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Will pigeon shooting be banned..??

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I revived another Covid-19 email updating as to what a certain shoot organiser is doing. Within the email was this:

 In addition we face another review of the General Licences under which we shoot pigeons and other ‘pest’ species. It’s possible we’ll see ever more restrictions on the shooting of pigeons, perhaps a close season, maybe even an outright ban so we are currently not taking any bookings for pigeon shooting that might take place after 01st August 2020 until we know more.

I am therefore interested to hear what everyone’s opinion is, do you think Pigeon shoot will get banned or restricted?

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2 hours ago, hawkfanz said:

retrictions are creeping in,on the gov.uk site it now states sa with a maximum of 3 shots can be used for taking birds,,,so anyone usein an fac one will be illegal now.

Have you got a link for that as I’ve just checked the March 2020 GL for woodpigeon and that explicitly states you can use FAC semi auto?

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6 minutes ago, David BASC said:

It has been the case for many years that you cant shoot game with a shotgun with a magazine of more than 2 rounds, this is not 'creeping legislation' on the control of pigeons' enfieldspares is totally correct


There's so many ifs and buts creeping in daily . Farmers are facing massive losses now with the loss of last of Last winters crops due to the weather we've had . Now we're back to last year's mess after the general license fiasco. Spring crops are finally going in where possible and we can't carry out control on the pigeons and corvids  again. We're in devastating times now I just hope we come through .

Hopefully our representatives can put some extra effort into a final solution once and for all. That's all we ask.



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On March 26, 2020 at 09:03, David BASC said:

It has been the case for many years that you cant shoot game with a shotgun with a magazine of more than 2 rounds, this is not 'creeping legislation' on the control of pigeons' enfieldspares is totally correct


Quite right David my father and our past  game keeper  taught me the right way to shoot and have done so for many years here..the agents often ask me for vermin shooting mostly pigeon to sell to people as membership I could do that myself for monetary needs. These org should be restricted (although they have freedom of speech etc) from giving their opinions on the as yet revealed forthcoming wildlife and countryside  act 1981 (amended 2020) act .. and  are causing worry to all.. NB.... .it has been dealt with the law has been agreed temp  and will be published and ..released  out to trial in June.If working .as agreed by all then a full roll out in January 2021 ... That is if the present emergency powers are lifted and we are given .. all clear. So David you are right..stay safe ...Clay Shooter 

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On 26 March 2020 at 11:10, David BASC said:

I agree there is an issue with crop protection at the moment and BASC is waiting for DEFRA to come back with clarification, as soon as we have more news it will be on the BASC web site


David, is it not possible please to use the BASC members emailing service for this important clarification? Thanks.

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On 26/03/2020 at 11:10, David BASC said:

I agree there is an issue with crop protection at the moment and BASC is waiting for DEFRA to come back with clarification, as soon as we have more news it will be on the BASC web site


Looking fwd with bated breath.

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