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Brexit haters still trying to oust Bojo.


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It quite made me laugh, Labour,  SNP and some Lib dem hiding in his attic all coming out to say Boris and Sunak should resign, for being at work with cake??

None of them has a clue, all they can do is snipe at Boris while doing absolutely nothing worthwhile. 

1 minute ago, ditchman said:

he had a bit of cake and a glass of something...after a hard day as a frontline essential worker...........you would think the country had other things to worry about 


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It’s no wonder the country is in the state it’s in. People so happy to be rode rough shod over by the public school boy elite. I bet Boris and the boys are having a right giggle at all this, it’s proved beyond doubt, no matter what they do, people will lap it up and ask for more! Unbelievable.

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20 minutes ago, ditchman said:

he had a bit of cake and a glass of something...after a hard day as a frontline essential worker...........you would think the country had other things to worry about 

This is my stance also .

I'm just glad the we live in a country that even the pm can get a ticket for a small offence as it should be .(can you imagine putin  getting a £30 fine for parking on double yellows while he pops in the shop for a paper and the country wanting him sacked .would never happen )

Get over your selves and concentrate  on what you have to be doing. 

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27 minutes ago, Rewulf said:


Landslide, 80 seat majority? 

'We' is most definitely not 'All' 

Liebour want him gone, as they think it will collapse the government, bring on a snap election, which they will then win. 

And that's just how utterly deluded, and unfit they are. 

Election??? Who want's one of those? The mans a donkey, get him out. Those who did not know it at the start know it now. Those that still don't know must have something else going on.  

Surely we deserve better? 

13 minutes ago, owain said:

It’s no wonder the country is in the state it’s in. People so happy to be rode rough shod over by the public school boy elite. I bet Boris and the boys are having a right giggle at all this, it’s proved beyond doubt, no matter what they do, people will lap it up and ask for more! Unbelievable.

^^^^ This. Those who are still blind to all of this must fancy a bit of seat warming for themselves. 

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He mentioned 8 meetings that day … among those 10 mins with similar people in the same room, but with cake ….

He’s clearly no angel but unfortunately this objectively minor (dare I say ‘trifling’ issue) will inevitably become the focal point for all of the troubles and tensions brewing.

There may be less forgivable stuff to come, but at the moment, he’d best crack on.

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6 minutes ago, oowee said:

Election??? Who want's one of those? The mans a donkey, get him out. Those who did not know it at the start know it now. Those that still don't know must have something else going on.  

Surely we deserve better? 

^^^^ This. Those who are still blind to all of this must fancy a bit of seat warming for themselves. 

Seems to be a bit of low self esteem on some peoples behalf to be honest with you. Almost like they are our social betters so we don’t deserve to be treated the same as them. Quite sad really.

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Some of you appear to think the Prime Minister is an elected President.  He isn’t. Secondly, the rules were absurd.  More fool anyone who tried to follow them, and my sympathies to those had them imposed on them by officialdom, from the Queen on down. 

But those of you wanting him to go for a fixed penalty notice?  Failure to recognise what’s important on a massive scale here.   Quick!  My house is on fire, redirect my mail.  

  • He presided over the worst infringement of civil liberties in this country since we stopped burning witches.
  • He absolutely shafted the economy for a disease no worse than seasonal flu (in terms of mortality rates), as now confirmed by the governments’ own statistics bureau.  
  • He was totally infatuated with ‘public health professionals’ who repeatedly lied to cover their own backsides (‘everything we do know about Omicron is bad’).  We repeatedly had serious restrictions on personal freedom imposed because nobody in his organisation challenged blatantly absurd mathematical models.
  • He allowed the already third-world health care system we have in this country, to close its doors and thus condemn 100s of thousands of people to premature deaths from cancer and other treatable illnesses.

He should go for all these reasons, not a bluddy fixed penalty notice for breaking his own absurd rules.  As a clue for when rules are absurd; when you have senior police officers seriously opining on whether or not scotch eggs constitute a substantial meal, then you know the rules have reached banana-republic levels of insanity.

But of course, he should resign immediately and be replaced with one of his also-ran cabinet colleagues.  Yes, just what the country needs, same ****, different ####.  Though that is still vastly preferable to the Keir and Angela show.

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48 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

Whoohoo - that put the cat amongst the pigeons. :yay:

East Leicester. So...Claudia? And before her Keith? If it's OK for Johnson then I'd guess it really ought to be OK for them? I mean who doesn't know someone who's girlfriend has had to tell an ex-girlfriend of a current boyfriend to "back off"? And there's actually no law at all broken if you enjoying relaxing with two nice Roumanian lads after a hard day's selling washung machines surely?

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56 minutes ago, Mice! said:

It quite made me laugh, Labour,  SNP and some Lib dem hiding in his attic all coming out to say Boris and Sunak should resign, for being at work with cake??

None of them has a clue, all they can do is snipe at Boris while doing absolutely nothing worthwhile. 

This , in a nutshell.

45 minutes ago, owain said:

it’s proved beyond doubt, no matter what they do, people will lap it up and ask for more! Unbelievable.

Labour has been banking on this attitude for years

32 minutes ago, oowee said:

Election??? Who want's one of those? The mans a donkey, get him out.

Labour, anything to grab some power, because their MPs , and policies certainly dont cut it.
The only way they think they can gain ground is by pointing out the very obvious mistakes the tories make, theyre own dont count of course.

Sir Keir Starmer in the clear over claim he broke lockdown with office beer

Last month, Sir Keir Starmer refused to apologise over the photo, saying eating a takeaway with staff is "a million miles away" from having a garden party at Number 10 during lockdown.

25 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

There may be less forgivable stuff to come, but at the moment, he’d best crack on.

Which is the sensible course of action :good:


5 minutes ago, udderlyoffroad said:

He should go for all these reasons, not a bluddy fixed penalty notice for breaking his own absurd rules.  As a clue for when rules are absurd; when you have senior police officers seriously opining on whether or not scotch eggs constitute a substantial meal, then you know the rules have reached banana-republic levels of insanity.

But of course, he should resign immediately and be replaced with one of his also-ran cabinet colleagues.  Yes, just what the country needs, same ****, different ####.  Though that is still vastly preferable to the Keir and Angela show.


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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

he had a bit of cake and a glass of something...after a hard day as a frontline essential worker...........you would think the country had other things to worry about 

Spot on Simon 👍

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47 minutes ago, Scully said:

Hang fire……just going for more popcorn! 🙂

I've put the oven on and the kettle 😁

1 hour ago, Ultrastu said:

This is my stance also .

I'm just glad the we live in a country that even the pm can get a ticket for a small offence as it should be .(can you imagine putin  getting a £30 fine for parking on double yellows while he pops in the shop for a paper and the country wanting him sacked .would never happen )

Get over your selves and concentrate  on what you have to be doing. 

Spot on.


11 minutes ago, Stuarta said:

The fact the BBC spent 12 minutes telling this story during the news when so much is happening is just so much Boris and Tory bashing, sad thing is just like in Russia the news over influences public opinion hence some of the comments in this thread.

Absolutely,  someone having cake at his place of work is not news worthy when you consider what else is going on.

31 minutes ago, udderlyoffroad said:

Though that is still vastly preferable to the Keir and Angela show.

Pretty much anything is preferable to that. 

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57 minutes ago, Stuarta said:

The fact the BBC spent 12 minutes telling this story during the news when so much is happening is just so much Boris and Tory bashing, sad thing is just like in Russia the news over influences public opinion hence some of the comments in this thread.

I’m interested to know.

If the prime minister of our country, breaking the law, then lying about it, isn’t worthy of news time.

What exactly is? 

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I voted for the cons at the last election. I also believe Boris has done a decent job as PM, certainly better than anyone we've had for years, although I am disappointed at what he gave away to Europe over Brexit, but at least he got it done. 

However, I can't see how he can stay, he's broken the very laws he forced on the rest of us, I lost my best friend over lock down, I couldn't see him before he died and I couldn't go to his funeral, despite me not agreeing with the rules, I was made to abide by them. For the PM to then ignore those rules is beyond forgivable for me. 

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