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US and UK citizens told to get out now.


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So who thinks it WILL now kick off? I see three sides of Ukraine now contain Russian forces - that's either a lorra lorra threat or impending action to my mind. Umpteen diplomatic visits appear to have got nowhere.

The 'exercises' seem likely to be rehearsals - or at least serious posturing for possible war but I'm wondering if what is really happening could be that the UN is about to accept Ukraine into its fold, hence sending it plenty of armaments and getting our nationals out.

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8 hours ago, NoBodyImportant said:

I feel like if the where going to invade we wouldn’t hear about it.  


Makes no sense, you don't campaign in winter, you don't advertise your intentions, and why would you move your border even closer to NATO? 

There's nothing in it for Russia, its a good old sabre rattling bluff at best, siezed upon by the Whitehouse and MSN, as Russian aggression.

When no invasion happens , Biden can say he prevented it , and any idiot that believes it ,will punch the air and whoop, whilst singing the team America theme song.

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3 hours ago, Rewulf said:


Makes no sense, you don't campaign in winter, you don't advertise your intentions, and why would you move your border even closer to NATO? 

There's nothing in it for Russia, its a good old sabre rattling bluff at best, siezed upon by the Whitehouse and MSN, as Russian aggression.


I thought this at first but now I'm not so sure 🤔

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6 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Makes no sense, you don't campaign in winter, you don't advertise your intentions, and why would you move your border even closer to NATO? 

There's nothing in it for Russia, its a good old sabre rattling bluff at best, siezed upon by the Whitehouse and MSN, as Russian aggression.

Nobody expects you to campaign in winter, but it can and has been done.

I haven't followed this like I would have years ago, but I imagine Russia can just stroll over the border any time they feel like, everybody knows they are there so what's to stop them?

Would the Ukraine fight back or just except there's no point?

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3 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

Apart from to supply weapons no.

Appears we are hosting four seriously big bombers on our soil and along with numerous other fighters.  We ARE involved make no doubt.

We only need the French to start shipping arms to Putin like they did in Argentina.

Edited by Walker570
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3 hours ago, Walker570 said:

We only need the French to start shipping arms to Putin like they did in Argentina.

Unlikely because Russia is the worlds second largest exporter of arms.  France has only got a couple of lightly used rifles which have been dropped a couple of times by comparison  Russia exports to over 45 countries.

Russia uses conflict zones such as Syria to showcase its military equipment to other potential buyers.   they couldn't give a  monkeys about the human cost.  You've only got to look at the death toll or Russian forces in WW2.

People like Putin only recognise a severe beating to make them stop doing bad things..  Still he can just sit there being a threat.  It ain't costing him any losses of men or materials.  YET.



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6 hours ago, Walker570 said:

Appears we are hosting four seriously big bombers on our soil and along with numerous other fighters.  We ARE involved make no doubt.

We only need the French to start shipping arms to Putin like they did in Argentina.

B52s and F15s are not first wave planes.  They are massive planes that carry massive payloads.  It’s a slide of hand.  The punch will come from B2s that take off from NewMexico and kick the door in.  Or some new plane we never heard of.  The thing about America is when a real war breaks you see new technology that you never new existed.  America is not going to fight a war with Russia with B52s and f15s 

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I agree and understand that BUT my point was they are on our soil and very welcome in my view but that does mean we are involved because there is no doubt that the arrival and shuffling of these pieces of kit are designed as a show of support for the Ukrainians and should it kick off big time the whole world will shudder and we will need more than tin hats.

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Just a quick observation from the Sandringham resurrectionist.........

all what everyone wants is 

  1. to be able to keep warm
  2. to be able to afford to eat 


so right thro the ages the same old reason keeps cropping up........."old men start wars , and young people die in them"....it has always been the same and will never change

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