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6 hours ago, Diver One said:

I quite like the 'truckers hitch'. 'Thief knot' is handy as you don't need to go back to untie it BUT needs twice as much rope.....unless using it as a marking line, then you just run out the "release end"  hard to explain so it's easier f you google it

bowline, reef, round turn and two half hitches, clove hitch, artillery hitch get used a lot

Thief Knot better known as the Highwaymans  hitch.


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Clove hitch, half hitch, timber hitch,berlutti shoe knot, Spaniard knot  figure of eight, basic overhand granny knot, slip knot, Four in hand and half Windsor tie knot.

Best advice I ever got, if you can't tie knots tie lots.

Most used for me is overhand and Clove hitch 

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how do people on here tie their bowline knots? I've always used the rabbit out of the hole method. But the other day I saw someone make one that starts with a loose slip loop.Through the tag end went and there was a bowline knot. is this pretty standard, or was she a witch? I'd never seen it done like that!

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Chris watching some old timers tie knots is like Ted Rogers three two one and there like magic is perfect knot.

I've seen the method your on about, the rabbit in the hole is easy to teach with the rabbit analogy. The other way you saw is the fastest, she wasn't a survival in the wild woman was she? Might be one I've watched.

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I can still recall most of the ones I was taught in scouts:

Reef, Granny, Overhand, Double overhand, Figure of eight, Figure of eight rewoven, Clove hitch, Bowline, Sheet bend, Highwayman's hitch, Monkey's fist, Round turn and two half hitches, Prussik hitch, Sheep shank

Relay races down the length of a draughty church hall to maintain the honour of your patrol!

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4 hours ago, figgy said:

Chris watching some old timers tie knots is like Ted Rogers three two one and there like magic is perfect knot.

I've seen the method your on about, the rabbit in the hole is easy to teach with the rabbit analogy. The other way you saw is the fastest, she wasn't a survival in the wild woman was she? Might be one I've watched.

It was this lady:


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9 hours ago, dipper said:

Don’t like blowing my own trumpet but I must say I am exelent at tying knots.My uncle who worked on  the dry docks taught me .As a kid I always had some rope with me and had books on knot tying.I joined the scouts at a early age and I could match most of them .I never tried splicing rope that’s something I’d like to try.





Not so good at spelling though :hmm:

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6 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

how do people on here tie their bowline knots? I've always used the rabbit out of the hole method. But the other day I saw someone make one that starts with a loose slip loop.Through the tag end went and there was a bowline knot. is this pretty standard, or was she a witch? I'd never seen it done like that!

Sounds like the way I do a bowline too but I don't think it's necessarily standard, just seems more logical to me.

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2 hours ago, figgy said:

I learn them but can never remember them unless I'm using them regularly. Quick look and I can do them again.

Yeah I find that, and before I know it I'm trying to tie a half-Siberian icicle sheep and wondering where it all went wrong. A quick refresh and you're underway.


4 hours ago, JDog said:

An interesting topic. I have absolutely no knowledge of knots apart from the Granny. 

Always time to learn a new one. It's really rather therapeutic practising a few knots, and very pleasing when you use them and it all works nicely

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Tied a neat couple of monkeys fists not so long ago for Lady A’s shop sign. Did a lovely eye splice too for a rope in the back of my pick-up that was starting to fray.

My favourite has got to be the shoelace knot that Nick Beardo (?) posted one here years ago! I start it with a surgeon’s thumb knot and that combo never seems to undo.

The other one I use now and again is a fisherman’s knot - two ends of rope joined with two thumb knots. So beautifully simple.



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I’m a member of a mountain and cave rescue team, we obviously use, and rely on knots on a fairly regular basis.  I would say that 99% of Rescue rigging is done with a figure of eight, double figure of eight on the bight (bunny ears) and an alpine butterfly. 

The last knot I learned how to tie was a taught line hitch after faffing about setting up a tarp when camping with my son.

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Used to use a lot on a daily basis in training mainly but also at incidents.

Rolling hitch, RT2HH, clove hitch and half hitches in varius combinations, never had to use bowline and other rescue knots in anger and never used sheepshank, timber/killick hitches even after being taught them.

Now its all uni knot, albright and a few others for fishing.

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Figure of eight knot for mud pattens board ties, reef knot for securing the pattens to ones feet, bowline for securing decoys, alpine butterfly hitch as fixing point for the lay off anchor to the main boat anchor line, soft eye splice, hard eye splice, back splice, flat seizing and common whipping for anchor line, towing/recovery rope etc. Soft eye splice, halved and served for the punt gun breaching rope with a sewn whipping.

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1 hour ago, mudpatten said:

Figure of eight knot for mud pattens board ties, reef knot for securing the pattens to ones feet, bowline for securing decoys, alpine butterfly hitch as fixing point for the lay off anchor to the main boat anchor line, soft eye splice, hard eye splice, back splice, flat seizing and common whipping for anchor line, towing/recovery rope etc. Soft eye splice, halved and served for the punt gun breaching rope with a sewn whipping.


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