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Your Funeral Songs ?

marsh man

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I wish I could tell you but I struggle as only 5 years ago I’d planned it all out . I just didn’t want to be here anymore. 
I laugh and joke about it now but I think only to mask the pains I once had.


This week is 27 years since burying my sister. Only a few months back I had a customer tell me what she was wearing in her coffin . Come on that’s impossible. Only me and my parents know. 
I want mine short and sweet , burn me , spread me on the beach , done. 

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One I have heard a couple of times at funerals was Gerry And The Pacemakers singing Your Will Never Walk Alone , this take me back to the swinging 60s when Gerry Marsden was turning out some incredible hits , the song reminds me of the many times I have came back off the marshes in adverse weather , When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark , the songs that have been mentioned could be down to the age you are now and there are a few amongst them that I would also be happy to have .    MM

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I’ve had mine picked for years, I'm on the larger side, 6’2” and about 17 stone and one of six boys, my wishes will state that my brothers carry my coffin in to the venue to “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother “ and if i’m cremated the curtains will close to “burning ring of fire” - but the home free featuring avi Kaplan of pentatonix version.  I also think I’m funny….sometimes, and believe that funerals should be the celebration of someone’s life full of smiles and good memories and not a sad affair.

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3 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

My family have a tradition of very very small funerals.  Close relatives and a couple of invited friends only.  Usually totals around a dozen people.  No formal service, just as minimal as the crematorium will let us get away with!

There will likely only be two at my funeral. 
Me and the dog!

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4 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

  No formal service, just as minimal as the crematorium will let us get away with!

I'm booked for "click & collect". Why ask a bunch of disbelievers to attend a church to to told they're sinners to say things they don't mean.

Co-op collect the body and deliver a box of ashes.

Music? Let those that remain have a BBQ and sing "always look on the bright side of life".

PS. I had better check if the Co-op's collection covers Switzerland.... 

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Entry: Procul Harum - whiter shade of pale

middle songs: I vow to thee my country - for my English roots & Cwm Rhondda for my Welsh roots

Exit Stand by me - The Searchers

I have stipulated that I do not want a wood effect laminated coffin with plastic brass effect handles - Yuk. I want a simple coffin made of wooden planks with rope handles

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Ps: Forgot to mention something of interest, I am a keen angler and over the years the humble earthworm has given me hours and hours of pleasure and numerous fish, so i want to give them a big Diolch yn Fawr (they were mostly Welsh worms so a thank you in Welsh seems appropriate)  and...be buried in a biodegradable coffin combined with some soil, and let them eat me until they are full with my blessing! 

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Not just about the music,  it's also about where you want to be put.  The wifes Mother and Father were cremated and she also wants to be  cremated.  So I asked her where she wants her ashes to go.  She replied that she wanted them to be scattered on a warm beach somewhere.  But since then she has had a change of mind and  she wants some scattered on a local beach around a bench seat that we have sat on looking out to sea when we have been out walking the dogs. Then some of the ashes to be put into a hole drilled into my headstone.  Me,  I  can't bear the thought of being burnt to nothing.  I have burnt myself either welding or on machinery and know what its like. I hope to be planted in with either my mother or father or even my grandfather and grandmother.  To be arranged.  The music,  I've thought about it and settled and then thought about it again and again.

Edited by Minky
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2 hours ago, Westley said:

Ironic I know, but I put the gas line into the furnace at the local Crem in the 1960's   🙄

I have laid on the table at the West Road Crematorium in Newcastle.

Its featured at the start of Get Carter 😳

Then travelled downwards into the room where the burning is done.

Had the service contract 😊

My funeral song changes all the time 🤷🏻‍♂️


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My father in law was one of eleven children in Liverpool. By marriage, I am related to a sizeable chunk of the Liverpool population. At one wedding, one of them said half the door staff in Liverpool were relatives. Been to many weddings, but also quite a few funerals. At the majority, You'll never walk alone, by Gerry and the Pacemakers was played. Almost guaranteed to bring a tear to any eye.

Although I was never a fan of Gerry Marsden in his heyday, I saw him a few times in later years. Excellent live act, albeit the Pacemakers - Freddy Marsden, Les Chadwick and Les Maguire were long gone from the group.

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1 hour ago, Westley said:

Thornton, it was built in early 1960's. I was an apprentice gasfitter at the time.

Most of my mates and half of my family have been cremated at Thornton, and I seem to have spent a lifetime there.

It may be the place that I go to for my 'very last warm'. 

I am hoping that I have been a good boy, and after being put in the toaster that I am not sent to a 'warmer place'. :lol:

Westley, long may your pipework warm the earthly journey. :lol:

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