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Panic buying

The Heron

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6 hours ago, Jim Neal said:

I've got enough malted barley, hops and yeast to make over 200 pints of ale so I won't be panic buying anything important in the foreseeable!

We're down to our last 6 bog rolls.  The mrs gets through ONE per day on her own.  Yes ONE ENTIRE bog roll.  When I was single I could make one last for a few weeks, it used to be quite a novelty changing the roll.  Words have been said!

Ladies use more toilet roll as they dry themselves every time they have a pee. One way for ladies to make the toilet rolls go further. Get a sponge dedicated for toilet use and a small towel. Soap sponge and wash after a pee and dry with towel. Rinse sponge ready for next time. Only use toilet paper for No. 2's.

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57 minutes ago, AVB said:

I can’t feed my family on what I shoot. Even if I was to feed the dog with it he would go hungry. Can’t remember the last time I managed to bag a pigeon. 

Your shooting will improve if food starts to run out, the pigeons in my garden are out of bounds,  that will change if need be. 

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36 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Ladies use more toilet roll as they dry themselves every time they have a pee. One way for ladies to make the toilet rolls go further. Get a sponge dedicated for toilet use and a small towel. Soap sponge and wash after a pee and dry with towel. Rinse sponge ready for next time. Only use toilet paper for No. 2's.

PM me your phone number, I'll let you break the news!

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1 hour ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Ladies use more toilet roll as they dry themselves every time they have a pee. One way for ladies to make the toilet rolls go further. Get a sponge dedicated for toilet use and a small towel. Soap sponge and wash after a pee and dry with towel. Rinse sponge ready for next time. Only use toilet paper for No. 2's.

Can’t they shake the drops off like we do?  Might take a bit more effort but using scarce loo paper is selfish and lazy. 

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8 hours ago, Centrepin said:

The problem with panic buying is its contagious. 

I'm disabled, my wife is disabled and if either of us catch it, it will kill her because of her medical conditions. It may kill me due to mine.

Our medications have been delivered by family today but even so, parts are missing especially morphine and insulin. Insulin I'm ok on till next week, morphine just 3 days left due to it's highly controlled nature and dosage. But seemingly ordinary meds like gabapentin and tolteredine are short. On phoning the chemist, the advice is "over order to make sure you get some" madness? Stupidity or I don't know what!

Our shopping is delivered by Sainsbury's 0730 - 0830 Thursdays mornings, week in week out. More or less the same sort of stuff. Loo rolls about once every 3 weeks🙄

Tomorrow is the last delivery we have booked, its impossible now to get slots for delivery despite the fact we buy an annual pass. With this in mind, today I doubled up on everything on my list. This I know is adding to the madness but I feel I'm forced into it. I only want 1 weeks shopping but if every slot is taken well into April when will I get my next delivery?

I emailed Mike Coupe, CEO of Sainsbury's  pointing this out and as yet await a reply.

My daughter is in isolation due to the youngest having a cough and temp. He and his sister where sent home from school 3 days ago with written instruction not to return till Tuesday 14th April. My daughter is unable to help in case she transmits to her mum or me. She also cannot buy on line, no slots available.

This all adds to the panic buying, as when its there if you don't buy it, when will you next get it.

I don't want to order 2 boxes of ready break, 2 bags of bread flour etc but if there's no more delivery it's a catch 69 situation.

Part of me feels selfish and guilty yet if everyone just bought as normal we could all survive. I suppose on the plus side if I get what I've ordered it will be nearer 3 weeks till I "need" not want anything else.

We are by far not the worst off I know of, we have meat in the freezer and can live without bread. I bake my own anyway. Stew for tea and fresh baked breadcakes and that will stretch to tomorrow's curry with some rice. Like a post above, maybe if people knew how to cook properly we wouldn't be in this mess.


Sainsbury’s are pretty good, they’ll try and sort something in sureI’m sure

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9 hours ago, AVB said:

I can’t feed my family on what I shoot. Even if I was to feed the dog with it he would go hungry. Can’t remember the last time I managed to bag a pigeon. 

I'm not a bad shot, but not thought about eating it. Always thought it would be too tough. Sooo, anyone have a good recipe for skeet?

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My daughter is pregnant and was told isolate until at least june. She tried to get online deliveries but everytime she got a slot the sites crashed and she lost out so after 2 days she gave up.

Now her partner works as a manager in the nhs and is currently working 12 to 13 hour shifts, so by the time he gets to the shops there is nothing left. This must be the same for a lot nhs and emergwncy service workers. So this boils my p***!!

I went and out to a fairly local butchers/market and got her enough fir a few days. Even in there most of the chicken was gone. The guy behind the counter said he had to bite his lip when idiots descend and buy all the chicken on display.

Lucky i got a feezer full of game. But the stupidity and selfishness of the masses is incredible. Saw a vid this morning showing a costco in london. Waiting to open the queue went around the car park, a petrol station and another car park...the store had not even opened.

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hello, Sainsbury are to allow Senior citizens (70 plus) to shop the first hour of trading, for those who can get up at dawn ok but i see so many needing help getting to shop/ helping to shop are family members and care workers, then as in a lot of supermarkets essential food and ?? shelves are empty

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Let's face it, a high proportion on here are at serious risk?

I went the other day to get a small loaf of bread for my 96 year old mil. Co.op no bread. Tesco no bread. Morrisons no bread. Local Spar 1 small loaf.

Just have to despair at the greed?

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9 minutes ago, old man said:

Let's face it, a high proportion on here are at serious risk?

I went the other day to get a small loaf of bread for my 96 year old mil. Co.op no bread. Tesco no bread. Morrisons no bread. Local Spar 1 small loaf.

Just have to despair at the greed?

Unfortunately it has become survival of the meanest/greediest.

I despair at the whole situation. I can’t see a way out of it I am afraid. I recon there will be riots and looting by early next week. 

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18 hours ago, grrclark said:

I try to make my own bread as much as I can and went to get some yeast, everywhere was sold out.

Yes, our local Morrisons was out of most baking products on Tuesday - but had adequate supplies (though limited choice of brand) of baked beans (and as far as I could see most tinned goods)!  Commercial bread was also in stock, but limited choice of types/sizes.

17 hours ago, Deker said:

I've just been to my local Lidl for a few things and either vegans have seen the light or there aren't many near me as the fruit and veg isles were full...

Again - Morrisons had plenty of fruit and veggies - of some types, but were out of potatoes, onions, lemons.  I believe all were temporary 'shelves not filled' situations.

16 hours ago, The Heron said:

Buy the daily mirror cut it into squares that's all its fit for. 

On a more serious note - any wrong sort of paper risks blocked drains.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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Here's panic buying in extreme.

A friend had the misfortune of her freezer packing up. She visited a well known outlet to buy a replacement only to be told there was a backlog in the 100's. The sales team said that people were panic buying freezers to store their panic bought food.

Edited by Bobba
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i went into our local co-op this morning.............i am ashamed and sad at what i saw.........none local people had come in and cleaned it out............there are 25 "bins" for fruit and vedge and usually 5 sacks of just lifted spuds.................every single item gone...........also 98% of tinned vedge gone..........

i picked up one bottle of cooking oil and left the other ....then a woman dashed in and snatched the other one.....i picked up the 2nd from last milk and left the other one and the same person lunged forward and took it .....she then looked at me as if i was stupid.........i felt very sorry for her....as she was in a heightened state of panic or disgustingly greedy

i despair of most of the human race................but it does my soul good to log onto pigeonwatch and read the little random acts of kindness........that PW members do on a regular basis...............

(thought i would just say this now before i get banned again...for something else):lol:

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9 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I see our cousins over the pond are also panic buying but not only bog rolls & food also GUNS & AMMO, the mind boggles.

It'll be in preparation of the usual looting (that happens both here and there) when the shops are empty and police are overstretched

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