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£29 Million !!!???, nice little earner for Baroness Mone , PPE Scandal !!!, How many more greased their dirty hands??


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20 minutes ago, discobob said:

Apparently there has been a high court ruling on this in that the tendering process has been deemed to be illegal in the way the government went about it.  What will be done about it - sod all!!

They'll just spout the usual "lessons have been learned" blah, blah blah

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It's all a lot of hot air.  it's like starmer and brown wanting to scrap the House of Lords.  That was on the cards years ago.  Liebor cant win at the box so let's ship the looney left militant faction in through the back door.  Did you see the trade union bloke on the box the other day with his two hard men on his shoulders .  It harked back to the days of Arthur skargill.   liebor are still unelectable as they were under Corbin , Mc Donald and their hard men.  Keir starmer has his hard women like that rough ginger thing and the ugly one with the tatty hair. Don't even know their names or anyone of liebor on the front bench.



Edited by Minky
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