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14 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

The Prime Minister takes paternity leave in the middle of a national crisis? Oh well... I suppose any farmer who has stock to feed and land to sow,; or any small business owner with clients and customers to serve; or any self-employed tradesman with jobs to get on with must have more on his plate that he can't find a way to give himself a couple of weeks paternity leave.

Wondering where you where.

So where does it say Boris is having two weeks off? The only thing I've seen says he will be taking paternity leave later in the year. 

The only people I can imagine not being at the birth of their child would be servicemen stationed away from home.

Can't believe he spent the day with his wife and new baby, shocking.

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9 hours ago, enfieldspares said:

Why can't people be happy for him? Perhaps because they are unhappy? Unhappy at having relatives die through Johnson's incompetence....remember "herd immunity"...? Or maybe unhappy his Government's disgraceful attempt to move the goalposts over NHS protocols for staff PPE so as to disguise their failings to adequately provide said PPE. Or maybe they are unhappy as they are just such nasty people that they can't put aside all that unhappy news of Britain likely to have one of the world's worst CV19 death rates to bring themselves to congratulate a serial philanderer and adulterer on having another child to add to the list of the many he has already fathered. Conduct that if he lived in a council house would have some here throwing all manner of metaphorical brickbats at him.

We need a ‘like’ button!!!

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So far every time something has been asked of him he’s taken an extended holiday, become ill (if you believe he actually had C-19 you must think the moon is cheese!) and now just after his miraculous recovery his latest squeeze  has popped out a sprog so it’s paternity leave!. Any normal employee with this appalling track record would have quite rightly been sacked by now. 

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2 hours ago, Trevorevans said:

 become ill (if you believe he actually had C-19 you must think the moon is cheese!) 

If you seriously believe that someone at St Thomas hospital wouldn't have come out to the media and spilled the beans if it was a lie then you probably think the moon landings were faked.

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8 hours ago, Mice! said:

Can't believe he spent the day with his wife and new baby, shocking.

Just a small correction... I don’t believe his wife was there. 

5 minutes ago, JDog said:


This thread has brought out some seriously unpleasant people.

Have some posts been deleted by the moderators?

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Just a heads up boys, if you are concerned about nasty you probably best want to avoid the Harry/Megan thread and any of numerous Diane Abbott threads.

The internet is too nasty a place. Until we know that both mother and baby are safe and well I certainly do not think we should be judging the man’s priorities.

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13 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Funnily enough he gets paid by the state and Chequers and No.10 are the ultimate council houses. :)

Congratulations to Boris and Carrie. Nice to have a bit of good news. 👍🇬🇧

Beat me to it!

Happy on a personal basis that all are well.

Edited by old man
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10 hours ago, Walker570 said:

If I was to comment on the comments made, I would without doubt be joining Ditchie for four weeks, so i will refrain.


2 hours ago, JDog said:


This thread has brought out some seriously unpleasant people.


1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

Totally agree with this, I'm otherwise not participating in this thread, which I find plain 'nasty'.

All the above,,,, except to say all the best to Boris, Carrie and Boris Jr.

And to all the 'nasties',,,, GROW UP !!!

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On 29/04/2020 at 12:28, Diver One said:

Will this be the first "child born out of wedlock" in Number 10?

just wondering

bless him , but he won't be the first ******* that's lived there !

Edited by derbyduck
not right in the head.
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Nasty comments, hey? Maybe. But I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned puritan. I've always looked a bit askance at blokes who father children and move on. Once - perhaps it's incompatibility,  immaturity, whatever. These thing happen. But multiple times? Then it's a pattern of being too selfish to even take it out in time. 

Children deserve a family. And unless you're prepared to commit to them 100% then you shouldn't have them. That's my view. But like I say, maybe I'm just old-fashioned. 

As for Johnson, he was still married to his wife (and he's still married to her) when he fathered another child with his girlfriend. And not for the first time. Sorry, that's just...never mind. It's the stamp of the man.

Edited by Retsdon
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5 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

Nasty comments, hey? Maybe. I suppose  I'm just an old-fashioned puritan. But I've always looked a bit askance at blokes who father children and move on. Once - perhaps it's incompatibility,  immaturity, whatever. These thing happen. But multiple times? Then it's a pattern of being too selfish to even take it out in time. 

Children deserve a family. And unless you're prepared to commit to them 100% then you shouldn't have them. That's my view. But like I say, maybe I'm just old-fashioned. 

As for Johnson, he was still married to his wife when he fathered another child with his girlfriend. And not for the first time. Sorry, that's just...never mind. It's the stamp of the man.

Absolutely agree there is nothing wrong with old fashioned values 

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Nasty comments, hey? Maybe. But I suppose I'm just an old-fashioned puritan. I've always looked a bit askance at blokes who father children and move on. Once - perhaps it's incompatibility,  immaturity, whatever. These thing happen. But multiple times? Then it's a pattern of being too selfish to even take it out in time. 

Children deserve a family. And unless you're prepared to commit to them 100% then you shouldn't have them. That's my view. But like I say, maybe I'm just old-fashioned. 

As for Johnson, he was still married to his wife (and he's still married to her) when he fathered another child with his girlfriend. And not for the first time. Sorry, that's just...never mind. It's the stamp of the man.

+1. There should be a "like" button on this Forum.

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Since I think it was me that raised the words 'nasty' comments - and despite the fact I said I was 'out of the thread' (!),  let me expand on what I meant.

I particularly found 'nasty' the implication that

  • Johnson hadn't really been ill at all or had caught the virus 'on purpose' to get sympathy (quote "you (i) catch the virus, thereby enabling you garner public concern / sympathy, make a heroic recovery and absolve yourself of any decision making")
  • the implication that he was using his partner having a baby as an excuse to duck PM questions,
  • the implication that he would be taking Paternity Leave to dodge being "on the spot" when it has been clearly stated that he will not be taking paternity leave at present.

Whether the child is 'out of wedlock' is not an issue in this day and age for the majority in the UK including me - and I congratulate him, and his partner on their new arrival.

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