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Rant: Hotel breakfast sandwich makers


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My wife and I are what I believe are called independent travellers i.e. we do our own thing. Having planned this years big trip we thought of an early week away so booked a package holiday to Tenerife. We're there now and it's quite good value.


But, what I had forgotten about these packages is how a great % of the masses behave at breakfast. There's a polite sign on entering the restaurant asking guests not to take food out of the restaurant. Yet I was gobsmacked by those who daily put rolls, fillings, fruit, made up sandwiches etc into their bags when staff were unsighted. The restaurant has 100 tables and the hotel is almost full. So, if a good % of guests take food then there's a risk of less availability for those comiming to breakfast later and a lot of food is going walkabout with attendant cost implications for all.


What is it with theses people? Why can't they just pop into a local deli and buy rolls etc and enjoy the experience.


Having paid for their holiday are they so poor that they have to steal food?


Rant over. Catching the local bus to La Laguna when I will have forgotten this - until tomorrow morning!!!

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People want to have everything as cheap as possible and have no desire it seems to go and experience different shops or spend a few quid.


I know one bloke, on a good wage 45k, and he buys a cheap package all inc holiday to somewhere in Spain and he brags about how his holiday with wife and kids has cost next to nothing and how he doesn't leave the hotel for 10 days despite being close to beaches and some very nice shops and experiences.

Just a tight begger I think

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Not a new phenomenon by a long ways - If there's a buffet, somebody will always abuse it and the cost of that abuse will be factored into the cost per capita. If somebody nicks half a loaf and ten slices of ham, then the resort are out of pocket by around a quid or so (based on their wholesale buying) - If 20 people out of the 100 do that, it's maybe 30 quid gone west, but how much of that would have been offset by the natural wastage of food that would be left over?


Some abuse it by taking it away while others (like me) abuse it by sitting there and having thirds because they're on holiday and they can.


Go and enjoy your holiday!!

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People want to have everything as cheap as possible and have no desire it seems to go and experience different shops or spend a few quid.


I know one bloke, on a good wage 45k, and he buys a cheap package all inc holiday to somewhere in Spain and he brags about how his holiday with wife and kids has cost next to nothing and how he doesn't leave the hotel for 10 days despite being close to beaches and some very nice shops and experiences.

Just a tight begger I think

Uncultured the right word?


My friends travelled Europe, they said they met a bunch of Ozzie lads same age as them.

When they asked them if they wanted to come see the Cathedral they said,

"Na mate, seen one cathedral seen em all!"


They travel half way round the world to sit in a dark dingy hostel drinking cheap Ozzie beer they got down the shop 😂

Edited by Lloyd90
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I go away 2-3 times a year and always go all inclusive.

We always go to breakfast,never go to lunch and hardly ever go to dinner.After breakfast we always head out for the day returning late afternoon to get showered changed etc,we always have a few drinks in the hotel bar prior to going out to eat dinner.

I suppose we know the option of AI is there should we need it and we use it as a safety net,the food is always samey anyway so I don't think we're missing much and it's always good to support the smaller guy/local traders /shops etc who are there to give you your holiday experience.

Edited by Bluebarrels
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We once met a French family of 3 adults at 2 children (aged around 10) while in Egypt. The hotel is all inclusive only, but this 'family' tried everything bit of food available, leaving most of it on their plates, then proceeded to fill bags with fruit etc. This happened on a daily basis. Some of the waiters did notice what was going on, but chose to ignore them.

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I just got back from 2 weeks away. Quite a few things annoyed me while i was there. Just not enough to log onto PW while I was on holiday. :lol:

Well said 👍 Posting on PW while on your hols tells me your bored **** less 😂 Hit the beach and stop moaning.

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Similar thing happens in the Toby Carvery at Breakfast.

The all you can eat Breakfast is £4.99 with what I think is plenty of variety and includes bread/toast and jams/preserves.

Amazes me then to see people having 2 or 3 platefuls of food whilst making snide bacon or sausage and/or egg butties which they wrap up in serviettess and secrete in their pockets or handbags.


Worst still, The plebs/chavs. Thieves(as that's what they are) who come in as a group of 2, 3 or 4 one of them pays for breakfast and fills a plate or two to the point of being overloaded, then the group sit there and eat from one plate, usually around the corner out of sight.


I've called the staff over on more than one occasion and called the people out on what they're doing, Usually they leave rather quickly, suddenly and mostly quietly.

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Amazes me then to see people having 2 or 3 platefuls of food whilst making snide bacon or sausage and/or egg butties which they wrap up in serviettess and secrete in their pockets or handbags.

Yeah, but you now what it's like. You don't wear a jacket for a few weeks and then when you put it on and discover a bacon sandwich in the pocket - That's my day made there and then.

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People want to have everything as cheap as possible and have no desire it seems to go and experience different shops or spend a few quid.


I know one bloke, on a good wage 45k, and he buys a cheap package all inc holiday to somewhere in Spain and he brags about how his holiday with wife and kids has cost next to nothing and how he doesn't leave the hotel for 10 days despite being close to beaches and some very nice shops and experiences.

Just a tight begger I think

Selfish rather than tight? I know a few like that. I work hard all year so i can spend quality time with those i love and s they can enjoy themselves too.

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Yeah, but you now what it's like. You don't wear a jacket for a few weeks and then when you put it on and discover a bacon sandwich in the pocket - That's my day made there and then.

Ewwwwwww green, live bacon sarnies :sick:

We send our butler to Toby Carvery. Bacon sandwiches for 20 people for £4.99

Grrrrrr I think I've been in the que behind him once or twice ;)

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