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3 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Theres always one 

Even the people interviewing him are sceptical  !

The people who are interviewing him want to make entertainment. It's hard to argue with stuff like an agreed program to manage refugees across Europe even if you do not like how it turns out and is managed at least its a start in the right direction. 

When you said the meat starts at 5 I though it was going to mention British lamb :lol:

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7 minutes ago, oowee said:

The people who are interviewing him want to make entertainment. It's hard to argue with stuff like an agreed program to manage refugees across Europe even if you do not like how it turns out and is managed at least its a start in the right direction. 

We already have programs to manage refugees, we already have border control.
What hes asking for , is for the EU to take control of it all, does that sound like a good idea ? 

To clarify , he is asking for a common policy to deal with non EU migration, a further erosion of sovereignty , Brussels already tries to force migration targets on unwilling countries, tell me how this idea helps ?
Same old story with the man, 'The answer to Europes issues is more EU'    WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT !

12 minutes ago, Scully said:

I really couldn’t be bothered to trawl through all that to be honest; life is just too short. Sorry. 

If we leave I’ll maybe revisit it and have a listen; it may be more bearable then. 🙂

Mr Verhofstadt DEMANDS you listen to it, the USSoE will happen , the sooner ze better Englisher , you vill be sent for ze re education :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Rewulf said:


Mr Verhofstadt DEMANDS you listen to it, the USSoE will happen , the sooner ze better Englisher , you vill be sent for ze re education 

🙂 I don’t doubt it for a minute....many a true word spoken in jest, and all that.

I did listen to the first five minutes ( from 5 mins in ) when he declared that the answer to the first question was more EU. So much for a willingness to listen and the chance to reform from within eh! 👍

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21 hours ago, pinfireman said:


Despite the incessant doom and gloom from Remainers about Boris and the low pound – now it suits their agenda, at least – the UK’s aviation market is still set to soar to new heights this August. Departing seats from UK airports are set to rise to their highest level of 17.3 million in August this year, up from 17 million last year. The low pound is catching commentators at the gate, holidaymakers are just getting on board and taking off…

Capacity is taking off at airports across the UK, with all but three airports soaring. The only airports braced for a fall were Stansted, Glasgow, and Belfast due to their heavy reliance on Remainiac-led Ryanair. If only Michael O’Leary spent less time moaning about Brexit and more time sorting out his business…

Source: Guido Fawkes

Or perhaps people booked in advance last year when the exchange rate was better and thinking "If we don't go now it's going to cost a lot more after we leave." 

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Or perhaps people booked in advance last year when the exchange rate was better and thinking "If we don't go now it's going to cost a lot more after we leave." 

Perhaps not. According to some, we are never going to leave.

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20 minutes ago, henry d said:

Or perhaps people booked in advance last year when the exchange rate was better and thinking "If we don't go now it's going to cost a lot more after we leave." 

Whilst we have Ryanairs resident leprechaun harping on about Brexit 'uncertainty' at any given moment, a massive proportion of those flights were not booked last year .
If people need to fly , for holiday or business , they just get on and do it, flexibility on dates can save massive amounts of cash, and the £ being worth 3 cents less against the euro or dollar from last year, is hardly a deal breaker.

By your logic, next years going to be even busier , because people will be booking well in advance to avoid the Brexit apocalypse coming November 1st ?

O learys contradicted himself, and exposed his plan to lay off staff due to over employing too many pilots, who I might add, are fairly constantly complaining about wages and conditions working for Europes most hated airline.

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1 hour ago, JRDS said:

Yep O Leary is a total how can I put it without getting banned again, begins in C.  Much the same as Carney, why hasn't be been sacked?

Erm I guess he's not been sacked because he's doing what he's paid to do. As far as fiscal policy is concerned who are people to supposed to get their information from? Mr Carney or some armchair governor of the Bank of England on PW? JRDS I think  you need to go get your banking and economics qualifications and just admit that maybe there are more level headed qualified and sensible people than you to speak on such matters. If you get banned again it's cos you talk utter poo. 

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1 hour ago, JRDS said:

Yep O Leary is a total how can I put it without getting banned again, begins in C.  Much the same as Carney, why hasn't be been sacked?

It might be because he built the business and still owns a good chunk of it. 

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Well what you expect we he was unseated for claiming expenses that was why he was kicked out in the first place the cheek of him standing again.

I don’t think it as anything to do with brexit it’s the people voting for someone they can’t trust.

Edited by snow white
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2 minutes ago, snow white said:

Well what you expect we he was unseated for claiming expenses that was why he was kicked out in the first place the cheek of him standing again.

I genuinely think the expenses thing was a stupid mistake as there was no personal gain to himself. Chris has done a huge amount of work for our area, he was very approachable and really kept in touch with the community. we will now have to endure the next god knows how long listening to a party of weak remoaners bleating on about how much we are loosing instead of someone willing to stand up and fight for what we can get.    

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14 minutes ago, snow white said:

Well what you expect we he was unseated for claiming expenses that was why he was kicked out in the first place the cheek of him standing again.

I don’t think it as anything to do with brexit it’s the people voting for someone they can’t trust.

Considering he only lost by 1400 votes and came second would indicate this isn’t quite true- has he received the Brexit party votes of just over 3000 then he would have retained his seat

I alluded to the voting tendencies and the impact that tactical vote to the Brexit party would have, this has been proved right.

Ironically the very thing the Brexit party was formed for, could be the undoing of the whole of Brexit? You have Boris accepting the Referendum decision and yet with voting like this, his ability to deliver is being eroded. 


Edited by Jaymo
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I don't dislike em! They've been in power a week...... I don't believe this claim!......like it or not they're in power, anyone fair minded and without a political axe to grind (like remainers) would give em a chance, and wish them well, for the good of the country!

27 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Being reported that the BoJo government is the most disliked new government in 40 years.

Based on the rhetoric around Brexit in general, and a no deal Brexit in particular, people can make their own minds up about what the true will of the people is in 2019...


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This constituency would always be between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrat’s.  I spoke with a guy from the Brexit Party at a stall in my local town asking him why they were standing, didn’t he feel that any one voting for them would reduce the Conservative vote.  I also mentioned that some ‘remain’ parties had decided not to field a candidate to focus the remain vote as the by election seemed to be about remaining or leaving.  He thought his party could win and that by doing so would show Parliament that people were fed up with the status quo.  It didn’t seem to matter that the party wanting to overturn the referendum result might succeed.  

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Sadly - this may be Brexit's demise.

There is a 'near 50/50' split in the country over the whole electorate between leave and remain.

There are (in Parliament) 3 'significant' parties (Con, Lab, LibDem), plus some regional ones (SNP, DUP, Plaid Cymru)

There is only one significant party (Con) committed to Brexit.  LibDem and now Lab are both now (apparently in Lab's case) committed to remain.   The majority of the regional seats are also remain.

The ONLY WAY brexit will happen is by a majority in Parliament.

The Brexit party did well in the Euro elections.  However neither it - nor predecessor, UKIP, nor it's leader Nigel Farage has ever won a single Westminster seat.

If the the politicians (Johnson, Farage, Mogg et al) want Brexit then they MUST stand with a single leave candidate in any constituency.  It is the ONLY way brexit will ever happen.

If Farage and Johnson want to leave - this is the ONLY path that will achieve it.

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2 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Sadly - this may be Brexit's demise.

There is a 'near 50/50' split in the country over the whole electorate between leave and remain.

There are (in Parliament) 3 'significant' parties (Con, Lab, LibDem), plus some regional ones (SNP, DUP, Plaid Cymru)

There is only one significant party (Con) committed to Brexit.  LibDem and now Lab are both now (apparently in Lab's case) committed to remain.   The majority of the regional seats are also remain.

The ONLY WAY brexit will happen is by a majority in Parliament.

The Brexit party did well in the Euro elections.  However neither it - nor predecessor, UKIP, nor it's leader Nigel Farage has ever won a single Westminster seat.

If the the politicians (Johnson, Farage, Mogg et al) want Brexit then they MUST stand with a single leave candidate in any constituency.  It is the ONLY way brexit will ever happen.

If Farage and Johnson want to leave - this is the ONLY path that will achieve it.

If only politicians were as clear in their thinking as this. 

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Just now, Boristhedog said:

If only politicians were as clear in their thinking as this. 

The real 'bottom line' is that Farage needs to learn to work with others.  At last there is somone in a party leader position who should 'align' with most of his views.  Sadly his threats that he won't work with Johnson whilst Johnson as Dominic Cummings as an advisor isn't a good start .......

He currently has NO MPs in Westminster.  IF he worked with Johnson - he could (probably) have a few MPs (probably in Brexit supporting Labour areas) - and Brexit could happen - which is what he says he wants.

IF he continues to stand Brexit candidates against Brexit supporting Tories, he will not get Brexit, he will get a LibDem/Lab/SNP coalition - and we will end up remaining - and with a lefty administration (who would also be anti fieldsports and anti private firearms ownership).

They have GOT TO GET REAL if we actually want Brexit.

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