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London attack

Me matt

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Saw a guy this morning on fox news. Mark Steyn. He is a brit and author. He made some interesting observations on this attack plus some criticism of all our political elite!

I cant post links but you should be able to find it on google.

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We are starting to have to remove posts - please think before hitting the button or this one will have to close.



well you are just doing what a moderator is meant to do, and I thank you for your efforts, no need to close things, that's a censor's job. Thanks sincerely, wandringstar.

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stop trying to make them ok if there british there muslims they hate us really hate us we are in there way they want to take over england


Despite all I've read on the subject, following both yesterday's attack and the one in Manchester, that is one of the most disturbing statements I've come across. Surely you must see that statement as extremist as the bile and vitriol those who we all condemn spout?

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Despite all I've read on the subject, following both yesterday's attack and the one in Manchester, that is one of the most disturbing statements I've come across. Surely you must see that statement as extremist as the bile and vitriol those who we all condemn spout?

He's just a hate preacher on the opposite side! It's laughable that he's too stupid to see it.

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In 1943 there were not 3500 known Nazi sympathisers roaming the streets of Britain, our borders were not open to allow more potential enemies into our Country and cause the deaths of innocent random people, it seems that 70 odd years of tolerance and integration was not the Halcyon that our Politicians have led us to believe.

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We need to start ploughing more money into the police/military etc,not cutting at every opportunity to save a few quid!

More of these attacks to follow,I'm sorry to say.But we need to toughen up as a country,Human Rights are fine if dealing with humans,these people who carry out these attacks are far from Human!!

Edited by Bluebarrels
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Saw a guy this morning on fox news. Mark Steyn. He is a brit and author. He made some interesting observations on this attack plus some criticism of all our political elite!

I cant post links but you should be able to find it on google.


Cannot disagree with him.


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Despite all I've read on the subject, following both yesterday's attack and the one in Manchester, that is one of the most disturbing statements I've come across. Surely you must see that statement as extremist as the bile and vitriol those who we all condemn spout?

You have to ask yourself why some people feel this way.

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You have to ask yourself why some people feel this way.


I think it's probably because they don't fully understand what the problem is. Extremism in all of its forms is both corrosive and abhorrent and will only prolong the situation. Fundamentalism and intolerance are driven by such statements, irrespective of 'sides'.

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Here's what happens next;


Loads of reporters will be on air live at the scene and waffle on about what they can see as they have no real information.

Massive floral tributes

Candle lit vigils

Buildings in several capitals will be illuminated with the union Jack

Khan will say we must get used to this sort of incident in our major cities

Politicians will wring their hands and state that their thoughts are with the victims and their families.


Until the next time


I believe it's time this medieval savagery was met with the modern day equivalent.


You have hit the nail exactly on the head. It is time to stop pussying about with these ***** and start forgetting their human righta and all that *****.

Talk about rotten apples in barrels, get rid of the barrel.

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You have hit the nail exactly on the head. It is time to stop pussying about with these ***** and start forgetting their human righta and all that *****.

Talk about rotten apples in barrels, get rid of the barrel.


Yes, let's all give up our human rights of every citizen in the UK to deal with a handful of people! :whistling:

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Yes, let's all give up our human rights of every citizen in the UK to deal with a handful of people! :whistling:


Indeed! First step, remove all guns from private ownership as any potential terrorist could inflict a far higher death toll if they were to be able to access a gun.


Everyone here OK with that? The vast majority of the UK would probably sign up to that in an instant. If we're about to start handing back our civil liberties on a platter that's more than likely one of the first steps that would happen. Next one could be biometric ID cards that could be tracked anywhere (the technology is already available). I'm guessing we're all OK with that too?


It's all well and good coming up with Jackboot soundbites but when you start appreciating what that will be, and who it will impact on (everyone, it has to, to have any hope of success), it doesn't sound quite so appealing.

Edited by racing snake
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I was working doing an extension for armed MET officer and used to chat with him about increasing police numbers with firearms. He taught as well. He said that the cost of training them would be an issue and also said that a lot of officers that come through are complete idiots and wouldn't even trust them with a car.


That's probably because he's basing his opinion on the current standards set to achieve the arv level.


For sure not every cop can pass an arv course. But the training needed to arm almost every cop needn't be a huge drama or expense, literally this is a glock, these are the drills needed to pick up and prove, load, make ready, unload.


With a day of dry drills and a couple of days shooting I reckon a lot of people could pass the national qual shoot in 3 days.


So this would be the bare bones, no tactics ect just how to operate a handgun safely.


Routine arming for those that want it is so long overdue.

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why are the police and the public so against all police armed,,,,,we have it in northern ireland and its no big deal they dont go around using them every day but at least they have them if needed,,,,im sorry to have to say this but this is only a beginning of what i fear will become regular attacks as there is nothing you can do to someone who is willing to die either way, and these are not attacks on cities as the media wish to portray but on anyone or society who does not fall into line with their beliefs/religion this oh poor manchester thing on social media is annoying they did not attack a city but poor innocent people many of whom were not even from the city ,,,what is going to happen when they attack a village or shopping center where armed response is hrs away which is what they will do next when the big citys are to well looked after,time to wake up and realize the old bobby on the beat is a thing for quint tv drama not modern society....

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For me there is only one answer to this problem ,and the solution can only come from the Muslim community,but it seems they are not willing to purge their own, untill they are we won't stop this hard measures make make us feel good In The short term it will only make matters worse in the long run.

Edited by muncher
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Some of the police woman I've seen near me are tiny, they look like there 17 Years old..


If we arm all officers I'm sure if someone wanted to relieve a small officer of there side arm they would..in America the amount of officers killed with there own weapon quite a large number, what if one of these guys got hold of a glock and 2 mags, nearly 60 odd rounds of ammo...that's a lot of innocent lives that could be taken..

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That's a very good point Archie I remember shielding a wpc years ago from getting knocked over during trouble outside a pub, probably have to have minimum of two officers together, then someone mentioned the police being armed even when off duty that would put police under even more pressure, chance of a stolen weapon would go up ten fold.


The armed officers I normally see about seem huge with body armour and all there gear on.

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Some of the police woman I've seen near me are tiny, they look like there 17 Years old..


If we arm all officers I'm sure if someone wanted to relieve a small officer of there side arm they would..in America the amount of officers killed with there own weapon quite a large number, what if one of these guys got hold of a glock and 2 mags, nearly 60 odd rounds of ammo...that's a lot of innocent lives that could be taken..


Then they patrol in pairs. I live in a very rural town but at a certain time of year it is patrolled by armed police; they aren't on their own. Innocent lives are already being taken.

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All Northern Ireland police are armed.

As are all Nuclear Constabulary.


Not saying the same should happen in the mainland, but something other than battons should be AVAILABLE.


Even a locked safe in each vehicle that can be accessed in similar attacks would be a start.

One team member per car could have additional training.

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