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Just now, JohnfromUK said:

I find her views offensive.  Please could someone remove her?

Really ? I find her condescending tone, and the way she rolls her eyes, and smiles in disdain if someone argues a point with her quite amusing.


1 minute ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Another Guardian writer!

If she were white , the Guardian would target her as a typical example of white privilege ?

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8 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Really ? I find her condescending tone, and the way she rolls her eyes, and smiles in disdain if someone argues a point with her quite amusing.

The view that she would remove statues of Nelson, Churchill etc. - I do find genuinely offensive, yes. 

These people may have held views that aren't in line with current thinking, but that is not why they are 'heroes'.  They were honoured for services to their country.  Genuine bravery, service, leadership is 'honourable'.  Times have moved on on many things that were commonplace in their times, but their achievements (predominantly winning battles/wars) stand as part of our history.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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18 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

The view that she would remove statues of Nelson, Churchill etc. - I do find genuinely offensive, yes. 

These people may have held views that aren't in line with current thinking, but that is not why they are 'heroes'.  They were honoured for services to their country.  Genuine bravery, service, leadership is 'honourable'.  Times have moved on on many things that were commonplace in their times, but their achievements (predominantly winning battles/wars) stand as part of our history.

Couldnt agree more, will be interesting to see how she tries to change our minds on the matter later.

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I've seen the program advertised but thankfully have no idea who she is.

The idea of removing these statues is simply ridiculous, I'm sure some people must live with there heads in the sand, the very reason they can have these views at all is because of what these men accomplished.

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6 minutes ago, Mice! said:

I've seen the program advertised but thankfully have no idea who she is.

The idea of removing these statues is simply ridiculous, I'm sure some people must live with there heads in the sand, the very reason they can have these views at all is because of what these men accomplished.


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54 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

The view that she would remove statues of Nelson, Churchill etc. - I do find genuinely offensive, yes. 

These people may have held views that aren't in line with current thinking, but that is not why they are 'heroes'.  They were honoured for services to their country.  Genuine bravery, service, leadership is 'honourable'.  Times have moved on on many things that were commonplace in their times, but their achievements (predominantly winning battles/wars) stand as part of our history.


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hello, is that another foreign national (Norway) trying to telling us how to run or change our countries ideals, i say if you dont like our history sod off back to norway, oh and at 9 pm i shall be watching the last episode of a very good drama The Split, 

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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The problem with allowing millions of non nationals into the country .is you effectively make a country with no national pride .

God forbid us of Britain ever gets invaded .which of these people would fight ? Fight for a country  they dont respect or like and activley try to bring down .

Can u imagine how this would have gone down 40 years ago when ww2 was fresher in peoples minds .she would have been linched .

She speaks to bring down the very thing that leads to her being able to have a voice in the first place .

Make me sick to the core. 


Off with her head. 



Its also the poorest form of self promotion .hey i know how to get my name in lights .

What's the one thing that would get the biggest reaction .??? 

I know try to take down a few national heros. .

Pathetic .


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I was recently reading The Line Upon A Wind https://www.amazon.com/Line-Upon-Wind-Great-1793-1815/dp/0393066533 about the naval side of the Napoleonic Wars. Nelson was an extraordinary character, and it's probably not an exaggeration to say that had he not been alive at the time, Britain might well have been successfully invaded by the French. What's more, his devotion to duty (at one point he spent 2 years aboard ship without once setting foot on land) and to the welfare of the men under his command (who idolized him) distinguish him as heroic material irrespective of a tactical prowess that's unsurpassed in naval history. Would to God that there were men of his calibre in public life today.

As others have pointed out Afua Hirsch is a self-publicist who courts controversy. But also she and her ilk have an active and ongoing agenda to destroy the soul of the country they live in - and yet our gormless media out of a misguided and naive sense of 'balance' play the role of willing fools by helping to saw through the very branch they're sitting on. They're worse than she is. 


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because in this current state of affairs with Britain in the ****, stirrng the media up helps sell papers and make everyone a racist. Can't be proud of being British anymore. Racism is the agenda for the media this last year. 

I don't watch any news, it's only designed to wind you up

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On the "Pledge" she has nothing good to say about Britain or the British/white population  and everything she says is related to a form of racism or feminism.

Makes my blood boil listening to her.

But she has been given a platform and her distorted views are being heard and read by millions unfortunately.

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13 hours ago, Mice! said:

I've seen the program advertised but thankfully have no idea who she is.

The idea of removing these statues is simply ridiculous, I'm sure some people must live with there heads in the sand, the very reason they can have these views at all is because of what these men accomplished.

EXACTLY!!!!  they tend to forget that but the bent media still support these people.

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Well I thoroughly enjoyed the programme.
It was very informative, who knew Nelson, Churchill and Rhodes were such racists! (and nasty !)
What I cant understand is why she stopped there, surely there must be others of their ilk ?
Very disappointing that she didnt actively push hard for the burning of the Victory, toppling of any racist statues and the renaming of thousands of place names, streets and landmarks to forever erase the nasty history of this racist country.
This 'hidden' history that has 'never been taught' is an embarrassment , all those slaves , all of that misery (that we actively stopped , with that racist navy of ours) we should really hang our heads in shame, shouldnt we Afua ?
And get on with the slave reparations which is her end goal, a million quid a piece for every descendent should cover it? No more ? Cant buy a decent house in London for that these days, call it 2 mil then, shouldnt bankrupt the country much should it, we deserve it anyway ?

But who is the 'we' not once did she address the fact ,that, most certainly in the case of Nelson, no one is around today of his time, or indeed the time of slavery.
So who is responsible?
In the case of Rhodes and Churchill, while she eagerly grasped the 'racist evidence' whilst ignoring any other facts that might muddy the racist waters.
Rhodes built a highly successful country, Churchill defended and administered the UK through a very dark time in our history, BUT THEY WERE RACISTS so that doesnt matter !
You know what, I dont care if they were racists, or nasty people, they did the job they were supposed to, and we today speak English because of them.
It doesnt follow that I must be racist because of that sentence, we live in different times, but without doubt, Ms Hirsch IS a racist, and beneath that smile, not a nice person.
I do indeed hope, her 'internet trolls' step it up ,and her public profile takes a dive, for her deeply divisive efforts.

I also hope there is a criminal damage conviction for the man in Bristol.
And a reprimand or sacking for the lady in the national archives.

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