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Autumn statement,Budget


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well....there you go...the long awaited autumn statement....

and quite honestly i havnt a clue what it means.........everything seems to be soooo complicated now-a-days.....Racheal reeves seems to know as she has a lot to say about it

it all seems just like a game...and we are all onlookers...

back to reality..........im having chicken nuggets chips and baked beans for my repast today...i wonder what the MP's will be having in their sibsidised canteens what we pay for....

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Another £900 next year for some including those on working tax credits including some who don’t need it! I know my brother for example,big bungalow owned outright,£100,000+ in savings, works just 18 hours and gets every hand out going,although one of the wealthiest around the area! Ridiculous..It’s about time these benefits were means tested,then the money can go to the genuine poor.

Edited by TOPGUN749
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3 hours ago, ditchman said:

I wonder what the MP's will be having in their sibsidised canteens what we pay for....

'Tis the same the whole world over. I had lunch in Paris on Tuesday at the canteen that serves the French Ministry of the Interior "antenne" at Bercy. It was total cost of 2.84 Euro for steak hache, frites and sauce us poivre. Bloomin' delicious it all was too. Could have had sliced entrecote steak...nice and rose...for about the same price.

Edited by enfieldspares
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2 hours ago, Walker570 said:

I don't worry about anything I can't do anyhting about BUT come the election I will be Reforming.

I just made another caramel apple cake, videos later in food and drink.   Very ripe Spartan apples sliced and mixed in the sponge mixture with home grown walnuts and a caranel covering.

similar at this end, nothing can be done until we go to the polling station , the OH was trying to fathom it out but I was making 7 raised pork and ham pies ' got to get the priorities right .

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Not heard anything about it today but the papers said that we were all going to pay more local council tax so that they can spend more on social care.

Now that bugs me.   I have been a carer for the Memsahib for nigh on ten years in a worsening situation.   It gets worse because her condition deteriorates as I get ever older (83 the last time I looked).   Now I am too 'rich' to get any help accept Attendance Allowance.   But I pay rates, as it used to be known, so I will be paying more so the council can spend more on social services but I am too 'rich' to get any help.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am not rich.   Just been prudent with my money and saved more than £23,500 pounds.

If I have to put her into a home then guess who will have to pay for it?

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1 hour ago, Grandalf said:

Not heard anything about it today but the papers said that we were all going to pay more local council tax so that they can spend more on social care.

Now that bugs me.   I have been a carer for the Memsahib for nigh on ten years in a worsening situation.   It gets worse because her condition deteriorates as I get ever older (83 the last time I looked).   Now I am too 'rich' to get any help accept Attendance Allowance.   But I pay rates, as it used to be known, so I will be paying more so the council can spend more on social services but I am too 'rich' to get any help.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am not rich.   Just been prudent with my money and saved more than £23,500 pounds.

If I have to put her into a home then guess who will have to pay for it?

is your house in joint ownership ?

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Over the last 2 years there have been £'millions paid out to people to sit on their derriere, now people dont want to work, we had a chap turned down a job because he can get £1500 for staying at home. 


And folk are suprised the country's in a state. 

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6 hours ago, discobob said:

Bring back Truss and Kwassi - I could see where they were coming from - grow us out of the problem

Trouble is the Globalists want us all doffing our caps like the Serf's of old

I was saying virtually this the last few days. Very clever trick they've played, ousted the PM and got the media to make the public believe they were the bad guys, while rishi and his globalist friends are inserted who take a giant **** on the working masses. 

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9 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, has it turned into winter blues 🤔

I just heard a lady on BBC news say she was happy with the budget 🤔, tax rise, energy rise, council tax rise , the latter will knock out any pension rise, energy to rise to £3000, what planet is she on 🤔

6 hours ago, discobob said:

Bring back Truss and Kwassi - I could see where they were coming from - grow us out of the problem

Trouble is the Globalists want us all doffing our caps like the Serf's of old

Is Truss not to blame for the financial wobble then we are hit again by this budget, 

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Well, a good performance from a clown, insulting to most? Sickening! Not a thought for the genuinely disadvantaged.

Seems Kwarteng and Truss are to be celebrated for causing a great proportion of our troubles but let's blame someone else. 

Reform for me following that contempt.

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