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A sporting Christmas?


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What are your plans to get out into the field over the holidays?


I have been told I am out following beagles or hounds on Christas Eve, Boxing Day and New Years Day. Got a day on the shoot in between and will be makinga few visits before and after to scatter some wheat around. Hopefully squeeze in a stalk or two and maybe even a flight of the foreshore.

Edited by scolopax
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I have several days of family coming down which will include Christmas day where we don't know who will drop in and Boxing day which I always used to be out shooting on but this year I think that we have fourteen head and four dogs coming for the day, which will be fun. Other than that I don't have anything planned. I promised a keeper friend that I would go beating some time and I have a young lady who would like to be taught how to shoot. This has been ongoing for some time and it has been a matter of organising five things. There are three of us, I have a woman friend that shoots who can come with us and advise/coach /trap, the land and the weather. Probably some of the boys will want to go out shooting So the Christmas period will soon pass a I will soon be back to work. The Christmas period used to last for ages but now it is gone in a flash. Still there's next summer's holidays to look forward to.

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We'll see the hunt off at Brigstock on Boxing Day, followed by a lunch of leftovers and a big walk.


I might scare some clays at Sporting Targets if I ever get a day to myself at the cottage (got a bit of DIY to sort).


Relaxing and mooching around with family the rest if the time. The most wonderful time of the year.



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As well as two pheasant syndicate days on Boxing day and new years day I hope to get out a time or two after my first love - ducks.


We have family coming from London for Christmas, so my reneckedness will be turned up to maximum. Their urbanite ways bring out the worst in me!

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Boxing day will be rough walking up all day and then an ending with a crack at the ducks hopefully with Mac and the old fella.


Same for New Years day with game all day but no ducks to finish.

Out of all the above posts your Boxing day would win by a mile if it was down to me , at one time the !st of September was the day I looked forward to the most with Boxing day a close second , now the first day of the duck season don't no longer appeal to me as I now start at least a month later , but Boxing day is still my day out without any family ties or commitments ,


I can honestly say I have never missed a Boxing day out with my gun , for several years I got invited by my old boss to join him and family friends to walk round some of the out laying areas that are not included in the main shoot , the day would start with meeting at the hall for coffee and mince pies then jumping into two 4 x 4s and head to the carrs around the marshes or walk all the way around the main lake which I believe is around three miles , we would mainly be out until around 2.30 to 3 o clock with normally about 20 head of game in the bag , after we all said out good byes and they headed back to the hall for late lunch I would go down my marshes to finish the day off with a duck flight .


If the big day fell on a Sunday I would shoot pigeons on the rape ( weather permitting ) and finish up in a good wood I go into for a bit of roost shooting , as we are not allowed to shoot wildfowl on a Sunday in Norfolk .


Still whatever you do , enjoy it and a very Merry Christmas to all of you .

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