nights debate on tv that if they'd had the old clapometer working then the leave side would have taken it. Here's hoping.


If it does end up that remain win then it will be the last time I vote because there'll be no point in any future elections because unelected commissioners and big business will be writing our laws and taxing us.

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London, Scotland, Wales majority vote in, the rest of England and Northern Ireland majority vote out.

Nearly agree, I expect NI to vote In to.


With devolution and or full independence on the agenda for S,W,NI, and the idea of a separate 'Monaco' style state for London, I wonder if Englend will hold another referendum on EU membership later down the line?

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It will be remain. On the day the sun will shine, people have money in their pockets and broadly be happy with their lot they won't want to risk losing or reducing what they already have. It's human nature.


But **** me where do we then go. Europe will have the knives out for old Blighty and that old clown Hesiltine was on LBC yesterday saying how we must now fully adopt the Euro - silly old fool was pro us joining the single currency and just can't admit he was wrong all those years ago (and is still wrong now).


I digress.


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