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I see Blair has been scheming behind the scenes again;

"Tony Blair has been accused of “unacceptable” behaviour after it emerged he has been briefing Emmanuel Macron on how to force Britain to stay in the EU.

The former Labour prime minister believes that if the EU stands its ground over the Brexit deal, Parliament will cave in and accept a customs union - which would keep Britain yoked to Brussels - or a second referendum that could cancel Brexit altogether.

Sources in Paris confirmed to The Telegraph that Mr Blair had been speaking to the French President about Brexit."

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6 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I see Blair has been scheming behind the scenes again;

"Tony Blair has been accused of “unacceptable” behaviour after it emerged he has been briefing Emmanuel Macron on how to force Britain to stay in the EU.

The former Labour prime minister believes that if the EU stands its ground over the Brexit deal, Parliament will cave in and accept a customs union - which would keep Britain yoked to Brussels - or a second referendum that could cancel Brexit altogether.

Sources in Paris confirmed to The Telegraph that Mr Blair had been speaking to the French President about Brexit."

If its proven to be true they should take his pension off him, a former Prime minister acting against his country!! 

Be even better if we could send a James Bond type to deal with him.

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37 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I see Blair has been scheming behind the scenes again;

"Tony Blair has been accused of “unacceptable” behaviour after it emerged he has been briefing Emmanuel Macron on how to force Britain to stay in the EU.

The former Labour prime minister believes that if the EU stands its ground over the Brexit deal, Parliament will cave in and accept a customs union - which would keep Britain yoked to Brussels - or a second referendum that could cancel Brexit altogether.

Sources in Paris confirmed to The Telegraph that Mr Blair had been speaking to the French President about Brexit."

You notice his "friends" at the BBC are keeping quiet on this - no surprise there then

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1 hour ago, Gordon R said:

Just when you think he can't sink any lower - he pulls it off. Complete, slimy cretin.

The man is absolute scum, who knows no shame and doesn’t care what people think of him, especially those he regards as of no consequence, namely us, the general public. 

I detest him more than the confines of this forum allows. 

Mark my words, he is destined for great things within the EU. 

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12 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

I see Blair has been scheming behind the scenes again;

"Tony Blair has been accused of “unacceptable” behaviour after it emerged he has been briefing Emmanuel Macron on how to force Britain to stay in the EU.

The former Labour prime minister believes that if the EU stands its ground over the Brexit deal, Parliament will cave in and accept a customs union - which would keep Britain yoked to Brussels - or a second referendum that could cancel Brexit altogether.

Sources in Paris confirmed to The Telegraph that Mr Blair had been speaking to the French President about Brexit."

No surprise about Bliar if true, he ranks amongst the best of our traitorous politicos? More wealth and power going his way.

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1 hour ago, Jaymo said:



Trolltastic! 👍

Im abroad at the moment with very intermittent WiFi and although I can use 4G to peruse British papers I prefer not to subscribe. I see Mays face all over the front page of Italian tabloids but don’t speak Italian well enough to read too much, so I’m assuming we’ve been sold down the river.

If true a sad day indeed for democracy and a definite kick in the teeth and a **** you to all those men and women who died in the Second World War fighting dictatorship, so future generations had the freedom to choose. 

Gloat all you like; it’ll just take a little longer that’s all. Meanwhile we have a definite picture of all those who claim to represent us, but are clearly in it all for themselves; what goes around comes around. I like a dirty fight. 🙂

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20 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Don't apologise to us, apologies to your children. At least when I grew up we had the illusion of Democracy. Anyone who thinks this (if Brexit doesn't actually happen) is a victory is deluded!

My thoughts also. When this dictatorial house of cards that is the EU comes crashing down, it will be a lot messier than the current shambles we’re now in. 

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24 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Don't apologise to us, apologies to your children. At least when I grew up we had the illusion of Democracy. Anyone who thinks this (if Brexit doesn't actually happen) is a victory is deluded!

So true,they the remoaners will come to rue the day,and when they whinge about democracy, I hope they cast their mind back,to these times,and what could have been,

I'm disgusted by our so called politicians, 

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1 hour ago, Scully said:

Trolltastic! 👍

Im abroad at the moment with very intermittent WiFi and although I can use 4G to peruse British papers I prefer not to subscribe. I see Mays face all over the front page of Italian tabloids but don’t speak Italian well enough to read too much, so I’m assuming we’ve been sold down the river.

If true a sad day indeed for democracy and a definite kick in the teeth and a **** you to all those men and women who died in the Second World War fighting dictatorship, so future generations had the freedom to choose. 

Gloat all you like; it’ll just take a little longer that’s all. Meanwhile we have a definite picture of all those who claim to represent us, but are clearly in it all for themselves; what goes around comes around. I like a dirty fight. 🙂

Ah, you are forgetting that perhaps we should never look backwards but look to our bright future of enslavement and total subservience to the blue rag with the yellow stars?

I am under no illusion that the Reich is alive and growing daily, sadly aided and abetted by our own. Could only be here that this is the result?

Seemingly true to form, we give it all away at every opportunity? Continuing bewilderment!

I shall continue with the myth of Democracy that millions died for and wait for the polling booth to open.

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1 hour ago, Scully said:


I know youre half joking Jaymo, but what if that passport had no coat of arms on it, just the EU stars ?
What if there was no mention of the UK on it , just that it was an passport for the United states of Europe? The Greater EU .
What if it became an offence under EU law to refer to yourself as English, or Scottish , Welsh , as nationalism is the EU s number 1 enemy ,even now, according to verhofstadt?

Sound a bit far fetched, or are you ok with all that ?
Because those ARE  the future aims of the EU project, make no mistake.


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54 minutes ago, Rewulf said:


That’s a bit ‘Project fear’ but from the ‘other side’ - thought only us Remoaners we’re allowed to project negativity and fear.

Would make my job easier if I didn’t have to carry my Passport at all and for us all to be Schengen. Day in, day out, I see the delays and inconvenience experienced by Passengers.

Future of my Children? Already both of mine speak two languages and state they live here and France- being 4 and 6 they see nothing unusual about it and the freeedom to come and go, enrol in the local schools, access healthcare etc ( so they only see the ‘nothing unusual part’ , other bits are what they experience without their knowledge). 


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52 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

That’s a bit ‘Project fear’ but from the ‘other side’ - thought only us Remoaners we’re allowed to project negativity and fear.


Its project fact Im afraid, look how far they have come , just in the last 20 years.
Look how the landscape has changed.
'You dont have to have the euro' - We want everyone to have the euro by 2025, with a common tax policy and a central EU financial authority to run it.
'There are NO plans for an EU army' --We are putting together an EU army to combat Russian aggression, whilst we build gas pipelines from Russia to base our future energy needs on this aggressor.
'We understand some 'states' are sceptical of more federal EU integration' ---We shall combat this blatent nationalism by bringing in new laws, and making more integration difficult to avoid without risking sanctions.
'We understand some of the more nationalist countries have problems with integrating 3rd world migrants' ----You will take whatever refugee quotas we assign to you or you will be sanctioned.

At the moment its very difficult for the EU to enforce any sanction or threat, unless its financially or economically .
Having a multi nation EU army made up of a selection of forces that are not traditionally friendly toward the sanctioned /threatened country, solves this inadequacy in the EU armoury.

1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

Would make my job easier if I didn’t have to carry my Passport at all and for us all to be Schengen. Day in, day out, I see the delays and inconvenience experienced by Passengers.

In these days of terrorism both national and international, some form of ID is necessary.
It doesnt need the EU to administer this though.
Schengen is a construct that requires international agreement between participating countries, and a concept that existed long before the EU came to power.


1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

Future of my Children? Already both of mine speak two languages and state they live here and France- being 4 and 6 they see nothing unusual about it and the freeedom to come and go, enrol in the local schools, access healthcare etc ( so they only see the ‘nothing unusual part’ , other bits are what they experience without their knowledge). 

Again, why do we need the EU for that ?
Mutual understanding between neighbouring countries, multilingualist kids / adults , this didnt come into being with the Lisbon treaty.

I like Europe, most people do , in reality has the EU made travel that much easier abroad ?
I first went to France 40 years ago, and it didnt appear to be a problem then, I learned French at school , its still my ''best' foreign language.
I travelled through Belgium ,Holland and Germany on  my own when I was 18 , 33 years ago, aside from embarkation points, and changing money, no one asked to see my passport.
All this before the EU and Schengen.
Do we need the EU ? I dont believe we do.

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2 hours ago, Jaymo said:

That’s a bit ‘Project fear’ but from the ‘other side’ - thought only us Remoaners we’re allowed to project negativity and fear.

Would make my job easier if I didn’t have to carry my Passport at all and for us all to be Schengen. Day in, day out, I see the delays and inconvenience experienced by Passengers.

Future of my Children? Already both of mine speak two languages and state they live here and France- being 4 and 6 they see nothing unusual about it and the freeedom to come and go, enrol in the local schools, access healthcare etc ( so they only see the ‘nothing unusual part’ , other bits are what they experience without their knowledge). 


Project fear? Based on more than remainers mere scaremongering I feel. 

So its safe to assume that you’re quite happy to see the democratic process over ridden, for nothing other than personal convenience. Ah well, lets hope the next generations don’t reep what has been sown. 

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I like Europe also, very much, I simply don’t want to be ruled by the EU. 

I’m in Italy at the moment; despite none of them knowing how to queue ( deliberately 😃) it has a lot going for it. It’s clean, the police are armed, they don’t appear to feel the need to hide tobacco products from minors lest they be seduced by the glimpse of a packet of fags, and despite many of the shops openly displaying vast arrays of every type of knife which is illegal to own back home, the youths here don’t seem to be in any particular rush to go out and kill each other. Strange. 🤔

I genuinely can’t wait until the next lot of voting takes place; interesting times ahead.

Wouldn't it be funny if labour did in fact get  in! 😀

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44 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Having a multi nation EU army made up of a selection of forces that are not traditionally friendly toward the sanctioned /threatened country, solves this inadequacy in the EU armoury

Can't see that one coming any time soon, imagine the stink that would be unleashed if a European " Army" struck at the UK!!

9 minutes ago, Scully said:

Wiuldnt it be funny if labour did in fact get  in!

God no 😓 

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11 minutes ago, Scully said:

Project fear? Based on more than remainers mere scaremongering I feel. 

So its safe to assume that you’re quite happy to see the democratic process over ridden, for nothing other than personal convenience. Ah well, lets hope the next generations don’t reep what has been sown. 

Well, I can’t honestly say I’ve never ever felt ‘repressed’ By the hand of the great EU in the last fifty years, and I very doubt many of you have either.

The project fear argument cuts both ways matey- or do you wish to claim its use in totality.

Lightnen up, the world has changed and in or out of the EU, things won’t be any different 

“Personal convenience” ? Prefer the term “open mindedness through experience in my personal and professional life” 


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