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Nigel farage as our Ambassador to the US


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Doesn't seem like the best idea in the world. While I have no love for May I'm not sure having somebody whose whole political career has been going "ner ner ner" at the EU\UK government is really going to lead to the best outcomes.



Seems like a good idea to me I have high hopes for Mr Trump but what will happen when the establishment powers that be start telling him you cannot do this or that will they let him change much somehow I doubt it.


He's surrounded himself with the establishment. Those "really, really smart" people he was going to get as advisers don't seem to have materialised. How hard his own party fight against him is going to be the key. Any GOP leader who was remotely in tune with the party vibe would have an easy time, so how cordial people continue to be now he's won will be something to watch.

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The political establishment in the U.K. will never welcome into their fold someone who does not play their game, who they cannot control and who they cannot be sure will protect and support the present self serving politicians and the despicable, dishonest, corruption that is endemic within politics.

Edited by panoma1
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The political establishment in the U.K. will never welcome into their fold someone who does not play their game, who they cannot control and who they cannot be sure will protect and support the present self serving politicians and the despicable, dishonest, corruption that is endemic within politics.

Sums it all up, he is to out spoken of the truth.

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I can think of several reasons why it shouldn't happen:-


1. Mr Farage is currently interim leader of a political party which is in opposition to the U.K. government and he is therefore not in a position to represent

said government.


2. The suggestion has come from President Elect Donald J Trump, racist, misogynist, bully and full-time stranger to decency and truth, a man who blithely

thinks that he if unsays all the offensive rhetoric of his campaign the world will forgive and forget and think he's really not a bad chap after all. Anyone with

any sense and integrity (i.e. not Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, et al) ought to be keeping their distance rather than cosying up.


3. The last thing we need is to be represented at any level by the self-preening, narcissistic Mr Farage who sped over to the USA to ingratiate

himself with the Disaster-in-Waiting.


I realise that my last remark will go down very badly with those members of Pigeon Watch who comprise the Nigel Farage and Donald J Trump fan-clubs,

and who regularly contribute paeans of admiration for their heroes. Fume away, ladies and gentlemen. I stand by my views and I believe that, in the fullness of time, history's judgements on Nige and Don will be far from glowing.

Edited by aldivalloch
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I can think of several reasons why it shouldn't happen:-


1. Mr Farage is currently interim leader of a political party which is in opposition to the U.K. government and he is therefore not in a position to represent

said government.


2. The suggestion has come from President Elect Donald J Trump, racist, misogynist, bully and full-time stranger to decency and truth, a man who blithely

thinks that he if unsays all the offensive rhetoric of his campaign the world will forgive and forget and think he's really not a bad chap after all. Anyone with

any sense and integrity (i.e. not Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, et al) ought to be keeping their distance rather than cosying up.


3. The last thing we need is to be represented at any level by the self-preening, narcissistic Mr Farage who sped over to the USA to ingratiate

himself with the Disaster-in-Waiting.


I realise that my last remark will go down very badly with those members of Pigeon Watch who comprise the Nigel Farage and Donald J Trump fan-clubs,

and who regularly contribute paeans of admiration for their heroes. Fume away, ladies and gentlemen. I stand by my views and I believe that, in the fullness of time, history's judgements on Nige and Don will be far from glowing.

The problem is it is PC namby pamby thinking people like you that have got the world in to the mess that we have today where most people are just plain frightend to say what they really think as the likes of you will insult them you are the problem my fried not Trump.

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The problem is it is PC namby pamby thinking people like you that have got the world in to the mess that we have today where most people are just plain frightend to say what they really think as the likes of you will insult them you are the problem my fried not Trump.

Ah yes, logic and basic reason, the tools of enlightenment and progress are now "namby pamby".

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1. Trump should fast track Nigel's application to be a US citizen

2. Trump should then appoint Nigel as the US ambassador to the UK and Europe


Oh what fun that would be....

That's brilliant. I think that needs tweeting on Trumps page and he would make that happen I am sure hahaha

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The political establishment in the U.K. will never welcome into their fold someone who does not play their game, who they cannot control and who they cannot be sure will protect and support the present self serving politicians and the despicable, dishonest, corruption that is endemic within politics.



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Well after reading this ,some of comments on here about this I dont know ? Some folks and on hear think its a no go'er mmmmmmm but i'm begining to think it just may a good idear ,,why you my ask? Well he is the only one

from the UK who is doing ,,,who is making friends and who is getting on with the US and it is showing up our PM and showing her how to do it ,,,bloody good luck to him . In fact he could be very good at it so dont knock it .

Edited by gaffertoo
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