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I have an elderly neighbour  who is visited4 or 5 times a week by a black young lady wearing a tabbard complete with hospital type outfit. Sometimes a black man wearing similar attire  accompanies  her and in the main waits or sometimes drives off in the car. In the main she drives the car. The car is a silver Honda jazz and the number plate is MN05EMF. Whilst on the DVL site on another matter I put this number into their site and received the following *we have no details of this vehicle*. I contacted the DVL  to report this and was fobbed off and they would not tell me what the message meant and asked me where fraud came into it.I am unable to ask the old lady who they work for as I don't want to alarm her. Any ideas what to do next. 

From Auntie.

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3 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

NM05EMF - silver Honda. Whoever did the plate might have got mixed up.

Gordon I believe  now you need a log book to get  a set of plates made legally  . 

To Auntie  I would suggest  a photo if possible  then the local police  station. , just. Stay safe 

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Gordon I believe  now you need a log book to get  a set of plates made legally  . 

We have a decent sized 4 wheel box trailer for the off road bikes and have had a number of them over the years. This involved a fair number of towing vehicles. Each time we have taken a log book and utility bill to the local spares shop. However, one of my staff had a number plate with dodgy spacing on his wife's car. Just got it off the internet.

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46 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

NM05EMF - silver Honda. Whoever did the plate might have got mixed up.

Sounds like a very typical keyboard error. 

53 minutes ago, 100milesaway said:

Any ideas what to do next. 

If your genuinely concerned then contact the police. 

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Yes, my main concerns are for my neighbour. I am told that the  naughty latest activity is in the care sector contracting out to fake social services and we all know where that ends up

19 minutes ago, johnphilip said:

Is that registration not 20 years old ??

Yes it is, I  tried reporting it and was eventually cut off.

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1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

I wonder how long it has been driving around with the first two letters in the wrong order?

Did the person making the plates suffer from dyslexia?

At least a month to my knowledge. I live in a rural area so not sure  if there are any arp  cameras around here.

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I ran a vehicle with the wrong plates from 2009 until last year, nobody cares and nobody notices.

In my case it was since new and presumably the dealer mixed up the two plates. It did explain why my insurance contacted me regarding an accident I had been involved with that I knew nothing about. It all came to light when I produced my logbook to buy a replacement plate that I broke. Until then my plates were for a different make and model and different colour. I’m guessing the owner of the other vehicle was equally unaware.

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5 minutes ago, 100milesaway said:

Yes, my main concerns are for my neighbour. I am told that the  naughty latest activity is in the care sector contracting out to fake social services and we all know where that ends up

Yes it is, I  tried reporting it and was eventually cut off.

Maybe they  don't  like you doing there job for them. All wrong , I would try to get a discreet  photo. Without. Getting. Yourself  hurt and inform the. Local police station

If that plate. Is. Illegal  then there will be no MOT. , no tax. , and no insurance. 

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Driven a hire car for 3 days with different plate on front  and back .i  Only noticed when handing it back in and when asked the number plate of the car I had hired . I was told that it was not on the database. From memory a new car with two similar letters the wrong way round

Driven a 7 1/2 ton hire wagon  from Aberdeen to Yorkshire with no rear number plate called as soon as I reached destination as only stopped for for a piddle and was told that original one had been stolen and the new one was still on mechanics tool box !

one way hire and no issues dropping it off the day after.


Edited by Agriv8
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10 hours ago, Gordon R said:

We have a decent sized 4 wheel box trailer for the off road bikes and have had a number of them over the years. This involved a fair number of towing vehicles. Each time we have taken a log book and utility bill to the local spares shop. However, one of my staff had a number plate with dodgy spacing on his wife's car. Just got it off the internet.

Yes Internet plates are a big problem .

It's where a lot of the false number plates are obtained by people up to no good. No checks, it's not legal but, as usual, nobody appears to be doing anything about it.

The clue is no small makers name on the plate.


Edited by Vince Green
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1 hour ago, jasper682 said:

Are the front and back plates matching?

 Were but they are changed and are now as the plates have the first 2 letters reversed, but the drivers had been on their feet for the last 4 days. Nothing I have done but I can say it was nothing to do with me.  Maybe they were picked up on an Arp but at least it looks legitimate now..Thanks for all suggestions and I am glad I didn't  get involved..

From Auntie.

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21 hours ago, 100milesaway said:

 Were but they are changed and are now as the plates have the first 2 letters reversed, but the drivers had been on their feet for the last 4 days. Nothing I have done but I can say it was nothing to do with me.  Maybe they were picked up on an Arp but at least it looks legitimate now..Thanks for all suggestions and I am glad I didn't  get involved..

From Auntie.

Glad it's hopefully correct and you are OK. . Maybe. DVLA  sorted it .

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All's well that ends well. But there's nothing new in this. My plates were cloned over 40 years ago and I only found out when the postman delivered the summons - twice. Fortunately, I was filling a digital post in the RAF and could easily show that it could not have been me as my actual location could be proved without any shadow of doubt on each occasion.

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