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Took little Ben on the Pier @ 5am this morning for a spot of Mackerel fishing.We joined Seaham angling club last week and so we get access to a members only pier.

Well we only landed 4 but at 8am we where treated to a beautiful sight,a school/pod of dolphins.Must of been about a dozen but 40mtrs of the pier,made our day.

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For my 50th I took my son to Oz for a fishing trip. On my birthday we were sitting on a deserted pier fishing while dolphins actually swam underneath.


You did better than us though because I don't think we caught much. :D

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sharing something like that is fantastic dave :good: .


i remember the first time that i spotted a porpoise , i was kayaking up in tywyn , i was sat in the kayak with my feet hanging in the water , when the fin and large grey shape passed within a few yards , i could hear my own pulse as my heart almost jumped out of my chest with fear lol , i hadnt been that scared since the time that i thought that i was about to be abducted by aliens while i was out shooting lol.

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Threw me toys out of the cot the second time I was made redundant so got a job as a MoD range warden. Used to spend half of most days looking out over Lyme Bay from the cliff top and they were regular visitors. Magical. Pleased to say that not once in ten years did any get shot.

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Old neighbours of ours had a static in north wales some place, got a boat and there kids used to spend all summer and every other weekend there, fishing off the boat then if the dolphins turned up throwing back anything they caught, very jealous.


Best thing tho kids said once when were they going to go on a proper holiday, caravan almost every week didn't count apparently.

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sharing something like that is fantastic dave :good: .


i remember the first time that i spotted a porpoise , i was kayaking up in tywyn , i was sat in the kayak with my feet hanging in the water , when the fin and large grey shape passed within a few yards , i could hear my own pulse as my heart almost jumped out of my chest with fear lol , i hadnt been that scared since the time that i thought that i was about to be abducted by aliens while i was out shooting lol.


Tell us more about the Aliens please? :hmm:

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I believe I must be very lucky as I live on a beach, when its calm you see dolphin and porpoise every day,,,, couple of years ago we had a huge pod of bottle nose come in (chasing mackerel) must have been around two hundred they were magnificent as they jumped and breached,, they also formed a circle trapping the fish in the middle,, first time I have every seen this apart from on the tele with Richard Attenbourgh doing the narrative.


had a scare one day while fishing of a 9ft dingy about a half a mile out... was standing in the boat spinning and had the funniest feeling someone was watching me, I turned around and right up against the side of the dingy was a huge bottle nose 14ft estimated, all it was doing was watching me.... must say I nearly **** meself and it must have as well as it just dived,,, never seen it again that day... memorable moment though.

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Tell us more about the Aliens please? :hmm:

it wasnt really aliens , it was just my imagination and gen1 night vision playing tricks lol.


i was shooting rabbits on a paddock behind the farmers bungalow , i used to lay up on top of a small hill , and shoot down onto the paddock , it was in the middle of nowhere , and very dark indeed . at about 2am , i decided to collect my rabbits and head home, i was picking up in the dark when i heard a noise behind me , i turned around and scanned with the gen1 nv , over in the corner of the field , around a dozen aliens with long faces and large eyes(grays) , were walking towards me as a group , my heart leapt into my mouth as i realised that this was how it ended for me , anal probing and got knows what , in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night . i stumbled backwards for a couple of seconds before reality flooded my brain . it was actually a group of bull calfs , theyd heard me but couldnt see me , so they just huddled together in the corner of the field and were looking directly towards the sound , all i saw through the nv was long faces with big bright eyes , and what appeared to be very thin arms and legs.

i did have a little chuckle to myself about it , when i was back at home in bed and my doors were locked and bolted and the aliens couldnt get me :) .

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I have a 4 hour whale watching trip booked during my up coming honeymoon out of Gairloch on the West coast of Scotland two weeks today. Expect to see dolphins, basking sharks, minke whales with an out side chance of Killers and humpbacks, plus a whole plethora of other wildlife.

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This will be in a twelve seater RiB. They can expect to cover up to 100 miles in the 4 hour trip. Can't bloody wait!


Saw humpbacks when in the Dominican republic, they were impressive the boat trip wasn't for the faint hearted tho, bouncing all over in the race to be the first two boats nearest the whales.

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This will be in a twelve seater RiB. They can expect to cover up to 100 miles in the 4 hour trip. Can't bloody wait!


We'll normally you have a nice boat ride abroad with the current, this wasn't that, kids and folk throwing up everywhere as the boat bounced over waves to get you close.


Me and the misses loved it, they are really special up close so hope you see some.

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