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High Street sheep shearers.


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Is your area being infected/affected by the High Street sheep shearers ?

Barber shops with young men equipped with shears (no scissors) who only want to know, "what number you want ?"

It starts at one, but I don't know how high it goes.

They take the appropriate blade, put it in the shears and just shear away trying to make you look like a Premier League foootball player.

The extreme short back and sides is making a comeback.


My old barber sold out and retired and I am reduced to going to a ladies hairdresser, where I get a traditional mans haircut, with scissors.


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How much do you lot pay for your "traditional gentlemans haircut"?



£15. We have three Turkish barbers in my town and about the same number of traditional barbers. As the Turkish barbers are sending the money back to ISIS (or I am prejudiced enough to think that) I go to the 'British' barbers.

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£15. We have three Turkish barbers in my town and about the same number of traditional barbers. As the Turkish barbers are sending the money back to ISIS (or I am prejudiced enough to think that) I go to the 'British' barbers.

£15!? Sweet baby Jesus. I go to a barbers which is run by a woman. Short back and sides using scissors is £7.00. Admittedly you're in the chair for around a minute but I prefer that.


When she says how would you like it cut Gar, she knows the answer is simply, short.


Never been one for brushing my hair never mind styling it.

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£15!? Sweet baby Jesus. I go to a barbers which is run by a woman. Short back and sides using scissors is £7.00. Admittedly you're in the chair for around a minute but I prefer that.


When she says how would you like it cut Gar, she knows the answer is simply, short.


Never been one for brushing my hair never mind styling it.


Mine is simply a no. 2 back and sides and short scissor cut on top. £15 is the going rate around here. Mind you compared with how much my wife and daughter spend on haircuts it's cheap!

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I do my own with clippers,


No guard takes 5 minutes......


I am follically challenged though,


Been doing it this way for years, can't remember when I last visited a barbers, it was run by a very nice young lady who used clippers and scissors......



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Barbers round here are all very trendy, blokes dressed like barber shop quartets, rediculous mustaches, scissors and other gadgets in a holster, various types of silly spectacles and shoes but no socks. They think this justifies charging triple what the old geezer with one chair charges

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My barber shop would resemble exactly what you described from the outside as most of their haircuts require clippers, but they use scissors where they need to also.


Why not try one out, you could be pleasantly surprised.


Oh I have tried it, about 4 weeks after the experience my hair had grown into the style/length I asked for when I went into the shop. :rolleyes:

For the first 4 weeks I looked as though I had been visited by the Nit Nurse.


Whatever you ask for, you get what they give you.

One advantage was that I didn't need it cut again for about 12 weeks.

I get the impression they have little to no training, just wave the shears until nothing else comes off.

They do all seem to come from the Middle East, but I am not sure they are Turkish.


Being an OAP I can get my traditional haircut for £7-8, but I pay £15.

The "Turkish" shops charge OAPs about the same price (£7-10)

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It's over forty years since I visited a barber. Young lady hairdressers have a much better line of conversation along the lines of 'are you having a day off' and 'where are you going on holiday this year?' They also have the benefit of traditional 'charms' which can be draped around the ears during the cut.

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When I was at school, mens/boys haircuts changed from the old style >> mow it off short back and sides to some sort of shape and style. There were a couple of barbers in the town and one was a mow it off convict style and the other did style cut. Because we lived about ten miles from town Mother started to cut my hair and she did a pretty good job of it. In later years one of my daughters took over and then another one trained as a hairdresser so she has cut it for some time. I wonder how much money I have saved by getting free haircuts. I tell the daughters that I had paid for the cuts by having to put up with them and being a free taxi service to their friends, clubs, pubs and waiting around for them. I think that they got the better deal.

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I love the Turkish barbers - Great haircut, trim my eyebrows, candle in the ear'ole and up my nose for a tidy up and a head massage - Wonderful.


What I don't get are these new geezer barbers, where they're all silly swept back hair and beards and leather aprons with tattoo sleeves, doing a rubbish "steampunk" type barbering "experience" where you get to chug a craft beer or bourbon while they call you "bro" while giving you the same stupid shaved sides and back combed haircut, but for £25 a pop.

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I love the Turkish barbers - Great haircut, trim my eyebrows, candle in the ear'ole and up my nose for a tidy up and a head massage - Wonderful.


What I don't get are these new geezer barbers, where they're all silly swept back hair and beards and leather aprons with tattoo sleeves, doing a rubbish "steampunk" type barbering "experience" where you get to chug a craft beer or bourbon while they call you "bro" while giving you the same stupid shaved sides and back combed haircut, but for £25 a pop.


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