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Country file and lead ban


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10 minutes ago, MrPhantom said:

Just watched it, very biased one sided view. Not sure I was expecting anything else really. I wouldn’t buy game in supermarkets after watching that.

neither will the public basc lead ban idea to make game shooting look acceptable fooled nobody the public is not as stupid as people think 

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Just watched it.  What a load of biased drivel.  Total kwis stuff.  AND the bloke who was on there speaking in the shooters favor was cowering in submisive compliance.  Not once did he challenge the random statements being thrown at him.  He would have been better to F & Jeff at the bloke and all that guff would never have been made into a tv program to beat us with. Considering the fact that stuff has been shot with lead for hundreds of years and it hasn't caused the population to turn into a dribbling horde of zombies didn't come into the equation.  All the time that drivel like this isn't actively and agresively challenged we are on a very slippery slope.

Edit. Just looked at how many complaints country file gets.  And the type of complaint from the lunatic masses was about the fact that the country file lines had taken a trip to the seaside.???  And guess what  the country file lunes had been eating unwashed  seaweed which MAY have been contaminated with raw sewage and toilet paper.  Now there's a thing that one wouldn't consider when eating seaweed.!

Edited by Minky
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Do you think a young housewife will buy a pheasant that she as never tried and at a silly price 

or a chicken that she knows what to do with for lot cheaper 

pheasant will never take off ( sorry about the pun ) as a main meal the are half the size of chicken 

the young generation today don’t now how to cook if it doesn’t go ping in microwave of comes out of 

a can 

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1 minute ago, 8 shot said:

BASC's job ? but instesd they send a total incompetant to be filmed game shooting to further our cause.

About par for basic.  Draw the membership money and have a big pay rise,,,,  or invest in a new tweed suit and a new range rover..!!

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42 minutes ago, Stimo22 said:

What did BASC have to do with it, it looks like BBC just invited someone from the game processing industry. If BASC were asked and did not attend then it would be different, but why knock them without knowledge 

I deliberately avoid this kind of guff on TV these days. Too misrepresentative. The last time I watched, John wishy washy Craven, the script monkey, he read from the auto-cue, “and now we’re going to take a look at the controversial sport of game shooting.” He actually said “controversial”…!?

Hence it was the very last time for me. 

Too many of the public however, become an ‘expert’ from this type of 5 minute sound bite. That is the danger, and the power, which the BBC wields quite irresponsibly. 

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Why anyone watches this totally totally biased programme is beyond me.

Every article on shooting is poorly researched and fed to the great British public to make their own minds up ,"I don't think"..

If  any of the shooting organisations had been asked to take part I am sure they would have,then the BBC would have had a two sided argument,that would never do.


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1 hour ago, Stimo22 said:

What did BASC have to do with it, it looks like BBC just invited someone from the game processing industry. If BASC were asked and did not attend then it would be different, but why knock them without knowledge 

When have you ever seen the BASC on any Tv program defending the country way of life, the GP wouldn't know they even existed

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15 hours ago, Minky said:

Just watched it.  What a load of biased drivel.  Total kwis stuff.  AND the bloke who was on there speaking in the shooters favor was cowering in submisive compliance.  Not once did he challenge the random statements being thrown at him.  He would have been better to F & Jeff at the bloke and all that guff would never have been made into a tv program to beat us with. Considering the fact that stuff has been shot with lead for hundreds of years and it hasn't caused the population to turn into a dribbling horde of zombies didn't come into the equation.  All the time that drivel like this isn't actively and agresively challenged we are on a very slippery slope.

Edit. Just looked at how many complaints country file gets.  And the type of complaint from the lunatic masses was about the fact that the country file lines had taken a trip to the seaside.???  And guess what  the country file lunes had been eating unwashed  seaweed which MAY have been contaminated with raw sewage and toilet paper.  Now there's a thing that one wouldn't consider when eating seaweed.!

Also watched it, didn't need the sound on to see that he was being beaten down.  This is one of the problems the shooting community is faced with, we don't have a voice that can reach the general public, unlike the antis in whatever guise, who grasp every opportunity to voice their opinions, with the help of the media and of course the unbiased BBC.

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