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New Lawnmower.


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Hi gang.

              After 25 yrs of faultless service i have just gave my Mountfield Laser mower to the scrapman. It looked like it had been in a Fight with 2 Sherman tanks.

              I dont think i ever cleaned the plug. So do i buy another Mountfield or have a change.  My new lawn is only about 60 ft x 20 ft.

             I want a petrol mower again.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thanks all.


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My grandfather had a Suffolk petrol mower for years. Had a few others too after it failed to start, bad fuel I suspect from previous year, bought a electric Al ko big yellow German thing but it cut very well. The Suffolk was left for two decades hidden behind stuff in the shed. The alko never let him down.  

If the petrol are as good, it'll be a good mower.

Honda small engine production went out to China years ago, not as good as the older Honda mowers. Same went for the generators.

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Not sure they eat ivy, I had one on my allotment 20 yrs ago and she cost me £25.she got some kind of bloat and I had to have her put down. This was in the middle of the foot an mouth outbreak. I remember  having to get a number from defra. Read up on them before you get one.. Unlike I did, I ended up with the breed they advice you not to get as a biginner. 

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12 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

We had a few as a kid/teen. Can't remember them eating ivy, electric fences did work, but as a kid goat they will literally get anywhere. They can climb obscene obstacles and get out all the time, then eat every flower youve planted. 

I had a few and can confirm mine didn`t eat ivy. They ate everything else and as strimmer said, will demolish a flower bed in minutes. Also washing on a line as it`s incredible how high they can reach. 

We had 2 Toggenburgs (brown & white),  a Saanen (white) and a British Alpine (black and white).

It`s only the male goats that stink by the way, Samboy and it`s true they look for anything other than grass to eat i.e. they don`t graze like sheep.

A lawn mower is a far lower maintenance option :good:


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I have had a Honda Izy for the past 14 years. I treat it to new oil, plug and filter each year. Deck is still in good nick aswell.

Incidentally I have been using my late grandads rotavator today. He bought it in 1966. Used it every year in his garden. Serviced it regularly and it still works a treat although the tones are a bit worn now!!


It is a Mountfield with a Briggs and Stratton engine.



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I have recently bought the aldi self propelled petrol mower, it is heavy but with the large wheels easy to push , being a hobbling old *** when engaged the self propelled is to fast for me so  I have to 'slip the clutch' but I think its very good for the money, before buying this was seriously looking at the honda

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