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Drone strikes

norfolk dumpling

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As soon as they leave the UK to join IS then they should have their UK status rescinded - they have made their choices.


Have to agree as others have stated, as bad as Hussein/Gadhafi et al were, they kept the various factions inside their countries under control albeit brutally. Removing the leaders just gave license for the factions to take up the centuries old grievances and cause this turmoil in the region.


Have to agree!

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If the UK government wants an excuse to go around summarily executing its subjects, this is a great way to start.

Maybe Dave and his mates are envious of the way IS and other regimes handle internal opposition?

Cowardly and illegal.


Cowardly? In what way? I would call it effective.


Well done Dave. Most sensible people agree. Those that don't. Jog on.

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If the UK government wants an excuse to go around summarily executing its subjects, this is a great way to start.


Maybe Dave and his mates are envious of the way IS and other regimes handle internal opposition?


Cowardly and illegal.



Not This


These lads ceased to be British subjects as soon as they took up arms for a fundamentalist organization opposed to the British way of life.


I doubt they would have any qualms about committing acts of terrorism on UK soil.


Their killing by a drone strike was a simple act of proactive self defense.

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If the UK government wants an excuse to go around summarily executing its subjects, this is a great way to start.

Maybe Dave and his mates are envious of the way IS and other regimes handle internal opposition?

Cowardly and illegal.



A ridiculous post.

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As soon as they leave the UK to join IS then they should have their UK status rescinded - they have made their choices.


Have to agree as others have stated, as bad as Hussein/Gadhafi et al were, they kept the various factions inside their countries under control albeit brutally. Removing the leaders just gave license for the factions to take up the centuries old grievances and cause this turmoil in the region.



This is where law and common sense part. In law they are still British.


Edit to add (.... they are still British - Unfortunately)

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These lads ceased to be British subjects as soon as they took up arms for a fundamentalist organization opposed to the British way of life.


I doubt they would have any qualms about committing acts of terrorism on UK soil.


Their killing by a drone strike was a simple act of proactive self defense.


Exactly. Run off and join a terrorist organisation and you deserve everything you get. Can`t see what all the fuss is about.

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Meddling in other country's internal politics is always a bad idea. Change has to come from within. No matter how bad the dictatorship or political system it requires the citizens of the country to make the change for it to be lasting. If you're going to send soldiers to fight in a foreign land to sort out a country's internal politics you have to be prepared to occupy it, and treat it as part of the empire, until the native citizens kick you out. No other system works and meddling just causes colossal power vacuums and in turn wholly inappropriate despotic groups filling the power void which take far longer to be naturally removed by the natural change within a country.


All the world's current unrest has been caused by idiotic western politicians arrogantly thinking they know best and business backing them with an eye on profit.

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I'm sorry if I missed it, but I'm not sure that the UK is at war with IS.


I can't pretend that I have all the answers, but if Dave hasn't got the biscuits to declare war and commit our armed forces to a sustained military operation to effect change in the region, then merely sniping at people (again, including British subjects) he dislikes with drone strikes is cowardly, ineffective. And illegal.


I sympathise with the Prime Minister. The UK does not have the resources to handle the refugees, neither does it have the resources to do solve the war they are fleeing. I can see how a bit of cheap points scoring might appeal to him at the moment.


But it's not the answer. A coordinated UN effort is required here, not Dave playing 'World Police' on the Downing Street Xbox.



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Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.........


They were playing an incredibly stupid game, and I think as these Walter Mittys have chosen to go down this path then they had it coming.


I think DC was wrong to say they were targeted, should have kept it secret. It was fairly obvious they were located by their mobile phones so we have just warned others.

Why ,oh why do they publish stuff like this , It should be top secret, I don't care if they rid us of this scum and I personally don't think it is relevent to 99% of decent folk how they do it. War is too public today and it should be dealt with by the military in which ever way they see fit.I am sure if you read in the paper of 300,000 people being killed or maimed it goes over your head but as soon as you show in pictures someones personal tragedy it suddenly tears at the heart.War is war and I am grateful for our soldiers and undercover lads for doing their best for keeping it out of the UK where possible. from Auntie.

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I love all of the hand writing and I wailing from the loony left "we are not at war with IS", "we can't go around killing British Citizens", "it's cowardly, ineffective and illegal". So what. Governments have done this sort of thing for years (albeit not with drones) and until they get it wrong and it personally affects me I couldn't give a fig.


You have to admire the technology to pull this off as well. I assume they had people on the ground acting as spotters?

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I'm sorry if I missed it, but I'm not sure that the UK is at war with IS.

I can't pretend that I have all the answers, but if Dave hasn't got the biscuits to declare war and commit our armed forces to a sustained military operation to effect change in the region, then merely sniping at people (again, including British subjects) he dislikes with drone strikes is cowardly, ineffective. And illegal.

I sympathise with the Prime Minister. The UK does not have the resources to handle the refugees, neither does it have the resources to do solve the war they are fleeing. I can see how a bit of cheap points scoring might appeal to him at the moment.

But it's not the answer. A coordinated UN effort is required here, not Dave playing 'World Police' on the Downing Street Xbox.



If we can get rid of them without any of our armed forces been killed. Bring it on.

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Declaring war is far more complex than just uttering the words. The UN has a lot to say. Declaring war on ISIL would be pretty much impossible from a legal standpoint.


They have military hardware, and murderous intentions. Kill them wherever you find them as far as I'm concerned. The passport you hold is irrelevant. They are murdering scum and just because they did the act overseas, doesn't negate the crime.


I spent a good part of my former career on anti terrorist ops very close to home. The rule of law is desirable and should always be the preferred option. Sometimes that's not possible so the gloves come off.


I think a few left wing Guardian reading whingers should help pick up the body parts after an incident, or maybe deliver the news to a mother that her son has been found in a ditch, knee capped and shot in the back of the head.



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I'm sorry if I missed it, but I'm not sure that the UK is at war with IS.


I can't pretend that I have all the answers, but if Dave hasn't got the biscuits to declare war and commit our armed forces to a sustained military operation to effect change in the region, then merely sniping at people (again, including British subjects) he dislikes with drone strikes is cowardly, ineffective. And illegal.





The problem is where would you put the ground forces? IS isn't a country or nation - it's an ideal. This drone strike took place in Syria - I'm not sure Assad would be particularly keen on swathes of UN forces rampaging around his country - not forgetting that on one hand the UN would like to stop his own atrocities, on the other help him in controlling IS. Or do we go into Pakistan or Iran or wherever else they are also wreaking havoc? Its not an easy issue and so far targeted drone strikes seem to be achieving the best results. And we are condemning Bush/Blair for their "Regime Changing" campaigns, so probably not the best idea to go down that route again.

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The Biased Broadcasting Corporation and the other left wing media are once again at it.


A British soldier gets killed serving our country, and gets maybe a 20-30 second mention for ONE day. And his family has to fight to get benefits.


A terrorist gets killed and he gets WEEKS of hours per day of coverage, and then his family get benefits for life, and can sue the government for killing him too


It's time all this left wing PC **** was stopped, and the families of these terrorists kicked out.


The same happened with Op Banner :(

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In answer to the posts about not understanding why there is an uproar on this - there are very specific regulations in place relating to taking planned lethal measures against UK citizens anywhere.


The uproar has come about because the PM has apparently acted unilatteraly without having consulted the proper channels, and the precident this has and what that means for the future employment of lethal force, against whom, authorised by whom and under what justification.


These are murky, murky waters, and irrespective of the obvious benefits of schwacking these two, it's what this may lead to that is being questioned.

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I don't get who advises our politicians.


If these two had been hit by a Brimstone missile while riding around in a Toyota truck with a .50 cal on the back they would have been recipients of their own stupidity.


But no, our politicians announce that they were specifically targeted because of something they were planning to do thousands of miles away at some point in the future and so they become an extra judicial killing.


You could hardly do more to give IS something to spin this one on.

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If nothing had been done and these scum had carried out the bombing they had planed eveyone would be asking why wasn't something done?

Maybe those that are getting upset about it should spend a little time to think that what if two scum were standing at my front door with a bomb planing to kill me and my family what should I do spend a few minutes to call my lawer and the police and see what the think i should do or use what i have to stop them now!


On the immigrants front, how many of the 20000 that will be on their way here are IS terrorists?

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Meddling in other country's internal politics is always a bad idea. Change has to come from within. No matter how bad the dictatorship or political system it requires the citizens of the country to make the change for it to be lasting. If you're going to send soldiers to fight in a foreign land to sort out a country's internal politics you have to be prepared to occupy it, and treat it as part of the empire, until the native citizens kick you out. No other system works and meddling just causes colossal power vacuums and in turn wholly inappropriate despotic groups filling the power void which take far longer to be naturally removed by the natural change within a country.


All the world's current unrest has been caused by idiotic western politicians arrogantly thinking they know best and business backing them with an eye on profit.



You can't do the right thing. The chance to do the right thing has long gone. To do that you'd have to go back at least 15 years and not pummel and ruin two ME countries under false pretences, preferably much longer, deep into the last century in fact.


The problem is what to do here and now and the reality is you have zero choice but to defend against the threat that is this rotten ideology so drone strikes simply cannot be condemned when potential lives of innocents (here but mainly there) are at stake. Good riddance to the vermin.


But do NOT be under any illusions that that this is an own goal of biblical proportions, the West created IS, whether by design or accident is now only of academic value because the refugee movements is going to hurt almost all of Europe, it has devastated parts of the ME too don't forget.


A few years ago a thread on the BBS stuck in my mind, why do we hate Muslims or attack them was the rough question posed, the first reply back : because blowing up .....heads is cool. What you are witnessing is the results of that mindset.

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I'm sorry if I missed it, but I'm not sure that the UK is at war with IS.




We are constantly told we are at war with 'terror' it gives the government leeway to pull all sorts of strokes.

Are we at war with ISIS ,IS ,ISIL, islamic state,daesh or whatever they call it this week ? Yes.

Have we declared war ? No, but we never declared war on Argentina or Iraq or Afghanistan either.

Didnt stop us hitting them then did it,and it shouldnt now.

If British nationals want to head off and fight on the side of our enemies,they have committed treason,for which the penalty,even now in UK law is death.

It never ceases to amaze me how these limp wristed politicians ,public figures and celebrities jump on the hand wringing band wagon to try and have a quick knee trembler of spotlight.

If they are that concerned,lets put a few on a plane and drop them off at Raqqa to try and reason with them..

See how many put their hands up for that .


Edit: Just checked, since 1998 the penalty for treason is now life imprisonment.

I would say a hellfire missile works out cheaper.

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