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Strangely enough I have just put on my desk 2 dvds "Confronting the Evidence" and "Loose Change" both calling for reinvestigation of the events leading up to and the aftermath, of evidence that seemed to be supressed or ignored.

A massive tragedy for so many.  Thousands affected well beyond the twin towers.


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36 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

Twenty three years ago today! 

Disgusting terrorist atrocity, sadly almost forgotten and ignored. Also, from the time of the  German death and torture" camps" to present day massacre and torture of innocent Israelis, all swept away and forgotten. Closer to home, innocent lives blown away  and murdered in Ulster and elsewhere in UK, gone with scant regard or care. Sad world indeed.

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i was in a pub in winchester with my drillers...we were drilling borholes....we were at the bar and moaned to the barmaid to switch the TV over to a news channel as we were sick of low budget disaster movies

the barmaid was white in semi shock and gasped "it was the news channell".......we stayed there transfixed to the tele and watched eventually both towers go down and the plane go into the 2nd one.....

it was like the beginning of the end of the world

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I remember the day - being in the offices of a company I worked for in Reading at the time, they had a TV in reception without the sound turned on, walking past the first plane impact looked like a tragic accident, the dawning after the second plane went in that it wasn't.  Back in 2012 I was in New York and visited the 9/11 memorial site, a humbling place that records the brutal waste of human life caused by unbelievably evil people distorting a religion that would never have condoned such an act.  


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Like others have said you can easily remember where you were on that fateful day , it was bad enough when the planes struck the twin towers , then it unfolded before your eyes when the building's collapsed and it looked like something out of a horror film .

I would put this in the top five events that will stay vivid in my memory bank until my time is up , the other's could be the moon landing , Princess Diana's car crash and the funeral , the late Queens funeral and I would have to think about the last one , it could be the 53 East coast floods ( although I wasn't that old to remember that much , or the 63 worst Winter in living memory , or maybe something else .     MM

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25 minutes ago, benbobailey said:

Birmingham. The Mulberry and Tavern bombings/murders. Over 20 killed, 100 + injured. Long ignored and swept from history!  Why don't we care?

I reckon most people care, but what can we do, the world is full of hatred.

On the day I was in our local timber supplier trying to pay the bill but everyone was glued to tv and not serving, on turning round to see why, I was also appalled at what I saw..

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33 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

Despite the loss of life, the halfwits emerged from their twilight world to say the planes didn't cause the damage. Bit like those who believe the moon landings never took place. 

An awful event, but as Wymodley has posted - "are either side any further forward?".

Although you talk about the doubters living in a twilight world there are still significant questions and inconsistencies that have never been answered. Fuelling the conspiracy theories 

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I can still remember the various American news programmes that morning (and never shown again) interviewing the 1`st responder fire fighters and them saying (and reporting to their Chiefs via their radios) that they were hearing explosions from the upper levels and also in the lower foye/lounge areas. Well below the impact sites.

Loads of questions about the whole tragic scenario which have been brushed under the carpet.

My own personal view, which I wont respond to, is that it was a false flag mission to get the American public on side to go to war against Saddam. They were vehemently against it but were soon brought on side after this event and lap dog BLiar was rapidly engaged to try and help get the UN resolution that B-sh needed to go to war.

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I was working on site as a hod carrier at the time and remember one of the other hod carriers Reece shouting across the site ******* hell America is being attacked think ww3 is starting. Never forget him as about half hour later he smashed about 6 of his front teeth out trying to start the diesel cement mixer with the crank handle as it kicked out right old mess his mouth was.

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1 minute ago, Flyboy1950 said:

I can still remember the various American news programmes that morning (and never shown again) interviewing the 1`st responder fire fighters and them saying (and reporting to their Chiefs via their radios) that they were hearing explosions from the upper levels and also in the lower foye/lounge areas. Well below the impact sites.

Loads of questions about the whole tragic scenario which have been brushed under the carpet.

My own personal view, which I wont respond to, is that it was a false flag mission to get the American public on side to go to war against Saddam. They were vehemently against it but were soon brought on side after this event and lap dog BLiar was rapidly engaged to try and help get the UN resolution that B-sh needed to go to war.


1 minute ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, We all must have memories of certain events like the 9/11 , another one I remember is the 2 Undercover soldiers trying to escape the mob of people in Northern Ireland , sadly not a good ending for them

Literally murdered in cold blood, by savages, live on TV. Again swept from history.

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I was in corfu with my then girlfriend dozing off a monster hangover by the pool. Kept surfacing and glancing through the bar window to the telly in the corner and seeing what seemed like an endless replay of a terrible film. Eventually went in to get a drink and asked them what they were watching only to learn the truth. It cleared my hangover pretty quickly. The rest of the holiday lost its lustre after that. I don't really remember how the airport/flight back was but I don't recall any increased security or delays although I'm sure there must have been.

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