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Has law and order broken down in this country ?


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What with the murders ,robberies and increased crime levels what ever is happening . If you carnt take your kids to school without thugs on scooters smashing into your car something very serious is happening and a very serious answer is required . What is that answer .


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'Equally, the purpose of any system of justice should not just be to punish and deter, but also to rehabilitate, for the good of society as well as the criminal. Which is why there are practical reasons, as well as those connected with civil liberties, for reforming our monstrous prison regime.'

Thats the main problem right there.Deterrence , or lack of it.
Any guesses who wrote that ?


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hello, i agree harnser, latest stabbing resulting in death a 14 year old charged!!!!!!!!!!. we know the answer but many will disagree, life means a life sentence, thugs on scooter 10 plus years, acid throwers 15 years, bombers life sentence, rapists 15 plus years, foreign criminals deport after sentence, then may plead the human rights act. 5000 more police officers, and a few new PRISONS, OR JUST GIVE UP AND EMIGRATE

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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There is a massive surge in moped robberies in London and its virtually all done by young men, who came into this country in the back of a lorry from Calais or by claiming asylum on some dubious pretence. All the bleeding heart liberals who were saying we had to let them in on humanitarian grounds will not be so vocal now will they?

Edited by Vince Green
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My wife who has a part time job at a local co-op store told me that the Police have told the store manager that they will no longer respond to calls about shoplifting as its seen as low priority, they will only respond if there is violence towards staff or customers, they have advised the manager to wait till the thief leaves the store then ask for the goods back and then ban them from the store.

So you are ok to go shoplifting as you will only get banned.

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11 minutes ago, stevo said:

Don’t park your 4x4 outside the school just to drop your bloody kids off and pick them up again. . 



hello, i agree on that stevo, 75% could walk the children to school or cycle if roads are suitable, cant see why anyone wants to drive a monster landrover in london

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7 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

All the bleeding heart liberals who were saying we had to let them in on humanitarian grounds will not be so vocal now will they?

Yes they will, they will say it is all our fault for not giving them a huge income on the state whilst they "acclimatize" and then not giving them priority for jobs and free housing  - that is until they themselves get hit big time, and then it is the police's fault for not acting.

Edited by Yellow Bear
missed a bit
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19 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

There is a massive surge in moped robberies in London and its virtually all done by young men, who came into this country in the back of a lorry from Calais or by claiming asylum on some dubious pretence. All the bleeding heart liberals who were saying we had to let them in on humanitarian grounds will not be so vocal now will they?

If you import 3rd world country occupants ,what else is to be expected...they`ll drag their new found home down to their level I`d suppose.

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I do think there may come a time when the public will take it upon themselves to protect themselves from this kind of behaviour.

If you were attacked in such a manner and there was no apparent justice or future protection, would you simply let it happen again?

I do not think I would. I think there may come a time when the general  law abiding public stands up for themselves against the minority of thugs out there.


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Do I think the police are becoming less able to protect us?  Yes.  Am I confident they have the will to? No.

Having just watched the article on Newsnight about withholding crucial evidence in the rape and sexual assault cases that have come to light over the last few months you have to question whether they actually want to fulfil their duties.  When they know that the complainant's case is not consistent with the evidence and then when asked do not hand over that evidence to the defence there have to be some very serious questions.

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53 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, i agree on that stevo, 75% could walk the children to school or cycle if roads are suitable, cant see why anyone wants to drive a monster landrover in london

What’s that got to do with being mugged? He got mugged because he was wearing a Rolex not because he was driving a 4x4! 

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1 hour ago, matone said:

If you import 3rd world country occupants ,what else is to be expected...they`ll drag their new found home down to their level I`d suppose.


1 hour ago, Yellow Bear said:

Yes they will, they will say it is all our fault for not giving them a huge income on the state whilst they "acclimatize" and then not giving them priority for jobs and free housing  - that is until they themselves get hit big time, and then it is the police's fault for not acting.


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My idea is that the Victorians had it right, they built sufficient prisons to hous the required number. No suspended sentences. They put them to work , no play stations etc. The workhouse was there to prevent people starving but no handouts. The Quakers built garden cities in Bournvile, to give the workers some pride in the company. Built hospital complexes which included mental homes and also sanitariums for recovering patients, no bed blocking. They smacked children, at home as well as at school. Hung murderers.

They may have had perversion and prostitutes and drug taking behind closed doors but they outwardly presented themselves to be a well regulated society. 

We seem to have an open door society that allows the minority to rule. LBGT has gone mad, I do not need to know the orientation of an individual , criminals have seemed to rule the prisons. 

Thats my thoughts know doubt I will be corrected as required ?

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23 minutes ago, pigeon controller said:

My idea is that the Victorians had it right, they built sufficient prisons to hous the required number. No suspended sentences. They put them to work , no play stations etc. The workhouse was there to prevent people starving but no handouts. The Quakers built garden cities in Bournvile, to give the workers some pride in the company. Built hospital complexes which included mental homes and also sanitariums for recovering patients, no bed blocking. They smacked children, at home as well as at school. Hung murderers.

They may have had perversion and prostitutes and drug taking behind closed doors but they outwardly presented themselves to be a well regulated society. 

We seem to have an open door society that allows the minority to rule. LBGT has gone mad, I do not need to know the orientation of an individual , criminals have seemed to rule the prisons. 

Thats my thoughts know doubt I will be corrected as required ?

For what its worth I agree 100%

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I don't agree with everything you've written, however you have a point with prisons, the intersting thing is, reoffending rates were actually lower when prison was more lock them up and throw away the key than now, the do gooders always like to point out that Victorian style prison didn't work, what they dont tell you is that neither does 'rehabilitation' and the reoffending rates were actually lower and it was obviously cheaper to, the only problem is the pesky human rights act.

Edited by 12gauge82
In response to pigeon controller
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The first thing we need is some proper politicians. Then we need the old incouragable rouges act brought back . This was the prison sentence known as preventive detention or PD . This allowed the courts to detain any body indefinitely who could not behave themselves in society . They could be held for years for very minor offences . And we need a proper I’m immigration system . 

Say no to the bleeding heart liberals .


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I've stated my beliefs in previous posts but as an 'older' member who grew up in and around London I have to say that the new breed of police chiefs with their complete disregard for the expectations and wishes of the majority of the population must be largely to blame. I'm tired of the new police mantra that their priority is to protect the public.

Sorry about this Mr Chief Officer and your Police Chiefs Council but the public - remember them, the people you're supposed to be serving -  don't want your weasel words about protection because there's no way you can protect anybody from anything by sitting in your nondescript industrial unit out on a trading estate several miles from any centre of population. What the public want you to do is to maintain law and order and that by the way, is what the police force was set up to do and that's what the Police Charter instructs you to. What you do not have the right to do is determine your own priorities and then bully, threaten and browbeat our elected politicians into letting you implement them.

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1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

Vince— prove it with a Home Office Publication and not a pub gossip statement.....


OK, image search for moped crime:  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/12/20/17/477B645500000578-0-image-a-1_1513790638580.jpg

England and Wales population is 86% White:  https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/ethnicity/articles/ethnicityandnationalidentityinenglandandwales/2012-12-11

30% in the gang above are "white", but that should be 90% (Ok 86%) if there was no propensity to be "more" criminal in certain groups.  

So the others are 3 times more likely to be criminal.

Of course, this is stats so we could say that the "not whites" are 14% of the population, but represent 70% of this gang and so are (70/14 = 5) 5 times more likely to be criminals.


Good start for Vince's defence, either way.



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