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Lockdown fun


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So day 12 for me now.. We have an old cast iron radiator, inherited with the house, looks like the original from back in the 50's. Got it sand blasted before we went into lockdown, so today painted it up.. 

Then painted the wall where its going to live. Baring in mind it was upstairs when we moved in.. Its best part of 150kg so not a hope I'm getting it back up the stairs. 

Photos not in order. 


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I've painted the door steps. Put a shelf up. Fixed a hedge cutter. Cleaned the windows. Painted the garage door. Trimmed a shrub. Fixed the electric box. Put a floor in the shed. Drank 18 cans of lager, watched about a dozen films, listened to days worth of planet rock and had about 400 arguments over menial ****. I would relish the idea of hanging a radiator, you lucky ****** 😂

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11 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

I've painted the door steps. Put a shelf up. Fixed a hedge cutter. Cleaned the windows. Painted the garage door. Trimmed a shrub. Fixed the electric box. Put a floor in the shed. Drank 18 cans of lager, watched about a dozen films, listened to days worth of planet rock and had about 400 arguments over menial ****. I would relish the idea of hanging a radiator, you lucky ****** 😂

Sounds like fun. I've also cleared the rough ground at bottom of garden and got Broad beans, carrots, courgette, radish, potato's in the ground, have ordered the fencing to properly fence it off as a veg plot. built a new garden bench, put in foundation for a wall to extend the driveway. Got to sand back the garage doors and varnish them. But have to get them off the hinges first, they won't be light.... 

Oh and I'm still working an 8 hour day from home.. 

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21 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

Sounds like fun. I've also cleared the rough ground at bottom of garden and got Broad beans, carrots, courgette, radish, potato's in the ground, have ordered the fencing to properly fence it off as a veg plot. built a new garden bench, put in foundation for a wall to extend the driveway. Got to sand back the garage doors and varnish them. But have to get them off the hinges first, they won't be light.... 

Oh and I'm still working an 8 hour day from home.. 

Nobody likes a show off 😉 your going to run out of jobs, I've got weeks worth to go at.

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Made a nice job of that :good:

I have tidied both sheds, sprayed them with preserver. Painted the side step support bars and rear chassis legs on the lux. Made a ton of logs. Cut the lawns with the hand mover (ride on stuck in repair). Cleaned out the pond. Washed and cleaned the cars, changed a wing mirror motor. 

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1 hour ago, Mice! said:

Nobody likes a show off 😉 your going to run out of jobs, I've got weeks worth to go at.

We have just moved into a 1930's house and previous owner did nothing for five-years... Previous to that was the original owners, they were in their 90s when they moved out.. So it's original and neglected, I have plenty to do... 

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1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

Sounds like fun. I've also cleared the rough ground at bottom of garden and got Broad beans, carrots, courgette, radish, potato's in the ground, have ordered the fencing to properly fence it off as a veg plot. built a new garden bench, put in foundation for a wall to extend the driveway. Got to sand back the garage doors and varnish them. But have to get them off the hinges first, they won't be light.... 

Oh and I'm still working an 8 hour day from home.. 

That’s ok, I suppose. Personally, I built a bench, serviced the mowers, mowed the lawn, painted the house, developed a cure for cancer and dug over the vegetable patch. After lunch I really started to crack on. With an early start tomorrow, I expect to really get stuff done.

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7 hours ago, AVB said:

I have got the first part of the gazebo up. 

The problem  is how I shift the 430kg hot tub. I’ve been working out but it’s a bit much for me on my own. And it needs to be lifted up 3ft. 


Helped someone move a big hot tub once. Never again... 😳😂

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12 hours ago, AVB said:

Is that a suggestion or an insult? 😂

Assuming the former it’s a good idea. I’ll look into it. Probably not easy to source though. 

Would building a ramp to slide it up help.

A wet plastic tarpaulin to slide it to the ramp base might work or using poles or logs for rollers. We shifted a 4x6ft shed up my Dads garden using rustic poles for rollers.

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12 hours ago, AVB said:

I have got the first part of the gazebo up. 

The problem  is how I shift the 430kg hot tub. I’ve been working out but it’s a bit much for me on my own. And it needs to be lifted up 3ft. 


rigid water pipes as rollers and empty the water out !

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52 minutes ago, fatchap said:

Day 11 of my confinement, been busy refurbed an old bowie knife, and I don't mean to brag have just completed this in my back garden.


Took me a while, still got a few more lights to hang and a bit of paint here and there. 

Thought is was Fat Sarah’s gynaecologist desperately seeking Ditchie

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I wish!

Although predominantly working from home, my working day has stretched at each end, and added hours at weekends, still having to do the odd site visit when needs arise, whilst juggling childcare with the wife of our 21 month old as the nursery has closed, and even though we are both NHS key workers there's nowhere to take her.

If anyone passes comment on my so called golden NHS pension when this comes to an end I think I may get a bit "sweary"!

Stay safe all.


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Spent all morning cleaning and polishing a 40+ Year Old Children's Siver Cross Dolls Pram for our granddaughters 6th birthday on Thursday


this afternoon I started on making a walking stick as I have a few Hazel sticks in the workshop along with some antler, buffalo horn etc






yesterdays interlude was making an adaptor to attach "glue-on dent pulling tabs" to a slide hammer.  We have inherited a 53 Plate Fusion 3 runabout (43k on clock) but it has a bit of Supermarket Carpark rash






finish off Pram

do a bit more on stick

tidy house ( a bit ) Wife is in school looking after Critical workers / vulnerable kids




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