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Charity shops


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I love a good rake in Charity shops every time we go shopping i leave the wife and do a round of any charity shops i can see , I keep hoping to pick up some shooting related stuff and on the odd occasion i have , recently i picked up a load of books and the lassy at the tills debating i don't know weather to charge you 25 pence each or 50 pence each as i dont know what type of books these are ??> LOL . Today we went for a run to a country town and as usual i did the charity shops and they where all okay but as usual i find barnardos really expensive compared to the rest ??? , just wounder when there's four within seeing distance of each other how come the same stuffs neary double the price but they must get rid of it ?.

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me an my partner go quite often,,she refers to it as chazin but my favorite is car boot sales,being an avid record collecter,all my mega rare lp,s have come that way,my best find an lp for 50p,book value £500 an that was years ago and still have it along with loads of other goodies.

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I suppose the prices these "charities" charge for what they in effect, get for free, will carry on increasing! How else would they finance the CEO post (and other employees!) of £100,000+ pa plus expenses plus perks?

£45 for a pair of good quality, but secondhand men's shoes, in the window of a local charity shop this week!

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If my daughters not in hand me downs shes wearing cloths from charity shops. Why spend loads on kids cloths when she is going to grow out of them or ruin them falling over. All my work shirts and trousers are charity shop stuff. Plymouth has some great chazzer shops

Edited by Jbob
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Some if not all have all gone upmarket now, they are now well aware of their markets.

One of them (not sure which) has an online presence and they put tweed stuff on the summer months with the 'Ideal for Goodwood Revival' tags.

I was there specifically looking for cheap clobber for the Goodwood Revival :|


In the past Mrs D has bought a genuine LV handbag for buttons, assuming it was a fake.

It wasn't, she sold it years later on eBay for about ten times what she paid for it, those days I would imagine have long gone.

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Mother in Law works in one in Rutland and they have a series of brand names they must look up in a book/on the internet to make sure they get top "designer" price -They might get sent to HQ to be put on the charity's E Bay site. The staff are mostly volunteers, but the shop managers are paid (albeit not strictly a commercial wage) and they also have paid overseers/supervisors come round on a regular basis to make sure they're hitting their targets/shifting stock etc - It's all a bit more involved than just a couple of old dears giving up their time for the local cats home

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I think i've done it the wrong way around.


My Aunt works in a charity shop so always seems to be getting old clothes, unwanted gifts and general tat that is too good to throw away.


I remember when I used to live at home as a teenager and whilst on a lads holiday my mum decided to tidy my room up and palm it off to the charity shop.


I had a full first edition base set of pokemon cards i'd collected obsessively as a kid.


I obviously no longer played with them for a fair few year and when my mum came across them she assumed I wouldn't care and they were just collecting dust as id outgrown pokemon.


Dread to think of the value of a full set of those nowadays, bet they didn't even make it to the shelf before a member of staff pocketed them.


Same with many PS1 games and the console all in mint condition which got handed to a family friend and broken within 2 weeks.



Never actually been around a charity shop or car boot in my adult life! Feel like I'm missing out haha!

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My misses buys me shorts for about a £1 a pair, go to the Canaries every January, wear them and just leave them over there for wee San Miguel to wear them. Also had a mate who bought a suit for £20, wore it to a wedding, then put it back in charity shop. Was much cheaper than hiring one, also if he got beer spilled on it, fag burns etc. he didn't give a damn. :good:

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