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***? Big cat in Sussex?


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Moved one of my trailcams to a new location last night and just went to check it this afternoon to see if it was actually working (as I had my doubts)

The first 2 pictures were as follows:



Perhaps it's just a domestic cat close up but what do you think? The camera took a third picture but it's pretty dark and doesn't really show much more even after enhancement - you can see the back end of the animal but it's not very clear:


The video the camera takes after doing those 3 shots didn't show anything at all so I haven't uploaded it

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Interesting photos. Always difficult when you have nothing nearby to judge the size from. The ears look two big for a domestic and similar to a bobcat/lynx (seen a few in the wild close up) The spots also look familiar and difficult to be definite about the tail, but a lynx/bobcat as a ..err how to put it ..shortish 3/4 length tail with a black tip and it doesn't taper hardly at all. Without something to tell me a size I would 50% say it could be a lynx probably a bobcat.

But once we know the size will probably turn out to be a ###### great big tom tabby :-)

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I was recommended to set something in the field of view when using a trail cam like a empty coke tin or simple stick which you now what the length is..it gives you an accurate perspective of the size of any unrecognisable image captured to aid identification.


Looking at the third photo and the size of the vegetation adjacent I would think it was just a tabby on the prowl.

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Do they have tails? thought they just had stumps as such.

They have a tail long enough to wave it about when not happy like normal domestic cats do. On a bobcat it is about 5 to 6 inches on a mature animal. I have some video of a big female emerging from some rocks after she tried to creep up on a bunch of young goats when I was in Texas. She was about 15 to 20ft away from me and because the goats escaped she stood, unaware at first that I was there and her tail was slowly waving back and forth like a domestic cat does when annoyed. They are handsome animals. Yes, I agree I do think, as I said that it would turn out to be a big old tabby cat, but the markings are very similar and if it is a domestic then it has quite long legs. Domestics usually have regular patrol routes, I would be surprised if you don't have it turn up again. I have a couple which regularly show up on my camera.

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Click on Bobcat on google and you can see a whole bunch of photos and you will see from them that all bobcats do not have the classic black hair tips to the ears, young and female very often have very little.

Also check out the leg length and the front leg markings. You can also get a good idea of tail length. Stunning to see them in the wild.

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