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People can't afford to eat...............


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14 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

Aldi’s sirloin steak in the packets are around 225g (roughly 8oz). 

You got 6 meals out of one single sirloin steak?

Works out about 37g of steak per meal. That’s like 1-2 mouthfuls 😬🤔

What are people doing wrong? … 🤷‍♂️


Was thinking the same!!

Unless it was on offer, but, if it was then that’s not the point!

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I remember during one school holiday my dad had my sister and me at his sisters smallholding on the black mount estate ( My Uncle was the head stalker ) watching it for two weeks while they where away doing something and the only access at that time was by boat from Taynuilt and it dropped the grocery's off twice a week at the pier , Made a pot of stew and he just kept adding to it for the fortnight LOL we moaned about it at the time but its a family joke now 

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At 54 i have yet to meet anybody who did not have a way in which they could save a little. Long term bad habits and practices  have become standard. A common attitude to saving a fiver is pointless as its only a fiver, from the acorn so to speak. The pets,the tats,the smoking/drinking the lack of planning for childbirth, i phone etc, etc. At all levels there are booby traps to drain your resources but only the savvy are able to resist. 

I do not and never had pay TV, no sky etc, My phone is an S7 as my definition of a decent phone is Can you hear me,Yes, perfect. I had a costa back in January and my cars are 14 and 20. Im  not tight, im a bricklayer not a Merchant banker but from an early age it was instiller to put a bit  away in a coffee jar for a rainy day and  40 years of saving has made life easy. 

For those who need it a comprehensive funded benefits system exists to take care of your BASIC needs, but budgets need to be trimmed to match earnings.

People for years have earned a quid and spent it all,some even £1.10. For a lot cant put the heating on or food on the table is of there own making, trouble is it started way back.

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43 minutes ago, Rupert said:

At 54 i have yet to meet anybody who did not have a way in which they could save a little. Long term bad habits and practices  have become standard. A common attitude to saving a fiver is pointless as its only a fiver, from the acorn so to speak. The pets,the tats,the smoking/drinking the lack of planning for childbirth, i phone etc, etc. At all levels there are booby traps to drain your resources but only the savvy are able to resist. 

I do not and never had pay TV, no sky etc, My phone is an S7 as my definition of a decent phone is Can you hear me,Yes, perfect. I had a costa back in January and my cars are 14 and 20. Im  not tight, im a bricklayer not a Merchant banker but from an early age it was instiller to put a bit  away in a coffee jar for a rainy day and  40 years of saving has made life easy. 

For those who need it a comprehensive funded benefits system exists to take care of your BASIC needs, but budgets need to be trimmed to match earnings.

People for years have earned a quid and spent it all,some even £1.10. For a lot cant put the heating on or food on the table is of there own making, trouble is it started way back.

This is spot on. I grew up as a child of the 70’s and that’s never really rubbed off.

Today, it’s frightening what people consider they should have as of right or as a minimum basic. The gap / disconnection between that perceived right / basic minimum and their own economic reality is bridged by credit which is long term unsustainable because no budgeting has taken place.

On the subject of household management, there is much said about education and how people don’t know how to cook or how to manage their finances.

That’s depressing because we live in a country where there is free education for all. People fresh off the boat from developing nations must look in wonder at how we get free education (and free healthcare), abuse both and turn out kids that at 16 years of age are thick as mince. It’s not education these people need, it’s better parents.



Edited by Mungler
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1 hour ago, Mungler said:

Today, it’s frightening what people consider they should have as of right or as a minimum basic. The gap / disconnection between that perceived right / basic minimum and their own economic reality is bridged by credit which is long term unsustainable because no budgeting has taken place.

On the subject of household management, there is much said about education and how people don’t know how to cook or how to manage their finances.

/\ This.  My parents were young adults during the war.  Mother learned how to use food to get the most from it - and nothing was wasted.  To be fair - in my parents case it was more the wartime lack of availability/rationing rather than money that was the driver - but the result was the same.

I was brought up with that background, and I waste (almost) nothing because I was brought up not to.  However - many modern families have no worries at all about throwing away all these ready made meals they buy having not used them by the date.  Food wastage is enormous in many families.

The same applied to energy usage, phone usage etc.  If you leave the room, turn off the light.  If its cold, put on another layer before the heating.  Phone calls after 6 p.m. (cheap rate then) and keep to what you had to say.

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8 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

Nope he said a small piece of sirloin for less than a fiver. 

He must of shaked the sirloin at a couple of them - the only way I see it could have lasted for 3 meals for two people (6 portions)!!

Currently going through a stew with a brisket joint - onions, carrots, turnip (swede), celery and mushrooms - the only problem is it has turned out to much beef for the size of our slow cooker - we are talking now of getting a larger one.

That has done me 5 bowls/meals - but to be honest, it has that much beef in it it could have stretched to 10 very easily, with more veg could have got to 15 or more.

The trouble is it is just for me as I am low carb - the rest of the family isn't - if I put that in front of my two kids they would vomit. One doesn't like 'juice' (has a roast dinner without gravy) and the other has a roast dinner without meat - although he does eat thinks like nuggets, salami, pepperoni (the last two on pizza usually) and chicken fillet burgers!!!

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10 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

Aldi’s sirloin steak in the packets are around 225g (roughly 8oz). 

You got 6 meals out of one single sirloin steak?

Works out about 37g of steak per meal. That’s like 1-2 mouthfuls 😬🤔

What are people doing wrong? … 🤷‍♂️


I think I said ;joint' so quite a bit more meat on it although there steaks are first class as well.

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14 hours ago, ditchman said:

my taste has changed over the years....used to love a casseroled rabbit ...or young friers...rolled in flour and herbs and gently fried in butter...........but now my taste has changed and if i smell rabbit in any shape or form raw or cooked it makes me feel on the verge of throwing up......yet i used to love it at one time....

Similarly with rabbit but also with bass(as a youngster we could not give it away)

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On 16/11/2022 at 18:43, Walker570 said:

BUT I see them wobbling down the High Street covered in expensive tattoos and hanging out around the bookies, come off it. You just cut your cloth.

Popped into Iceland the other day.

Got to the tills and there's a sign. 

" School meal vouchers cannot be used to purchase alcohol "

Enough said. 



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On 16/11/2022 at 23:20, Lloyd90 said:

Aldi’s sirloin steak in the packets are around 225g (roughly 8oz). 

You got 6 meals out of one single sirloin steak?

Works out about 37g of steak per meal. That’s like 1-2 mouthfuls 😬🤔

What are people doing wrong? … 🤷‍♂️


Aye there's always one who thinks people can't be struggling because he or she keeps warm enough hugging a photo of her (or his) majesty and singing land of hope and glory. Absolutely some are simply wasters and scroungers i agree totally but please don't be ignorant and assume everyone that is struggling is in that same scrounger boat 

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On 17/11/2022 at 11:52, ditchman said:

my taste has changed over the years....used to love a casseroled rabbit ...or young friers...rolled in flour and herbs and gently fried in butter...........but now my taste has changed and if i smell rabbit in any shape or form raw or cooked it makes me feel on the verge of throwing up......yet i used to love it at one time....

My neighbour is exactly the same. He grew up eating rabbit. I gave him a couple of rabbits once and believe he actually vomited due to the smell alone when cooking. His wife couldn't smell much and I ate some rabbit shot on the same night with no issues at all. Strange. 

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My sister and I were only talking on this subject, early today. People today do not know how to cook, even with a myriad of cooking shows on TV and who knows how many books. It seems if "their" money get tight, to the point where ready meals and take aways are not possible, then they are screwed. I met a young couple in a supermarket deliberating about a swede, asking each other what it was and what would they do with it; I stepped in and enlightened them and they were grateful. I often mince up pigeon breasts, add minced pork, half and half, (it makes the pigeon less dry) and make burgers, chilli, lasagne etc with some fresh veg, potatoes or pasta, one can make numerous meals for very little outlay. I think the modern world is inherently lazy, literally wanting everything on a plate for no effort, they somehow feel they are owed it. Also, to finish my rant, these people how say they can't afford this and that, always seem to have the latest phones, big TVs, nails done, tattoos....I could go on

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Slightly off topic but ,talking about lazy people, a council up north opened up a "Heat Bank" where kids could go during half term (a few weeks back) and sit in a warm room and get a free hot meal. The occasion was covered by many Newspapers and filmed. If you look at the women waiting in line, most are either well over weight or on their I- phones or both while most of the kids were running around in T Shirts!! Every council tax payer was funding this sharade.

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The wife and I just been chatting about our Saturday night dinner, no mention of take away but what is in the cupboards/fridge/freezer, carrots a few new spuds, some peppers, onions, herbs in the cupboard and sausages in the freezer. Job done sausage tray bake tonight, I may splash out and get a few mushrooms to go in with it as its Saturday.

We plan out evening meals for the week and buy food according to the planned meal so very little waste, leftover food is used up like our Saturday night traybake.

Its also a lot easier for midweek cooking as we both work so whoever is home first makes a start on dinner, and we treat the cooking as part of our evening, sitting chatting in the kitchen while it cooks.

Also batch cooking helps keep costs down.

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2 minutes ago, powler said:

We plan out evening meals for the week and buy food according to the planned meal so very little waste

I'm not as organised as that - but when the food arrives (I typically get one delivery a fortnight and top up locally in between) I jot the 'use by' dates  for the perishables (like meat, fish mainly as I ignore veggies and cheese dates) on a list.  Then a glance at the list shows what is getting near end - and think of something to make based on that.  I waste (almost) nothing.

6 minutes ago, powler said:

Also batch cooking helps keep costs down.

Yes, I usually make enough for 3 or 4 meals.  A very good way to keep portions is to pop in a silicon tray, freeze (like a giant ice cube) then when frozen, turn out of the tray, vac pac and label.  Takes less freezer space and keeps frozen for ages with no 'freezer burn'.

Vac pac may not be the most environmentally friendly process (single use plastics), but I have found Lock&Lock boxes go very brittle in the freezer, and genuine Tupperware is good, but VERY expensive.  Food does keep better even when frozen in  a vac pac.

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5 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I'm not as organised as that - but when the food arrives (I typically get one delivery a fortnight and top up locally in between) I jot the 'use by' dates  for the perishables (like meat, fish mainly as I ignore veggies and cheese dates) on a list.  Then a glance at the list shows what is getting near end - and think of something to make based on that.  I waste (almost) nothing.

Yes, I usually make enough for 3 or 4 meals.  A very good way to keep portions is to pop in a silicon tray, freeze (like a giant ice cube) then when frozen, turn out of the tray, vac pac and label.  Takes less freezer space and keeps frozen for ages with no 'freezer burn'.

Vac pac may not be the most environmentally friendly process (single use plastics), but I have found Lock&Lock boxes go very brittle in the freezer, and genuine Tupperware is good, but VERY expensive.  Food does keep better even when frozen in  a vac pac.

Like the idea of the vac pac as I know it keeps longer and I think chicken would be better as sometimes ice crystals in the meat make it a tad chewy on fresh meat, will have to research vac pac machines.

9 minutes ago, London Best said:

What is this “waste” of which you speak?

Potatoe peelings. 😀

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1 minute ago, powler said:

will have to research vac pac machines.

Quite cheap as a machine, but the 'roll' does add up.  Very useful though if you regularly freeze.  I do meats, veggies, stewed fruits, stews/casseroles/soups etc.  Where it is a liquid or semi liquid food, freeze in silicon rubber trays and vac pac the resulting frozen lump.  Not 'elegant', but works really well.  Things like pies and pasties can be done - but manually 'pulse' vacuum to just take out the air without crushing the pastry.

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6 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Quite cheap as a machine, but the 'roll' does add up.  Very useful though if you regularly freeze.  I do meats, veggies, stewed fruits, stews/casseroles/soups etc.  Where it is a liquid or semi liquid food, freeze in silicon rubber trays and vac pac the resulting frozen lump.  Not 'elegant', but works really well.  Things like pies and pasties can be done - but manually 'pulse' vacuum to just take out the air without crushing the pastry.

Cool, thanks for the tips John. 👍

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12 hours ago, getthegat said:

My sister and I were only talking on this subject, early today. People today do not know how to cook, even with a myriad of cooking shows on TV and who knows how many books. It seems if "their" money get tight, to the point where ready meals and take aways are not possible, then they are screwed. I met a young couple in a supermarket deliberating about a swede, asking each other what it was and what would they do with it; I stepped in and enlightened them and they were grateful. I often mince up pigeon breasts, add minced pork, half and half, (it makes the pigeon less dry) and make burgers, chilli, lasagne etc with some fresh veg, potatoes or pasta, one can make numerous meals for very little outlay. I think the modern world is inherently lazy, literally wanting everything on a plate for no effort, they somehow feel they are owed it. Also, to finish my rant, these people how say they can't afford this and that, always seem to have the latest phones, big TVs, nails done, tattoos....I could go on


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