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Hottest day of the year

la bala

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It's funny how warm weather affects people as well. I lost count of the amount of people out for a run, as the weather is nice, these are people that obviously have not run once in the last 12 months. Why would you decide to give it a bash when it's 34 degrees is beyond me


The 3 guys on superbikes who passed me today on the motorway at well well over 70, in shorts t shirt and I am convinced one had flip flops on - remember falling off your pushbike as a kid in shorts and how much that hurt!! Never mind it must be a bit chilly in shorts and t shirt at 70mph even if it is this warm.

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Too hot for grammar ;) hehe! Just teasing mate!

It's too bloody hot for most stuff, a nice Cold swimming pool and ice cold beers be the job!

Yes...spelling not one of my strong points, but my wife tells me I am a good cook and I used to be good in bed, what! :hmm:

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Not far from me are some fields of standing wheat, I have not been out today because its too <(Lloyd90) bloody hot but there has been someone shooting the field all day and they are still there (I can hear the shots from here) sounds like they are having red letter day, must be young blokes cus I've been there and done it when I was a lot younger.

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It is 38C where we are and the tarmac is melting. But a mole trapping customer of mine who has a holiday home here has just gone back home to Dubai where it is 66C this week. I'm struggling in this, let alone 66C.


As an aside, when it was hot back in the UK I used to while away many an hour sat on a bridge over a stream, under tree canopy with my air rifle. Squirrels and pigeons would come in to drink and I could end up with a nice bag for a few hour's out in the sunshine. :)

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Stuck in the warehouse today boiling my testicles off :no:


Just had to get on with it! Every time I came out with the fork lift! The heat was stifling! A few seconds respite whilst buzzing along getting a breeze, but not overly present!


Unfortunately I have no option to disregard my uniform, nor my high via gear! So as you can imagine, it was bloomin warm!


Still enjoyed the day on the whole though. Spent this afternoon putting in kitchen units for mum n dad, then taking them shopping.


Worked Sun, mon, Tuesday, in tomorrow and Thursday, only get Friday off, then back in sat, Sun, Mon :lol:


Still waiting for some news over the next few weeks! I have my fingers crossed :)

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Air conditioned office here. Went home at around 2pm and cooked for a while, then put the sprinkler on the grass and put myself /just/ so do I'd catch a few drops now and then as I was reading. Pretty nice! ;-)



You will be blamed for the hose pipe ban. Hope it was worth it. :lol:

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