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Shooting top barrel first


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No.you can.use whatever you like. Only reason people shoot bottom first is because it's more straight inline through the stock and supposed to have less muzzle flip. For game shooting or pigeon top is best as your mate says, quicker to load after one shot.

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Yes I shoot bottom barrel first it's supposed to give better absorption of recoil as it does through the 'meat' of the gun and less barrel movement so you can pick/align on the second 'bird' or second shot better.

Shooting recently my selective trigger had changed abd selected top barrel first, probably from me putting my gun in/out of the slip and I noticed it immediately when I shot it.

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hello, if i can remember my lanber was single trigger and fixed choke but it was long ago, anyway i like to shoot top barrel first, saying that my only O/U i have at the moment is a fixed choke double trigger so i can easy shoot top/bottom,  i am now looking into getting  a multi choke O/U SS/T  

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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I shoot bottom barrel first but only because I have the more open choke in the bottom. I have a vague idea as to why I have the more open in the bottom, but it was a long ago, so I can’t recall what the reason was. First bird close in, if you miss tighter choke to stop it escaping? 

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You'll find on fixed choke guns the bottom barrel has the more open choke and the tighter choke on the top

I was lead to believe it is to reduce  muzzle flip

I always fire bottom first unless there's a target well out in front heading towards me use the tighter choke then the open choke as it nears if first miss's

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The best round of clays I shot, I noticed just before the end that I'd knocked the selector over and was shooting the top barrel, which was the tighter choke on the first shot and the bottom barrel, the more open choke one on the further away second shot. Had done it on 80% of the course and think I shot my best score. 


On the weekend I did it again (although with a different gun) and fired top barrel first, used tighter choke, and dropped a hen pheasant with a headshot at 30 yards going across.


As said, I doubt it makes much difference. 

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