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Minimum Price Per Unit Introduced In Scotland


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It's only going to fuel poverty among family of those who drink heavily. Those who drink socially not so much! Another slap in the face for the pub trade too. They already took a hammering with the smoking ban due to the wording! I would have preferred to have seen a smoking room in pubs! Ventilated to draw air in to the room and out via ventilators which would prevent the smoke entering other rooms!! It ruined the beer gardens as that was where the smokers had to go! 

Slapping extra tax on alcoholic drinks in a bid to try and lower the number of drunks will just push them to stock up from elsewhere, or brew their own. Turbo cider is unbelievably cheap to make yourself! You can now buy a still and make your own spirits! You may even see underworld figures starting to muscle in on supply of counterfeit booze and cheap ciders. 

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Guest cookoff013


too true, the beer industry takes too many hammering from HMRC.

i brewed my own beer for a while, and it was fun. thinking about stepping up a gear and going all grain. whist the point of taxation is to hit heavy drinkers or consumers.

the industry gets hit harder and harder.

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Bunch of clowns,  thank heavens I am only a few miles from the Border so my supply of white lightening is assured at the present price.   Latest from Bollyrood is they are going to change throughout Scotland the present 30mph speed limit to 20mph.   It is going to cost 5 million and perhaps more if they duplicate any wording in Gaelic.  It seems also that current police equipment does not record speeds of under 30mph.



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I didn't think the cap would affect me because generally I drink red wine at typically say £5 minimum a bottle, that being 9 units, so just over £0.50 a unit.  No change there.

However, I also buy a litre of Scotch when on offer - and it is (occasionally) £15.00 for a litre.  That is 40 units, so in Scotland would have a minimum price of £20.00.  £5 increase.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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Just now, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, where will all this extra money go ?????

Allegedly to the seller, so just wait for the sneak tax on them.

Personally I think this, and the proposed speed limit changes may be more nails in Jimmy's coffin as they will impact on everyone and may even hit tourism.  

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13 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

Allegedly to the seller, so just wait for the sneak tax on them.

Personally I think this, and the proposed speed limit changes may be more nails in Jimmy's coffin as they will impact on everyone and may even hit tourism.  

hello, you would think it should go to the NHS and help those addicted

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Alcohol pricing is bizarre anyway.  I have just been to Morrisons, and with ‘summer’ either just over (the week before last), or maybe about to start (after the bank holiday is over), when I saw a bottle of Pimms No 1 on offer, I suddenly felt a little thirsty.  Odd though,

  • 1 litre costs £15.
  • 0.70 litres costs £17

That is how 'logical' much alcohol pricing is!

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7 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

It's only going to fuel poverty among family of those who drink heavily. Those who drink socially not so much! Another slap in the face for the pub trade too. They already took a hammering with the smoking ban due to the wording! I would have preferred to have seen a smoking room in pubs! Ventilated to draw air in to the room and out via ventilators which would prevent the smoke entering other rooms!! It ruined the beer gardens as that was where the smokers had to go! 

Slapping extra tax on alcoholic drinks in a bid to try and lower the number of drunks will just push them to stock up from elsewhere, or brew their own. Turbo cider is unbelievably cheap to make yourself! You can now buy a still and make your own spirits! You may even see underworld figures starting to muscle in on supply of counterfeit booze and cheap ciders. 


I doubt it will hit the pub trade that much as most will be chrging above the minimum price already, infact it could help the pub trade if it brought 'offy' prices closer to pub prices.

When i was a lad and starting under age drinking there wasnae that much difference between 'offy' and pub prices, infact i bet beer/lager is cheaper now than it was 30 years ago yet pub prices have almost trebled


I dunno if many alkies would go on to brew there own, be to much work an require too much patience for them.


If u lok at countries like Finland and Iceland where booze is expensize and taxed heavily still have big alcohol and esp binge drinking problems.

No idea wot the answer is but seriously doubt this will help much, i also doubt it will affect most folk drinking a decent brand (atleast for beer/lager/cider and wine)


Ps i do agree about the smoking thing thou too

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I went for my lotto ticket this morning at a wee corner shop and he was repricing a bottle of White lightening cider from £3.59 to £11.75 he was about crying the jakies are no going to be able to afford it 

Yet again Scotland's going to take another shafting  my kids both work for Wetherspoons there here already told which beers to stock and in Scotland you couldn't discount drink like they can do in england they can only do it on meals 

The pubs already took a big hit when they stopped smoking more folk drink at home where they don't need to go outside to smoke whilst enjoying there pint , this is going to be another death nail to them and being honest the 3 biggest tax raises are fuel , cigarettes and drink and now i think more people will try giving up if they don't get the taxes on drink what are the Scottish Government raise to cover the deficit ?.

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1 hour ago, scotslad said:


I doubt it will hit the pub trade that much as most will be chrging above the minimum price already, infact it could help the pub trade if it brought 'offy' prices closer to pub prices.

When i was a lad and starting under age drinking there wasnae that much difference between 'offy' and pub prices, infact i bet beer/lager is cheaper now than it was 30 years ago yet pub prices have almost trebled


I dunno if many alkies would go on to brew there own, be to much work an require too much patience for them.


If u lok at countries like Finland and Iceland where booze is expensize and taxed heavily still have big alcohol and esp binge drinking problems.

No idea wot the answer is but seriously doubt this will help much, i also doubt it will affect most folk drinking a decent brand (atleast for beer/lager/cider and wine)


Ps i do agree about the smoking thing thou too

I have a chap I talk too who lives in Norway. They all back shed brew alcohol to avoid the high alcohol prices! Apparently it tastes like petrol, but they only make it to get bladdered so they don't care about the taste! Typical vikings :lol: 

as for brewing, turbo cider is just DAYS to brew your own, and no hard work needed really. The making of liquor in a still is not too hard either apparently! Just more dangerous. The wines I was making a few year back were fab! Cost around £6 to make six bottles of a very nice table wine. I never had ANY luck with ales :no: no matter what I did they all tasted foul. So gave up on the ale brewing. Shame really as I did fancy being able to make it from scratch. But hey ho. Don't get a lot of time now anyway what with work and looking after my parents! 

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Im all for the minimum pricing.

If it pushes people back in pubs drinking sociabily with a degree of community it will be a very fine thing. Perhaps the minimum price should be higher on offsales to acheive this as the vast bulk of the booze in my kitchen would have been unaffected by the rate as it stands.

I do home brew but generally only from modified kits which tend to produce enjoyable drink with minimum effort at minimal cost. i started doing it as I was unable to get the drinks (fruit beers and suffolk style ciders) my better half particularly likes over here without either paying £3 a pint in tesco or even more for mail order.

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