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H folks i was a member on the airgun forum till today a guy was selling 50 rws .25 h/p 25grn pellets for £4:50 =£18:00 for 200  you can buy a full tin of 200 rws  .25 h/p 25grn pellets from js ramsbottom for £3:99 + £3:19 = £7:18   because i posted on his thread i got a warning i said to admin nivea  that if the forum thinks its ok for other members to rip other members off then remove me and he has banned me what do you folks think about this

Edited by scarecrow243
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Would that be £4.50 posted? I think its in the rules about making comments that have the potential foil of a sale. ISTR there is something on here too. 

Thumper got told by his mum> if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Edited by Dave-G
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Sometimes forum rules have unintended effects;

Different forum (USA based not shooting, but clocks) and a few years ago I posted warning of a fake 'online auction' sale - for sale in China.  I 100% knew it was a fake because all the photos (which included the serial number) were taken from a previous UK listing - which I had won.  The clock photographed was collected and paid for by me and was already hanging on my wall when the fake listing went up.

I got my knuckles wrapped by the Moderators of that forum for posting about a current running auction - something not allowed in their rules.  They took down the post, despite my explanation that I was certain it was a scam.  Sadly I later learned that someone was scammed out of a 3 figure sum on that listing.

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Hello, I've seen posts  like that on the  AGF , particular the old forum, and there has been comments on over priced air guns, some of the mods seem to wear 2 hats, and can get over zealous , I don't buy or sell on there and just post on particular threads, , if it was a scam more fool anyone buying those pellets


Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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I left of my own accord last year after my honesty and integrity were questioned ( i was a member for over 15 years )  by one person , very quickly the hyenas were gathering to put in their two pennyworth and have a little dig .

Sorry but i don't  need that sort of rubbish in my life .

Their loss any way as i wont be selling any guns or equipment on there again .

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1 hour ago, scarecrow243 said:

H folks i was a member on the airgun forum till today a guy was selling 50 rws .25 h/p 25grn pellets for £4:50 =£18:00 for 200  you can buy a full tin of 200 rws  .25 h/p 25grn pellets from js ramsbottom for £3:99 + £3:19 = £7:18   because i posted on his thread i got a warning i said to admin nivea  that if the forum thinks its ok for other members to rip other members off then remove me and he has banned me what do you folks think about this

You interfered with a sales thread and got binned as a result - not difficult to understand the rules

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3 hours ago, London Best said:

You lot should try the Airgun BBS. I think just about everyone I know in the airgun world has been banned from there, myself included.

Very true, A few years ago the owner of Blackpool Airguns bought a bungalow quite close to where Blackpool Sporting Clays have their shoot, I then found out the the shop owner was then trying to have the shooting ground closed down.

I posted this on BBS any no one believed it but it was on the internet for all to see but the vitriol that was directed at me was terrible 😁

Anyway Blackpool Sporting Clays are still shooting there they just built a bund in the diretion of the bungalow.

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5 hours ago, scarecrow243 said:

H folks i was a member on the airgun forum till today a guy was selling 50 rws .25 h/p 25grn pellets for £4:50 =£18:00 for 200  you can buy a full tin of 200 rws  .25 h/p 25grn pellets from js ramsbottom for £3:99 + £3:19 = £7:18   because i posted on his thread i got a warning i said to admin nivea  that if the forum thinks its ok for other members to rip other members off then remove me and he has banned me what do you folks think about this

I can't see the add, it might have been withdrawn,  but it's been said time and again that you can't comment on sales adds , warnings have been given many times. 

You can tell which sales are over priced because they get continually bumped and don't sell.

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5 hours ago, London Best said:

You lot should try the Airgun BBS. I think just about everyone I know in the airgun world has been banned from there, myself included.

LOL! But also true.

1 hour ago, Dave-G said:

So how much would it cost to post 50 25gn pellets including a trip to the post office and back - first or second class etc as per what the vendor was quoting?

£3.95 because of the size if sent in a tin and packing that takes over the size of the large letter slot. £4.95 if sent 2nd Class Recorded Delivery and over the size of the large letter slot.

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25 minutes ago, scarecrow243 said:

Hi Dave-G  I dont know  but you seem like you are defending him  he was cheating people no matter what he paid to post 50 pellets

Is he really ‘cheating people’ if he’s being upfront about the price?

"Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it." - Publilius Syrus


‘Cheating’ would imply that he was somehow lying about the product. If he was making farcical claims about his price being the cheapest around then that would be one thing, but you’ve not claimed that he was. 


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There's another forum thats titles something varminting that doesnt like posts about certain varminting. Those that have been on there will understand. 


We should bless our cotton socks that PW is quite a laid back (yet has boundaries) forum where banter within reason is accepted. 

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11 hours ago, scarecrow243 said:

Hi Dave-G  I dont know  but you seem like you are defending him  he was cheating people no matter what he paid to post 50 pellets

Cheating? I see you avoided answering the question about postage. Not defending, just being realistic.

A person who declares a total price is not cheating. Not everyone wants a full or even half a tin of pellets to check if they suit a rifle. Some people call that a rip off, but if the total price is declared that's totally honest.

To be fair it's none of your business what he offered for sale at how much, taking into account the two way fuel costs of posting it in good time. Think of ebay, most seeing a high price including delivery would just buy it elsewhere if its cheaper.

Do you go in and complain if a filling station charges more than another for fuel?

I don't much like how the forum is run either - but they declare their rules and you agreed to comply with them. 


Edited by Dave-G
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Greetings Pigeon Watch not quite the whole story 

As has already been said none of your business commenting on someone else’s sales thread on another Forum (AGF2)I think Nivea warned you about it twice You then copped a strop & threw your toys out the pram and asked to leave and He obliged you with a ban

Pointless coming on here slagging AGF2 off it’s your own fault you knew the rules on derogatory comments on other peoples sales threads if not you should have read the rules first before posting your comments.You have caused quite a stir on AGF2 with your childish comments perhaps that was your intention? My advise would be to grow up shooting is an adult’s pastime Pigeon Watch is a great place & forum I’m surprised its given rubbish like this any time or air space.

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