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A big day today


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Today the eldest of my two daughters gets married .

I cannot believe how quickly the time has flown by it seems only yesterday she was a baby.


I spent the last few weeks chasing my backside helping sort out the final arrangements and stumping up wads of cash in the process .


Fortunately she is not daft enough to want to waste huge piles of money on the big day and the wedding is fairly small with 60 all day guests and another 30-40 for the evening .


The speech is all prepared lets hope I don't cock it up !


Fingers crossed for some good weather.

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I was at my nephews wedding last week (his second her first)


She had always said she didnt want a white wedding, but he thought she deserved one,


It was an amazing day, and I was really proud of him for insisting on one for her, she thoroughly enjoyed it,


I hope your daughters went as well as theirs :good:



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Judging by your Wit and Humour on here' Im sure the speech will be a doddle for you.


And remember you are not losing a daughter but Gaining a son and as you have recently become a member of the Wildfowling community a Son may come in handy years down the line as you can get him to help carry your gear out for you. :)

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