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another woman as pm

dead eye alan

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Maggie did what she said she would do, be it roght or wrong for the country. She didn't say one thing and do another. And as zapp rightly put, the last few men have been great havent they!!! What would be wrong with a female PM exactly??? The question /statement to start this this thread, is in my opinion a poor one.

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May strikes me as a nutter, bit of a control freak, will likely want legislation to be able to look in everybody's pant draw at some point, not really for Brexit. Leadsom, who knows? Getting smeared a bit so likely not 'the establishments' favourite character. Seems to want more free market trade, but equally wants to repeal some of the employee rights for those that work for small firms (arguably, though this isn't great, a lot of small firms buckle under the weight of providing the same rights as employees of larger firms enjoy - I can see how this would encourage start ups). Not sure if best place to negotiate our Brexit.


Flip a coin?

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I despise Thatcher....but then again I despise Bliar and Brown also!........I have no gender bias, if they are up to the job?


Leadsom is aware the hunting act was a class issue that has done nothing for animal welfare, so has undertaken to repeal it! Honouring the Tory election Manifesto promise!

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i havnt a problem with either sex.............my only worry is that Teresa May is a hatchet woman/henchman..........all she has ever done is cuts..........someone has always been winding her up and pointing her in the direction they want her to go............so the worry is not as much her but the people yanking her strings......


i would like to see Gisela Stuart (labour MP) be part of the negociation team regards EU exit........

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I thought Maggie Thatcher was as mad as a box of frogs, but she was the best Prime Minister we have had in almost half a century.


I don't see how gender comes into the equation. Best person for the job is the criteria.



Which is why i find it so funny that Harriet Harperson goes on about giving women a chance in politics and female only shortlists.


Maggie didn't need that, just got on with it. You might not have liked her but you knew where you stood with her.

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I'm more concerned that we are going to need to wait a further 2 months for the Tory faithful to choose between these two, who even look the same +/- a pie or two. One has allegedly worked in the real world :yes: but was a banker :no: , the other has allegedly been in politics for a couple of decades :no: .


The queen should step in, flick a coin and select one of them at random and tell them in no uncertain terms to get on with Invading France Leaving the EU; :whistling:

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It looks as though this is a foregone conclusion. The only question I have is which is the best to have to lead our withdrawal from the EU - one that was Bremain or the other that was Brexit?

Not at all 60% of party members voted leave do you really think they would want that useless immigrant EU loving cow May to get in?


The majority of our traitorous EU loving MP's voted for her because they don't want democracy they want her to keep us in the EU in all but name which she no doubt will if she gets in.

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