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Things that annoy you....about modern stuff

The use of the phrase "Life Hacks" what does that even mean? how can you hack your life?

People who pick up their mobile and look at it for no reason at all then put it back down only to pick it up again five minutes later.

People who hold their mobile like a piece of toast, whats all that about?

People who say they are having and "existential crisis" just because they have had a bad day, unaware that it means that you realise your existence in the universe means nothing.

Trying to find a normal coffee in a London coffee shop on the extensive coffee menu at the back of the counter. Tea is even harder to find.

X factor

Strictly come dancing.

"I heard this tune today it was well Litt" need to get that in my life..."...........eh?

People who think the glasses they got from specsavers suit them....well they dont.



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1 hour ago, Ultrastu said:

Basically .**** music being played loud. From people (kids ) walking down the street .

If your gonna play music loud in public make it rock .

Not some pathetic lame rubbish .

Sheesh 😲

We have a few of these in Bristol. They strap a bluetooth speaker round there neck and play utter junk at the loudest setting so everyone can hear it. 


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People who insist you must answer back straight away a text or answer machine message .just cos they sent it to you .

No i have a life that doesnt always revolve around my phone .your just not that important to me right now .

Im probably very busy  out shooting or walking my dog or just scratching my xrse 



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People who use of instead of have: 'I could HAVE done...'

People who say 'like' every other word

'Very unique'

Reality TV

BBC filling up the news front page with tripe like 'Insta-famous at 16 years old' 'I drunk-booked tickets to Brazil' and 'The first drag queen with a solo show at Wembley' 

People who call Redbush tea

People who trade scientific fact for cheap rhetoric

People still moaning about leaving the EU


Adverts for betting every single time there's a sports fixture on.

People going into meltdown over false black widow spiders

Strictly come X voice factor dancing

Cryptic Crossword setters who stretch the meanings of words way too much

Boaters who seem so adept at inadvertently trying to kill kayakers.

'Quite unique'

People who don't say thank you when you let them through on the roads

Cyclists cycling in the road right next to a perfectly good cycle path

I'll be back, once I've had a lie down...

Edited by chrisjpainter
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People who say 'fink' instead of think , or free instead of three , like the so called Beast on the chase , (Firty free fousand pounds). And he was a teacher god help us .

Shop assistants who , refer to you as , 'Fella' , or Matey 'or Pal , and at conclusion say 'see ya later' , as if they were coming to the house or arranging a rendezvous.

People who join a motorway and expect vehicles using the nearside lane to move over or slow down to let them join. 

Or slow down by lifting off the accelerator (no brake lights) to slow down  long before they reach the slip road.

Cars parked facing oncoming traffic at night leaving dipped headlights on .

Young men , who seem to be incapable of walking down the street without their hands or hand down the front of their joggers, or and spitting.

Sitting in a pub or restaurant near someone who eats with their mouths wide open , or cannot use a knife and fork. 

Grumpy old man . You bet!

Edited by Longbower
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People who think the middle lane of a motorway is their private  lane.

The word hero being used  to describe  footballers, athletes, sports persons etc, they are not heroes.

Obey the speed limit you fool, some kid will die if you hit them doing 40 in a 30 zone.


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Use of the word 'So" to begin almost every sentence.  It is a conjunction, correctly used to join two sentences into one longer sentences.  A correct example would be "It was a hot day, so I had not worn a coat".

Occasional use such as "So how was your journey" is fair, but interviewees opening every answer with 'so' just sounds very poor.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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7 hours ago, Sciurus said:

I am amazed at the over use of the word amazing to describe something underwhelming.

Yes and also everything is "unique" or even worse, "totally unique".

I'm afraid most of the comments within this ranting thread can be firmly attributed to the American's!

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Literally and basically. Step daughter is guilty of both of these prolifically. I’m a reasonably intelligent person I can cope with the complicated version of your story you’re 11 and not explain brain surgery! 

Most of the modern tripe that is called music. Apparently if you get covered in tattoos and sing into a computer you’re a musician and worth playing on the radio.

The culture for tattoos...bear with me I’m not anti tattoo at all, and there are some very good tattoos out there. We’ve got a lad at work who is covered in them from his neck down, they look like a toddler has been drawing on the wallpaper! And he thinks he’s some sort of instagram tattoo model. He’s not. He can barely do the job he’s paid to do!

Cyclists! I like the odd run out on the bike but really is there any need to be cycling down A roads at rush hour? Or like the dope last night drive straight down the lane past several passing places straight at me with his strobe light on his helmet flashing like a light house and then glare at me because I’ve got nowhere to go other than into the hedge. 

There’s plenty more!

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2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

Use of the word 'So" to begin almost every sentence.  It is a conjunction, correctly used to join two sentences into one longer sentences.  A correct example would be "It was a hot day, so I had not worn a coat".

Occasional use such as "So how was your journey" is fair, but interviewees opening every answer with 'so' just sounds very poor.

Yep! That does it for me!

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Words like... "My bad" and "Carbon footprint"... what the carp do they mean?

Disneyfication of animals.

Mamil cycling packs blocking roads. Old fat guys who dress in lycra who think they look sporty but look like a burst couch... and idiots who buy £2000 bikes and cant adjust the seat and handle bars for correct riding. They just ride along with their knees sticking out looking like they have rickets.

Thats just a few....

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2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

Use of the word 'So" to begin almost every sentence.  It is a conjunction, correctly used to join two sentences into one longer sentences.  A correct example would be "It was a hot day, so I had not worn a coat".

Occasional use such as "So how was your journey" is fair, but interviewees opening every answer with 'so' just sounds very poor.

Same for me

Also, when my wife and I are having a meal in an establishment and a hip young thing insists on coming up to us, when we're half-way through our meal, and asking "Is everything ok for you guys?"

If there's anything wrong with the meal then we will let you know. In the meantime leave us to enjoy our meal and for my wife to enjoy my company!!!!

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hhahhahhahhhhhhh............these threads have made me larfff.............have you forgotton what utter verbal diaorrea came out of peoples mouths in the 60's ?............

trouble is the stuff today is just so childish...........

intelligence is a curse......cause you relise how stupid everybody else is..............

i watched a young woman go into meltdown last year cause she had lost all the data on her phone..............talk about larf boi.........

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