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A question for the self employed... customer won't pay...


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After some advice really,

I recently completed a painting job for a customer - kitchen, dining room, play room, utility room and toilet.

Had a few niggles as the job progressed, mostly due to the customer not reading the estimate correctly and wanting extra bits done... no problem, just extra time in the job.

Finished up and emailed the invoice over as previously agreed, and the customer went quiet. Have messaged several times via email and mobile and also tried to call. The next step is to go and knock on the door...

Anyone had the same thing? What did you end up having to do?

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Also something I do, which won't help you here but may well save you trouble in the future. Before you start work get them to sign a contract detailing the work to be carried out with the price. Also in your quote, state that all extra works are to be priced and agreed before commencing.

Hoping you get this sorted and the monies due to you are paid.

Atb Delwint

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I'd be going round and giving them a knock, be very polite and professional.


No need to get upset, or angry, if they don't pay just go to small claims. Not worth getting yourself

into trouble for muppets!

This Lloyd has it bang on

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Cheers guys, pretty much what I had thought in all honesty.

It's just annoying as the job was cheap by decorating standards and they've definitely got the money to pay...

£400k house, 2 cars, campervan, iMacs everywhere etc..

Not what I needed given that I've only been trading for 2 months

Edited by brett1985
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Money up front is the only way, Say I will want £xxx before I start and £xxx per week in advance before each week begins. That's my T&Cs, most people just accept that's how you work. You don't have to be stroppy just business like.


You should try to give the impression you have so much work on you cant waste time chasing invoices.


I have to pay a lot of tradesmen cash in hand daily at the end of each day in Wales. They don't submit an invoice at the end of a job round these parts

Edited by Vince Green
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Cheers guys, pretty much what I had thought in all honesty.

It's just annoying as the job was cheap by decorating standards and they've definitely got the money to pay...

£400k house, 2 cars, campervan, iMacs everywhere etc..

Not what I needed given that I've only been trading for 2 months

Doesn't mean they have the money.

Company cars, big mortgage, rented campers etc

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they've definitely got the money to pay...

£400k house, 2 cars, campervan, iMacs everywhere etc..

Not what I needed given that I've only been trading for 2 months


I've seen this before. They live like that by taking advantage of people like you, show no mercy

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A polite email/text now asking them if they've received your invoice and if everything is satisfactory when will you be paid, you terms are on the invoice (I presume). Lots of people seem to 'forget' to pay etc when you've done the work but quite the opposite when they want you to turn up exactly when they want etc etc. The joys of running a small business as a tradesman, 99% of my customers are great but you do get the odd ####.

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Fill out the forms for a County Court claim on line print it off and send a copy to them by registered post stating that it will be submitted on a specified date say 10 days on.


Knowing you have filled out the form they will realise sending it off is so easy, oh and mention you will be claiming your CC costs also.

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Am quite a fan of the approach one chap took when a customer wouldn't pay for their porch - porch still belonged to him, so took it back with sledge hammer.


When someone won't pay in my cab, I drive them for the amount they owe me - that way they aren't a thief and I've not been stolen from. One chap refused to pay in s.e London, and got dropped just short of the Dartford crossing. In the rain. Firm but fair

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Cheers guys, pretty much what I had thought in all honesty.

It's just annoying as the job was cheap by decorating standards and they've definitely got the money to pay...

£400k house, 2 cars, campervan, iMacs everywhere etc..

Not what I needed given that I've only been trading for 2 months

As loyd90 has said been there a number off times , just a thought just cause they have all the gear you have said doesn't mean they can afford to pay , my experience is the poorer they are the better they payed when I was house bashing or putting a light up
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As loyd90 has said been there a number off times , just a thought just cause they have all the gear you have said doesn't mean they can afford to pay , my experience is the poorer they are the better they payed when I was house bashing or putting a light up


Like my old man used to say all fur coat and no knickers. It's amazing that the people who seem to have money actually don't at all. And they'll happily stand there with a cuppa in hand without offering you one. Whereas the people you'd think haven't got a hapenny to their name will pay you bang on time and give you a drink

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When this happened to me I wrote a letter stating that under the terms of the small businesses act I was entitled to charge interest after 30 days on the amount of unpaid services, at the bank base rate, and that any fees incurred by me in pursuance of the outstanding amount would be paid by them.

You'd have to do a search to get the wording correct, but it was more or less as I've put above. They paid up on the 29th day.

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