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An old Dog and new tricks.


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Fuddy Duddies like me do not like change.

I am not a Luddite for nothing and when Clodhopper suggested to me that I try 28 gram 71/2 cartridges rather than the no.6 I have used for Donkey's years the suggestion was almost as radical as if he had asked to spend a night with my wife. He had had some success with them and more importantly had increased confidence in his own shooting so I thought I would give them a try. One box was quite enough I thought for this experiment.

This morning I had a long stay in bed and didn't feel too bad this afternoon so I snuck out without my wife seeing me and drove to a roosting wood. I only took the one box of cartridges, a game bag and Jasper. I was in place by 4:15 and by 5:00 I had used every cartridge and was on my way home. I picked ten pigeons, all as dead as dead could be and all full of rape. 

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Good of you for venturing out , today we were back to heavy showers and a cold wind , you had a nice little afternoon getting through a box of shells and enough pigeons to carry back in your bag .

I am surprised how well some of the smaller size shot cartridges kill , I tend to buy whatever cartridges come up for sale , I must admit some perform better than others , but I haven't been disappointed with any size I use , if I am having a poor day , it is more down to me than the cartridge .

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30 minutes ago, JDog said:

I am not sure that I would have done as well with Superfast sixes.

The last clay video I put up was with hull superfast 7.5 28g plastic wad and I shot pretty well with them  might give them ago if I get out any time soon as most of the fields I can shoot are water logged bad 

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21 minutes ago, JDog said:

They were Lyalvale Express, the like of which I have never used before.


hello, not tried those, i have shot these, comp X and Eley select, the latter were good on a pattern improved/3/4 choke, in the hide, more choke if higher birds roosting, am waiting for JC to get some more Jockers in stock

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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Been using Express English Sporter 28g 7.5 for around 3-4 years now and must say that at first I was a little sceptical but I have been very impressed with the killing range of the cartridge, at £185 per thousand in felt wad, plus they are soft shooting, what’s not to like.

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3 hours ago, old'un said:



Been using Express English Sporter 28g 7.5 for around 3-4 years now and must say that at first I was a little sceptical but I have been very impressed with the killing range of the cartridge, at £185 per thousand in felt wad, plus they are soft shooting, what’s not to like.

Those are the very same ones I have been using, I like them and seem to kill fairly well with them. JDog and I popped out for an hour this evening to a beautiful wood in the Wolds.  The birds were spectacular on the wind, we missed some and killed a few. Jasper picked a few that dropped over the river and one long dropper that JDog hit hard and was carried some distance on the wind.

We ended up with 14 between us, all of which will be remembered for sometime.

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I used the old eley Olympics 28g -7.5 for pigeons for years. Recently I have used both Trust & Jocker 28g -7.5 which I really rate through 1/2 & 3/4 choke combination.

I have on occasion taken some 30g- 5 game loads decoying and to be honest I prefer the lighter loads over decoys 25- 35 yards out.


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