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And still he won't resign!!!


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Been a labour man all my life and this is killing me.


Corbyn is now firmly in the same company as Bashar Hafez al-Assad.


Hanging on to whatever power he can despite the damage to his people and his country.

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Been a labour man all my life and this is killing me.


Corbyn is now firmly in the same company as Bashar Hafez al-Assad.


Hanging on to whatever power he can despite the damage to his people and his country.


Just look back and see who voted him in to that position!

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Just look back and see who voted him in to that position!

I believe a lot of the £3 Labour party memberships were taken up by Tories who wanted to make sure he was elected. They knew it was easy street after that.

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He won't resign because he is under the correct assumption that the grass roots labour members keep wanting him as their leader.


So realistically why should he...... In his own mind he is probably the best labour leader there has ever been......


Labours demise is down to the fact they chose the wrong brother the last time......


I think it's great he is labour leader as it means we don't have to put up with another labour Govt for the foreseeable future,


Long may he reign



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He won't resign because he is under the correct assumption that the grass roots labour members keep wanting him as their leader.


So realistically why should he...... In his own mind he is probably the best labour leader there has ever been......


Labours demise is down to the fact they chose the wrong brother the last time......


I think it's great he is labour leader as it means we don't have to put up with another labour Govt for the foreseeable future,


Long may he reign



Exactly :good:
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Just look back and see who voted him in to that position!




Corbyn has a democratic mandate from the members of the organisation he represents. The parliamentary party are dead set against as they know he has no chance what so ever of achieving power, but the whole point of a democracy is that the leader of the party is the one who is chosen by the most members and JC is that man.


The parliamentarians and centre to centre left who don't represent the wishes of the majority should leave the party behind and stand behind the courage of their convictions.


The big problem is they don't want to walk away from brand "Labour". That to me speaks volumes as the power of the brand name takes preference to policy and that cannot be right. They would rather hitch their banner to the party name to win their seat despite the absolute dichotomy between their own beliefs and the belief of the grassroots members.

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Nail and Head as usual m8,you are the voice of reason as always .But i think the big issue is as u stated rank n file like him but Joe Public dont or his crazy gang of misfits ,marxists and champagne socialists and so the sitting M.P,S fear the gravy train is going to crash big style and the trough will be knocked over .

They know mr daft and his crazy dont add up spending plans mean theyre out on their collective ears very soon and the thought of getting a job scares the bejabbers out of them

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Labour used to be for the working man, until Blair came into power and ruined the country with his mass immigration policy! And then he lied to the public about WMD! And who suffers? The working man! All the unskilled jobs have been taken, wages are kept to low because most foreigners have two full time jobs, we have foreign criminals on our streets and the English school leavers can't get a job!


Do people still vote labour? Maybe the middle class do because all of the above doesn't effect them!

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Labour used to be for the working man, until Blair came into power and ruined the country with his mass immigration policy! And then he lied to the public about WMD! And who suffers? The working man! All the unskilled jobs have been taken, wages are kept to low because most foreigners have two full time jobs, we have foreign criminals on our streets and the English school leavers can't get a job!


Do people still vote labour? Maybe the middle class do because all of the above doesn't effect them!


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Thanks to Bliar, Brown et al there is no political difference between Labour and Conservative! In this day and age it appears people prefer to vote, good or bad, for a genuine (warts and all) traditional party(Conservative).......rather than a poor copy(Labour)........Corbin is trying to resurrect the Old Leftwing Labour.......but it would also appear, that time has long passed!

Edited by panoma1
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Labour used to be for the working man, until Blair came into power and ruined the country with his mass immigration policy! And then he lied to the public about WMD! And who suffers? The working man! All the unskilled jobs have been taken, wages are kept to low because most foreigners have two full time jobs, we have foreign criminals on our streets and the English school leavers can't get a job!

Do people still vote labour? Maybe the middle class do because all of the above doesn't effect them!

Not quite all the unskilled jobs , there's about six hundred around Westminster they havent got and had they come under threat the cheap foreign labour problem would have been sorted years ago .

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I believe a lot of the £3 Labour party memberships were taken up by Tories who wanted to make sure he was elected. They knew it was easy street after that.



It's gone up to £4 per month now! Shocking but still worth every penny ;)

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Lots of Labour MPs on the radio and tv today mind saying how grea they've done! I've been swearing at them asking if they're for real!!!!


Absolute shambles! Lots of traditional Labour supports be voting Tory this summer!

Careful what you say chap, you live in a labour strong hold hehehe. I have to bite my tongue at work as im surrounded by labour lovers.

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There are some, but they seem to be keeping a low profile - understandably. Labour needs rid of Corbyn, but he does seem to have support from the delusional sector in his party, who think he is electable.


Any potential leader would be shouted down by the delusional zealots, who seem to have taken over the party.

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labour might end up with a Donald trump scenario, a celebrity having a crack at politics, just throwing his hat in the ring, why not? nothing else is working and its in danger of doing a ukip.


Guy might be a bit of a tool but Jeremy Clarkson would be very funny as a member of parliament or maybe brexit negotiator. :lol:

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Corbyn represents old labour whilst new labour are just tories with different coloured ties on. if you or anyone you know are severley disabled, sick or poor you would understand why people like corbyn but on a site like this where we can all afford shotguns and to go shooting and I'm guessing has a high percentage of pensioners it's not surprising it's very anti-corbyn. I'm.sure the next election will show what the majority want and I have little doubt it will be tories, no surprises that the majority of voters are pensioners and that the conservatives tend to be very nice to them though.

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