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The Truth

Jim Sarakun

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I want to know the truth! .......  For all my life, and all of those my age, you must admit, we have experienced this white lie phenomenon. What I would like now, is the truth. I am 64. Youngsters, 30 years or so, younger than me,  seem to me, to have no concept of this phenomenon, called truth. Truth is not a shameful thing. A 25 year old told me he shot 200 birds, on a field us oldies, over 25 years, have never shot more than 79 birds. Ok, so we may be poor shots. A youngster told me that he gets 40mpg from his 2.5 litre series Land Rover. On Petrol. Right! I love white lies, and am not condemning the perpetrators, but would love to name and shame them, just for a giggle, so watch what you post. Brexit?? here are loads of white lies.

I am going to make the first response to my post. I declare that Donald Trump, knows everything, so he must be the son of Google, who does know everything.

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So... is it true, will you hit more birds with a Hatsun than you will with a Beretta ? Is a side by side more accurate than an over and under? Do rubber, wobbly decoys, bring in more birds than a twirly? Do politicians tell the truth, is Diesel more economical than Petrol. Are moderators bias? So many questions, the quest for truth is limitless.

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2 minutes ago, figgy said:

When it comes to mpg most youngsters don't have a clue how to work out the mpg. 

He probably has shot 200 pigeons in total 😁

I seem to recall someone on here stating that they had shot 300 plus pigeons in just a few hours. This was challenged by many with a request for photos etc.but was never substantiated. Such claimants only fool themselves. He hasn't posted since. I wonder why !


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The trouble with our 'snowflake generation' is they are submerged in so much **** the truth very rarely shows itself to them so they believe in almost everything that they see, hear or touch. Wifey and I have made it our life to be honest and truthful is all we do - it's not hard on a personal level although is has caused us issues with our kids; one who as they say 'old enough to know better' just cannot handle it and she is mature and in a professional job. She is also one of those addicted to social media which seems to be the root cause.

i despair with the current crop of politicians who, like the media, just cannot be honest with us. God help us!

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9 hours ago, Jim Sarakun said:

Ditchman, does the truth, not make a better story than a lie?

fact "the truth hurts"..............and ive had enough pain in my life............

the lack of truth is even worse...................for years i used to HATE journalists interveiwing journalists..............now i look forward to it.....as they try and deseminate what their interviews with politicians were all about...........its almost like being at Bletchley Park...cracking the Enigma Machine.........

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16 hours ago, Jim Sarakun said:

A youngster told me that he gets 40mpg from his 2.5 litre series Land Rover. On Petrol. Right!

My experience of the old 2.5 litre petrol lump, is that you lose around 3-5mpg just through leakage....


6 hours ago, figgy said:

When it comes to mpg most youngsters don't have a clue how to work out the mpg. 

He probably has shot 200 pigeons in total 😁

Well, actually I do, but even the cheapest car's display will actually tell you the current and average consumption, and probably give you a far more accurate figure than your back-of-a-fag-packet scribblings.  Always assuming, of course, that you're aware of the difference between a US Gallon (3.5 litres), and a 'UK' (Imperial) Gallon (4.54 litres).

Also, exactly what use is quoting MPG - apart from giving you some kind of comparison?

I was born in 1982, and I don't remember seeing fuel being sold in gallons.

Obviously, the measure used by our continental cousins - l/100 km - which measures fuel efficiency rather than consumption - is equally useless to us.

MPL?  My Peugeot 308, which will happily return 50 MPG does...11 MPL


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From a purely philosophical point there cannot ever be such a thing as truth, we all perceive everything only from our point of view - to someone their truth might be that killing animals is wrong, to someone killing millions of people is justifiable.

There was a series recently on TV about truth and they concluded that a world without lies would be very hostile, the need to be a cohesive group necessitates a degree of lying.

Where that crosses into big malicious lies is very much subjective too

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