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I've now got 'house maids knee' and 'scrubber's elbow' and if I had stayed doing what I was doing for much longer I would have had 'Miner's lung' or even worse. So fresh air it was as I attempted to find some pigeons and probably more importantly permission to shoot them.


I found a promising situation and after a knock on a door or two I found the right person and away I went. Or rather away I didn't go because as I was unpacking my kit I spotted that my cartridge bag had only six shells in it. My Barbour jacket had another five and there were four hiding underneath my car seats. Fifteen shells may easily have been enough I don't know but I decided against setting up in case I spoilt a decent flight another day.


Do any of you PW members have a magical cure for forgetfulness? This is getting ridiculous.

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I've now got 'house maids knee' and 'scrubber's elbow' and if I had stayed doing what I was doing for much longer I would have had 'Miner's lung' or even worse. So fresh air it was as I attempted to find some pigeons and probably more importantly permission to shoot them.


I found a promising situation and after a knock on a door or two I found the right person and away I went. Or rather away I didn't go because as I was unpacking my kit I spotted that my cartridge bag had only six shells in it. My Barbour jacket had another five and there were four hiding underneath my car seats. Fifteen shells may easily have been enough I don't know but I decided against setting up in case I spoilt a decent flight another day.


Do any of you PW members have a magical cure for forgetfulness? This is getting ridiculous.

I did have a magic cure for forgetfulness, but I've forgotten what it was! I use a list,when I can remember where I put it....Scrubbers elbow sounds interesting.. is that a repetitive strain injury?!!

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I did have a magic cure for forgetfulness, but I've forgotten what it was! I use a list,when I can remember where I put it....Scrubbers elbow sounds interesting.. is that a repetitive strain injury?!!


You're thinking of ******* cramp!

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We all do it - I've been shooting, thought I'd dropped the bolt and spent an hour looking for it, thought it must be at home and looked in my pocket for the cabinet keys - missing bolt.

I've remembered everything for a long awaited days shooting and forgot my gloves, naturally in winter.


I find the only way now is to think through myself (hat, coat, socks, spare socks, gloves, wellies etc), my kit ,(gun, sticks, cartridges, bullets, shooting seat, lunch, sat nav, postcode etc)

Experience has however taught me nothing is foolproof ! A handkerchief is the most necessary often forgotten bit of kit !

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Being self-employed and having several sources of income I find that when I'm particularly busy I have to make lists of what I need to do tomorrow and what I need for tomorrow, and while I have a lot of my shooting gear already in my vehicle ready to go if I suddenly find myself worked up for the day or whatever, I have a list of all the gear I need to take with me to go shooting.

I don't leave cartridges in my vehicle anymore for the same reason you ran short, instead my cartridge bag goes in the vehicle when I go, and is brought back in when I return.

The list is pinned on a board and I check it before leaving the house, especially if in a rush. The thing I very often use to leave behind due to the stupid legislation concerning them, was a knife. I don't even like leaving any knives in my jacket pockets anymore as I once did, just in case I grab that jacket to take out the dog for a walk, so need a reminder to pop one in my pocket before leaving when going shooting.

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Welcome to old age Sir.

When I was young and in my prime I remembered everything.

Then I started using check lists for the more important aspects of life.

Then it was lists for most things.

Then lists for everything.

These days I have lists of check lists.


My usual problem is forgetting to put my contact lenses in...

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I am really glad you found somewhere to shoot mate now all you need is enough of the right equipment or maybe a carer would be more suitable if I were closer I would willingly apply for the position though only for the shooting forays I am afraid you would have to take yourself to the loo etc.

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That's just the beginning Jdog, you'll have night sweats to look forward to, daytime hot flushes, a need to re discover your youth, and best of all, you can snap Lady Jdogs head off at least 7 times a week and get away with it! Like most of us in the same boat, she will be superbly supportive, understanding and more than mildly confused!!!

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