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Enoch Powell - What a Gentleman

Vince Green

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He rose from the rank of private to Brigadier during WW2, he was a professor at 25, he had one heck of a life before he ever went into politics.

When you read about him on Wiki you realise just what a statesman he was throughout his career and how badly he was treated

Edited by Vince Green
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12 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

He rose from the rank of private to Brigadier during WW2, he was a professor at 25, he had one heck of a life before he ever went into politics.

When you read about him on Wiki you realise just what a statesman he was throughout his career and how badly he was treated

Yes, I remember reading a memoirs of someone who served in the Long Range Desert Patrol Group. Enoch Powell was in Military Intelligence in Cairo. His nickname was Grey Matter. Apparently he had the bright idea, for the time, or creating maps colour coded to show the different terrains for the LRDPG to use on operations.

There should be a statue erected in his honour. outside parliament.

Perhaps a petition should be started?

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Powell was hung out to dry by the establishment and sacrificed on the altar of political correctness........and the public believe what they were led to believe and joined in with his vilification, before you follow the pack in condemning him, read or listen to his speeches, including his so called "rivers of blood" speech and make up your own minds.

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correct me if im wrong on this.............i was once told that among the people who were in his constituacy were a high proportion of immigrant 1st and 2nd & 3rd generation...who voted for him ...as they saw that their way of life would also be under threat as Britains to..............

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2 hours ago, walshie said:

History won't be kind to him alas. Nowadays the nanny state tell you what to say and think and if you dare say what you really think, you get branded something-ist. 


You are so right !

No one wants to hear a truth nowadays.

Enoch always spoke it and suffered accordingly .

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The current lot couldn't hold a candle to him. Corbyn would do well to match his honesty, intellect, courage and foresight. Sadly, he isn't fit to lace Enoch's shoes.

Harold Wilson and Maggie Thatcher aside, we haven't had a decent leader since Enoch's time.

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3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

His only crime was being right ...

He was also right on other things.  Truth and fact are like Kryptonite to some people.

The fact is the EU was always a political project for ever closer union and the peoples of Europe have been lied to for years about this.  I can't see how this bodes well for the long term, whether you think this is a good thing or not.  

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A politician who spoke the truth, warned us about things to come and was right, had we more like him
perhaps this disorganized dump would be a far better place. Rest in peace if you can Enoch.

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The more you read about him the more surprising things emerge. It was probably due to Powell that Britain did not enter the Vietnam war. Harold Wilson turned down a request from US to provide troops but it was Powell who influenced Wilson although they were on opposite sides of the house. Wilson recognised Powell was a great military thinker and respected his advice, which turned out to be spot on.

Britain allowed Aussie troops to serve in Vietnam instead as a face saver

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3 hours ago, Whitebridges said:

I remember him in his day. He was too close to fascist thinking post WW2. People didn't like his radical thinking in that era.

He was a visionary and stood for all the things that made Britain great. I hope one day he will be reincarnated.  



Maybe he has been reincarnated as Nigel Farage, another politician not afraid to speak out and has been pursicuted for it.

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