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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Is this it?

Doc Holliday

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Very informative thanks Rets.


I have to say I'm rather concerned about the next flu jab come the time, I think I've read in the past they are based on three of the worst flu's in the far East.

I Guess I'd best put on my tin foil hat again in readiness because I didn't research that.... :)

Willing to be corrected though. 

Edited by Dave-G
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7 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Willing to be corrected though.

I think you are about right! 

I believe that the make up of the 'flu jab is chosen by the WHO on (3 or sometimes 4) variants of 'flu seen in approx February preceding the northern hemisphere cold season is used to make September's UK 'jab'.  I think it is usually a combination of the most common variant and any variants seen that are viewed as particularly dangerous.  Australia and NZ tend to get what was going on in the 'far east' in their previous cold season - and can be 6 months or so ahead of us.  The official explanation for the NHS jab is here;


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Going back to the topic of death rates and infection rates. I really think there will be a massive regional variation. If the Lonfon figures were separated from the rest of England I believe London would look far worse. Wales,Scotland and N.I seem to be doing better due to London not skewing their numbers.

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27 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I think you are about right! 

I believe that the make up of the 'flu jab is chosen by the WHO on (3 or sometimes 4) variants of 'flu seen in approx February preceding the northern hemisphere cold season is used to make September's UK 'jab'.  I think it is usually a combination of the most common variant and any variants seen that are viewed as particularly dangerous.  Australia and NZ tend to get what was going on in the 'far east' in their previous cold season - and can be 6 months or so ahead of us.  The official explanation for the NHS jab is here;


Thank you - can't help but wonder if the virus will sometimes be mistaken for flu and vica versa. I'm in more that one of the high risk categories.

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On the death rate, I think a great deal depends on the preparedness and depth of the health service involved. When medical staff are having to leave people die because of a lack of equipment then the death rate is bound to go up. It's also very traumatic for the staff involved -as evidenced by this clip from Spain. https://youtu.be/IXBkjOXiMvw


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2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

If you require a figure, my personal feeling is that getting above say 30,000 (UK) is concerning because it is exceeding the average annual flu toll (roughly 10 to 15 thousand annually) by a sizeable margin and exceeding the recent 'worst year' flu toll (2014/5 was estimated at 28,000).

Didn't realise that sort of number normally die from flu, it explains the flu jab. 

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8 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:


The USA’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does publish estimates of the number of flu cases annually, including estimates for the number of hospitalisations and the number of deaths. The number of cases has ranged from nine million to 45 million a year, and the number of deaths ranged from 12,000 to 61,000. These figures suggest that over the past decade in the United States, the percentage of flu cases that resulted in hospitalisation has consistently been between 1% and 2%, and the percentage of cases that resulted in death has been between 0.1% and 0.2%.

From the link, it's no wonder the USA is being so affected. 

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17 hours ago, AVB said:

Thanks for this, very informative, upbeat and hopefully close to the truth

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28 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Keeping in mind that funerals are likely to be necessarily very basic for the time being, anyone got any idea of how much we ought be be putting to one side to pay for our simple collection and cremation?

hello, thats sounding a bit gloomy Dave, not much change out of £2.500 for a basic one,

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On ‎28‎/‎03‎/‎2020 at 14:13, Rewulf said:

Im sure the drop in cases will be attributed to the lock down, here , there and everywhere.
But we are assuming rather a lot there, maybe the vast majority dont have symptoms , or are very light .
I had a really bad chest infection, cough and fever, the likes of which Ive never known,in january, as did many others, my lungs still arent right now, was it CV19 ?

Like I say , until more are tested, there are many assumptions about transmission and lethality.
If its HALF as bad as made out to be , every country in the world is going to have to locked down EVERY year.
My suspicion is the whole thing is overblown, and in the next few weeks , this will become apparent.


I hope the Nightingale remains empty .. and you're right.

I hope the morgue's they're creating stay empty …. and you're right.

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4 hours ago, henry d said:

... and plenty here who deal with them on a daily basis too. Just as easily transmitted by pest control, gamekeepers, or anyone else who goes in and around farms.


Totally incorrect, take a look at the Wuhan market before the outbreak.

China has been warned several times of the risk of a disease jumping species and causing an outbreak many times before this happened, they then covered it up, causing untold numbers of deaths around the world by not giving countries time to prepare.

China has alot to answer for with this!

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18 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

Totally incorrect, take a look at the Wuhan market before the outbreak.

China has been warned several times of the risk of a disease jumping species and causing an outbreak many times before this happened, they then covered it up, causing untold numbers of deaths around the world by not giving countries time to prepare.

China has alot to answer for with this!

Chill pill.

We were talking about hantavirus, so wind your neck in!

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